-oPlc An Ad ' :l 905'87-2341e *mil clsiid hlose .c s Fa 90S *3 **816 îîý1 1 S CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: - aMeon-d.a.y.n Friday 8:30 arn -5:30 p.m. f l CLASSIFIED AD INDEX: 9 Real Essaie 100-135 * Business 140-169 Ou..SAutomnonice 400-470 - Hetp Wanied 500-570 AD 5UBMI55IONr Be meail oe in penin ai Buetingien Post 504 Maininy Unit #1, Burlîngn ON L7L 705. DEADUNOS: Monday S p. efor Wedeesdlay qD58785947 pbiain Vcn se n .. fue Fnidae publication. Special Featue deadlines seay cary PAYMEN5 vive ssîll aceape cash, cheqee loic visa, MasteeCaed, AeiaExrs.Busness accertsraybdeopenedrîith aeappree eddappliatin aailable froanyu5ales Cnsutant. CECK YOUB ADBTHEOR5T DA I APER t es eis ascueacy. The Caeadian ChamneueecAeuibe espnsible foeayeees appeangafteeheinir airofpublcatin. Afan (ttsw i~tun n în î enocepri s in racnaci yoce Sales Coesultiant vvithin 24 houes ef pubhicaioen -Fndcay publication errons inst An eepsceied hefore 5:30 p . news, [ Aet5 Oirtf ian9, S riste MILTON- LARGE Set reen, ctiliies, iternet, parkieg OStO/ne inclusîce. Piesi! leist ieqciîed. AcaîlabI e Nec 1t.i 905-299-21 71. Mvial nbadnwILTON- ONE r o Setenen hecre, Teeîy/ Ontarie ceea. 5508/ne. ail- incluiec 647-20-4609. MILTOIN- BOOM t ent rioe te ancenties, repa bathîcen, ctIlîties ircluet, tdS0/On fîtt ric ad carpe, referencer Cail 905 8784571. BOOM F08 centinoi bre Mercr: Weîkcng AL 80W ŽY A T 1 Plsol inptc , out ATrRIDGETRANSPORTATION INC. Qn $27. KCng $0.is turreraîy looking t hire: $750. Aing $950. Cci De YOUR BEST SOURCE FOR LOCAL JOBS * c levce 905 730.54seAc renCnri epEPEINE CENR C5 C iPccc ,uuil setIIIII er 1 - eurdfrdyadatronsit 1.000 ycar et lew Stacn Marte' & tons nylen cr pet Wiii te licîgecen & Sali ici 5389, Indures ra' pet, pa8 & instcllation (3t y aeri Sitecve, 9056338192 MOT TUB (Spa> Coeeir tes rii, e Berite cicl I Ar 1: ai: 1 Wotf 11 $$MONETS$ CONSOLI DATE teSts Mortgages te 95% No conne, Bact reait OK! Better Optin Moe rt g a ge # 1t09S6S t 8Att 2082 t te6S cniirgageniî e SAVE BP te $400 on yen ca nuac.Clean c- Ingrecrda'Cai Grey Po e, t r I day ai1 t 877 603 5050 nir a n ebi gai ai reete Opnr weekeres. PART liME r is riec' so, lie lor a ie/ ieaieb eoksee r9,Co r:c mre rie Cali 416 559 9aO7, IndusaV REBS0NABLE INBUSTRIUL nIt lentr de es & a' e i 9 M2779347 Apa rteas fore i-BEBBOOM APT. eu G.ergreown eipie $085 rieiiily fici/as i liai, ig Aciabie Nre is lie)45 92SS,16 2 -BEOROOM APRT- MONT, dal eorrmai:ric aruts ru cliiqci Geeccer î,,ii1p Avca aelekNv e r ii S30eý rent Plu ry' Il ri d et udpe and "oe 30545'751 ACTON LARGE 2 ber $o0 750 Pilus, als $858 pars 519853 5080, 5198535352 BCTON SPACIOBO i Ila ro .Parking, le inry $825/m err il ger iy8'e. ShrtiiCerineiete Mc1Iier Acilabie Se ri rire:: e a ifîeeae8 Dc ici 416-938-3588 A VAILBBLE N OV I I Setri 2foeci, couîny settrg, mnutes te 401/ 407. Single ni Cocple 88:115. Ne Pei 5,eak c $750./ce tics ctii ies. 905-864-5818 CAMPBOLLVILLO UP SCBLE enacre: 2 Set ccnsececa dieeey cearene CA.