FILE PHOTO BY GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CH-AMPICI PACKIN' A PUNCH: Aliermaine Burnett contin ues to impress in the ring. Correction A sports story in lasi lnidays Champion coniaincd incorrect information. Amin local BMXers, Taylor Trach in fact placed first in the 15 and 16-ycar-old novice girls division of the Ontario Cup Series, while left out of the original siory wasj.j. Kocsisan, who took first in the 13-year-old boys inter- mediation class. The Champion apologizes for the errors. liddleweight irevails again Overcoming a slow start, local boxer AlJermaine Bumett added 10 bis win col- umn last weekend - earning a spliî deci- sion victory over Chicagos Traccy Rollins in London. Tbis was pari of a Canada-vs.-U.S. card that served as a ftindraiser for the areas kidney elinical researcb tunit. Now 17-3, the 23-year-old Miltonian got the better of bis more scasoncd mid- dlcwcigbî opponteni - wbo's traincd by former world ligbî bcavyweigbt champion Monte Griffith - îhrough the final îwo rounds on the way te, bis latcst wvin. Continuing t0 show patience and an ability 10 make adjustmcnts, the bard-bit- t ing 165-pounder displaycd a great deal of composure through the carly going and got sîronger as the fîght progrcsscd - cvcntoally wcaring down bis Amierican rival witb numerous sîraîghî nighîs t0 the bcody' I le, a goobAi I tcct othe IOspoi in ,itds rcally lcarniing,' said coach Dcwîîh Fraser of Dcwîths Boxing Studio in Mîssîssauga. "Aljermnaine's corne a long way and this was a big win against a more scasoncd fîghter who's very wcll coachcd." Burneti n0w îurns bis attention t0 tbc provincial charnpionships ai the end of October in Windsor. Tbis will be the ii tial sîep in bis qualifying bid for next falî's Commonwealth Cames in India. Select Tourn flop Tomme (continued) G3U10 (bora 2000) coach Luis DaSilva GU15 (bars 1995) coach FraunkMontelpare GUi 1 (born 1999) coach SMla Selurad GU16 (barn 1994) coach Oave Salîba GU12 (born 1998) coach Mlichael Ferlil BUlO (born 2000 coach RaiDall GU15SA (barn 1995) coach Gaiy Ceoins BUl 1A (bora 1999) coach Dan Cilla GU17 (bora 1993) coach MWandy Wanir BU118 (bora 1999) coach Mooamohan 51igb Fore BU12 (bora 1998) coach Chils Oroa BU12 (born 1998) coach NoIrrîfew BU1 3A (bora 1997) coach Danlel 00180n Rep 11«MsBU138 (bora 1997) coachi Mafio Peix# flop ournaBU14 (bora 1998) coach Marila Waemr GUi11 (bora 1999) coach Dave Scîberras BUi5 (bars 1995) coach Louis Donaldc G3U13 (bora 1997) coach Riaîp WHIaoms BU16 (born 1994) coach TBA GU14 (bora 1996) coach Tari Gordion 8U17 (bora 1993) coach Robait Fabrîcatore Each of the Rep and Select Coaches wiIl be conducting open tryouts on the weekend of September 26th, 27th and October 3rd, 4th. fTyouts are OPEN Tryouts and ail youil,, based en --are auualb ta .artokuatil r- orde you Wite Tie - Take advantage of our best prices lever on winter tires and SAVE! Special pricing includes installation, balancing, wheel weights, valve stems, tire disposai fee and free summer tire storage for one year. Everything's încluded except the taxes! Plus, receive a free battery check! We re isooffrin coparblesavngson ll the sies ndbrends including WeBrdgestone, Michelin, Yokohama, PireiL Uniroyal and many more. CAA e eebr an no -eber weme CAA Members earn 3% in CAA Dollars@ on winter tire purchases. Cal! or visit the CAA Car Care Centre for your maintenance and repair needs. Milton e 905-876-4664 (& CAA Car Care Centre Prcn nlds ntlain baaci, eei eight5 valve stem ate eward tdeeSvnsb edo ILadapuc s f 4 wi t ties patipalngCAA Car CareCetres o vproducls may reqe edimee Shopearlyfor thebest selection wt,e qanttes ast Not res oibe for ny tir stofag0damage free tir staelmtdt n eto ie e eil Pricing dues ot incîode osoions, Offer conclude ember 15, 2009, ID AA, AA logo and CAollars trademarks otlOd by and usoeeiîîîled by, the Canaidan Automobile/e Ass tcitn All oittertradetar and rgsteredo itra e are poperty oftSe respectie owners, Proee Code Minier Tire Promlotion. -7 99 j-