cnSupport from family and fans provides major boost r4 from HEALTHY on page A19 body completely shut down the next day. i mn," said the local marathon runner, who chooce, the Milton Runners member is 1 just had to do it," said Umpleby, a mother could hardly walk, but yeah it was worth it." since her modest debut in Hawaii five years branching out to triathlons, having signed u -~Of two who's now crossed Berlin and Boston A particularly bot momîing didn't help ago bas corne in under the four-hour mark in for ncxt summers Ironman C'oeur D'Alene . off ber to-do list of five big marathons - matters, nor did the distraction of constant ail seven races - with her best effort a 3:41 in Idaho. ,-with London, Chicago and New York yet to crunching from the courses annoying debnis. finish at the 2007 Mississauga Marathon, Though stili somewbat apprebensîve -bc tackled. "When 1 crossed the finish line 1 "Tbey had plastic water cups instead of where she qualifîed for Boston. "lt was kind about tackling the swimming portion of the -was just over the moon. ht felt su great to paper ones and they were everywhere, so you of a pain." grueling race - which bas only been stiglit- ~complete il under those circumstanccs. My had this cracking sound throughout thc But the moral support provided by ber ly eased hy a successful Try-A-Tri carlier this famtily entourage -as well as the thousands year in Bellwood - Umpleby bas only to ï Boys volleybali tryouts starting next vvee k of spectators wbo lined the course - hclped look back at her recent itrov aes- M ~offset the myriad of issues Umpleby faced in ty to gain confidence for ber next big chal- IJ The Mountain Atbletic Club volîcybaîl corne try out for one of five teams. The pro- Berlin. lenge. program will bc holding tryouts for ils boys gram is based otut of Hamilton. "The fan base is unrcal over there. Theres "I've gotttn a lot of belp and support from teams starting next week. -hre a one-tirnc $25 tryout fee. tbousands of spectators that line the entire (Olympic distance triathlete/seasoned Boys 13t 8years o g- eadeso Frspcf tm and more infonmation, course." lronman competitor) Nancy Cole witb the past playing experience - r nie o Whilc marathons remaîn ber race of swim. 1 think l'Il be ready," she said. CONGRATULATIONS HALTON TEACHERS! The Halton Catholic District School Board and We would like to welcome Dr. Heaither Cockwell ta the ISIS the Halton District School Board salute you on Wori Te ches'D y, O tob r 5, 2 09.Oakville Reproductive Medicine and Wamen's Health Centre. She Worl Te ches' ay, cto er , 2 09.joins Drs. Elford, Ewaschuk, Goodrow and Gysier in providing high- Thank you for your valuable contributions ta aur quality care ta patients seeking assistance in becoming pregnant or excellent education systems. Your efforts and dealing with gynecologic issues. enthusiasm make our schools welcoming and exciting places to learn. The clinic is Iocated at You make a significant difference in the lives of students! 627 Lyons La ne, Level B, Oakville (near the GO-station) Alice Anoe LeMay, Chair oftie Board Michael W. Pautter, Director if Eduation For ail yo c" Residential and Commercial Çteanîng oeeds Cati Thre Paradioe Oteanero 416-676-4926 or emnait at wendysaiobury@teus.blackberry net For a free eotimate Haton Diorict IlSchoat Bourd Bruce Jones, Chair ot tire Board n Wayne Joadrie, Direetor if Education "LITE FENCE ALL TYPES 0F FENCING -Privacy Wood * Chain Link *Wrought Ion ~CUSTOMZED DECKS I To Advertise in this service directory, 905-878-2341 ext. 214 ¶jp11_ BELLO UflaNPSCAP Cal! now for. FALL CLEAN UFS & SNOW PLOWINGI M 1 1 N 401 1II à I ( 90Ï5 -8"15 -5 7 8 8 w.daliwioianiuaaînp.comi 7!SCHOOL 0F MUSIC CALL NOW FOR MORE INFORMATION! Ail Agas - Private Piano tossons - Preparaion for RMC taams Cnvntpom a te d MWAt luttetnteeetn Of fSCOITTBLVD &DERRY Cati Tc Rogis1er 410-930-8503 I NI ' 11V H I * 1 I111 MleMastere. 1,77 Specializing in: e Bathroomis e Basements a Flooring a Renovations 0 Painting 32 Vears Experience "QUALITY W0RK BY A PROFESSIONAL" ea d.: 905.335.4390 Look in Wednesday's and Friday's paper each week for this featured page. Delivered to every home in Milton, Campbellville, Hornby. ~<4~Ž* iL To adv'ertis'e in ti/z: section, please ca/i C/em ai 'RIrJ (Cauabian QJbampion 905-878-2341 ~~Kdeoa~~~ TE4,'e Sw~ « FEHELS E DICKS