* fitge stccerree $1000d neI IOO plas ctiiries Reteiecees andrst lest cenSh deeoreicret, Seacabie D:eeînieî I Gai 519 822 8331 GEORGETOWN i-BOB- R0OM, i1 em ring. in Cdnigaraege, $82rnicii icu ie Firt arr Acaîlebie Noeee Istr 905-782 3888 GEORGETOWN i ti ccne ea e i arrt Iciu rnsrec, srtcable i incgle, ce teGO. Acaile ni îedaiey. $7fiO re ail inlusive i cilast rail (905)877 3289 GEORGETOWN 2-BOB- BOOM. Clear. ne Pets. Pretf:e re0cpil Pu, t/ art/ ici nes $903cmnrhîincie. Ne e:n b e r 1s 905-877 8194 Turf Lawncare & Maintenance Inc.- ue norBrigo oain Regeires DZ Lrcessed Sait Drreers &Nowend Snew Plow Drivers. Top wiages paid. Seasosal hesrly goarastee, Fax: 905-333-3866 experresce preferred. Ji or Email: ayoung@attridge.com Email: Oayjd îrjandcapin.ca P hone:_9 90-86-01 Ext 101..... Fax: 905-812-3883 www.turflandscaping.ca e Reurd j INDEPENDENCE* ils rae Required.8 Appicant mus r 3130broutes alC no0 tssilsgt.Ž havea'k d's stulli tExcettent daNis tîe 7DrivÀr Abtat pprstit\ in Oakvilte toi service- 90-7-29 Pleascat i'¶s ncted- conscientiouis aduits. 96 905-875-4925 t>ar-tî-i Wedniesdas s t hoursdax s & t i atan Yooi pick Geneal elp GenralHI oui hosîrs and inoist have soutr qp L ov vlinehîted cn a CLEANING Bba Auto Ii, tj LADIES .L!1 (905)6_37-8795 Regurreti for I W E I.............................. ifs Milton ure ICAN HELPI Weekduy ours, Cali jitI N $12/ hnor 1O1CNNEC] r Please Cali at Sheridan 647-92-770 416-574-5713i MILTON LARGE c ri' .. t'y . 0 r , in o 9/58763c08 ci:ie aciielr :ne= MOT TUB/ Spa8 ein nee aie 905 399-1290. ~ 2009 coe: cl eauos inutia mec ara Ice le ce erppcr MILTON, SUITABLO le: 1 Co cin $8995d a.îPU sac i fi cpe cei:n iceeree, no $>4750 Lar 9059717 777 pets i ci: I ecme e,, :0e:l of hcere 3 W W E$K MOVINO BALE: Sigle cdaîrt pic/ 99l iceii gr raire baccemcri. ieenriy COMMERCIAL SPUCO i 0' a cel i ind bleus loce a:actes îCpaîaîc en iese i cn eeaio2 ll scats pano,rCalkdongta rnceparig. Aceaa Streeet estr, 10q le & cirs eseic e No Sec $1100 r5 pics arkIg S9960/ ccit bike> elcric ':elce, ctilities 905 878 2737 Acaiabie c,:nedaacy. 905pa878 0e4 e74 4ii cee msage. Pîcce cegeiabie. Cali lt -Pair:e' 519 993 5252. OPACtOUS IMMUCULATO SUPER SALEt Cuestom op 2 beercer apt.in r ece Sj,,,,,,,,,,,, ' Selieeîg. Deenrîce IuSe en i Criy Ca ge, lAccomnodatloos s eais tre S19.9Accent sec ape5cairuces,:ieeuicg C....................... lais tien 0195 Loe aere & diyei Piccare SH8800 BUSEMENT sait tin 0596 SîCCai eoarrercloseîla401, Ne Aparnt (Mil) Leck soisia8eeac Pet .' su'table ici adaeiir fo reconduiteîbstall labic ceniorsciscount Rl3rcic'cirir 4:140 Nec t ic Fcies 9ec 8pcu r, ec 920ce iesicge 2 Sedecen 4p4't 9056329090 eOa' ie errcmo ls iran isepaiete c: hydr 59-85-929 itairceparkiigiecee 25/siecies. $550 inal TROADMILI. OLOCTBIC. Hoooes for BenB ci1v, cabre, ieeeiy, di St telle Pcuie, speed, dîstnie, F " s cec 905 29974890 calories, Seartiate, inc ie $295. Alec, ellîptîrci traic 3BEBBOOM HOUS Iarpou7s/ c', recbect & esercie lTaBsportationl S.ke, teampoinie ceih ecie newl saie 905 81481415 S10011onh stLs, lu CRPOOL MONDAS ce elitesN rpcî Scekang la, normal ceeîkîî,F, iW tïT 905-87886783 lice,: Guelph Lire aca 3ît i cede Rate Guelph lire and ACTON BUNGALOW, Mcurir Nene Cies. Pis. eaui c cci aouble garcge. 90585480671 le ececese A AliA CctP$ Paei te:ce eyard, ceai scheei. prce Ce:i, Je re ci pets/song 8 r eterea îNcrb u 519)853-0336 NnLJlieI/ l1ys1a1,S,1i BEAUTIFUL CelDRO A.iqeS crlet Ehdstal Bungalow ci 15 acres TèrEa PRECDEEsek tc sae agclOîccseîoa8 i cgaee8:positionPricaa Specc5s:s, 7.peCash. 01600 c i es rail Ing attenive cre as ceu Cal] Joil, Catti 416 200,0795 asecaca coe t 905 31 2488 ___________________ yea' hrnce seeci c.: flexble ccnSi4ei hicl Melirca 905 691 BOWNTOWN MILTON 5168. S'ea, 3 Seaeeern bciga DonoiHIl lece AC, 2 rï&o wa 4 Available Cer areecayaP$12oM e plus ctcîctces, Acaîlabie Nev c h L.........,... nt................. BU NN CTnes icsi 905-878-6795Aneprecdadelbe P/T HOUSOKEOPOB/ Iean e s ervire . Ca li8 GEORGOTOWN 2-BOB- Cees/ Aiieîsrbel cre! 9058 876 6475 tee ce est,- BOOM, lirge rodns .s04 Drivc, MonP l appesx mae. Seerecs. cluslard> 4 appiaccies, 200-630pci)i cS/ OAK coe eceiiece:. $0 2 girls (12/5 ust ail 01,250/monthetitnces. w c . G4 eadc 8a Cal IlBBoeBoe N enSv : i t c 416576 6042 905 873-4466 si a CEAN BRIAINO Secie GEORGOTOWN 3 1lln.stroction ry Poeer coul race yen i ~ ~ ~ ~ c Dî5enceL,,,,, ec 50c c.îî rh ces Si aihe c l a 40 oenre e c r car in Availale a.s a IOLIN FESSONS ce:: 86 3987fi n0 $1007 i licres îegclcabe P cl ardcde ecniqu i geei secieý Open cecek i905iA73 8451 e.loae MIlatoneVled KENNEDY/ THOMPSON o, peufn copl In Mmra ara. 3 berie boure, c , :and g Lordng baies acaiaibie Nec ici cîxprî,c:: l8O00e: in lit e Pwaicand gepeptions B.J. IiMMLOcr4/75 47 6734899. avalacl c Oea'y pile ing On .3/03 0eI rtic ive I acaabce Caipekirede thehbeatraemici i:te 1Townboooes for aic 905.467T8206 ieeîeig iacciy 8ee leit be IZIZIIZhi Arbols fo Sale Lece Mecs Dca, Mîrbeile B1 ien aoe Mord, yc, cele , 4ITN E apeace. 1 rilsfrSl Jeuf, Wyatt ant Aaeîcye Mto. 9WOcî c/i S1250/ce pins HU, 2NBr crp xelleni tfl.R35 ntiifies. inceitîe Ccii qeaityý Ccii 905-691 4002 If'Z1I>a 90584&1417. ci 289 259-6715. g DIIWNTOWN Milisido Tiîwerî 82 Miliside Drive. Altrartîce goret bcuilding. Spaces brîgnt clean r &2 bedînon dits anti striai rtem on site. Re gla cirtecitent ecents UpBB 7 dans & eve81895 Caul 905-876-1249 www.realstar.ta GEORGETOWN i-BOB- BOOM bsaremeri Nea, G 80/cirt radce breati ydro i parknigrspe radgese n iard iauilî Seit r r gte, mae cPir rain Ne rmireS g6pei 1,riLait AcalaSie Sec 1 la ra905703 4618 GEORGETOWN 2-rea c.i epaîimnei Quete aiea. Sbri rlear, aciable Noere, 1c iNo pets. Cai 8ic,6d 0597 GEOORGETOWN FUR- NISHOB ail clusice. laye dry. 1Beer:S arecea casI cpi. ceaiG tr0i, ici mature aceit, ce smes :ng/peis. $165/nees, is:lest (905)877 1858 GEORGETOWN LARGE i Secîcen apaîtirin Snnali c eci, quiet buildng. Ne se eker/pets. 1 pe'5 '18 spot Scieble Nacem ber i si, 905 8778639 ci 416 660-8639 GEOORGOTOWN LOWOR Lecel laîge 1 Secenom Clerce rre sies/hp pong50 2Opcrkinglu dry, privicce entiaice. Very cieec! $950/ntSc 1/3 ciIi ie: Ne cneierg, Ie Dec. ns Reieîres/rea il rheck cei: e (905)702-0433 GEOORGETOWN SOUTH 1 cecîcer Saseccît api. Sepcîcie entreaee, ccci aat'y, 2 parsîlng spots $800/ Iniîee cable internet & air Piltees cr30d auit iarue nues cri, No petsr Pieae caii i905)702 7355 LIMOHOBSO. BEAUTIFUL ci8 ry eticr Sccceerr Sîgb rrd,2:Pcro caec ci i acp a icnueI ri8c loen igi epeca inter et, Cabre TV. Ne p ert Ccli 519853/743. MILTON - B pîgS 2ceeceo, ircue appbacer, S/C, Seai bynie ca Opcekîng spots 51100. 8Aval Nec ns 416a459 3314 BURLINGION YOUTH SOCCER CLUB Customer Service Ropresentative Ths is a permanent paît-lime postiton of up- prne 25 68010 per Aeek oeilS the possbiîty cf tull-lîime rn the ftuoe. The soccessfol candidua most have excellent customer service anti tr- ganîzutîiai SUtIS undi be able te molti-iusk. Protîcîencp en Aotd/excet/ootitt< oi be an as- set. Pieuse emuil pour rasante anti cever lettet tieofrat Manager gm@burligtoiîsoccer.cBm We tfiank aitfparticpants in aaeanoe andi aise 57a only toe eti for ai r evCvee 8ana i JOIN OUR CARRIER CLUB Earrî extra $$$$ We are looking for rlI abie, responsible Youths and Adulto For door ta door fo Seliveries. PLEASE CALL: 905-878-2341 Ext#244 FRIDAY, OCTOBER STH - 2 pmi toi 5 pmi 3517 Wyecroft Rd. (QEW & Burloak) Kitchen Stuif Plus is looking for dynamnic teamn players for the following positions: * Sales Associates (FTIPT) * Merchandising Associates (FT) * Receiving Associates (FT Seasonal) Bring your resumne to our job fair - interviews wiIl be conducted on the spot. No esperience required as training is provided. Enjoy the benefits of a friendly atmosphere, flexible schedules, competitive wages and employee discounts. If yos are unabie LO0 attend, appiy onlîne at kîrrhensteffpruscoro/grearjobs Also arreptirrg resumes for Assistant Managers. -U- __ _ 0 Spaclous 1 or 2 bedroom suites locaied in a serene neighthourhood Ren ovaled litness rotin, social room & lobby Ste ils away firom beautiftil do w' lown Millon Easy access to major highways. GO Transit, shopping and mot Suites based on avaitability L Apartiments for, Aliartiments for 'Il Rent Rent