finish gives minor bantams home-opening victory f tbird-pcrtod goals and soine Harris and Robert Jamnes, as well as a big .T..,.1...... Milton went ahcad inidway tbrough the sork powcred the AA minoir ban- effort froin fcllow defencemaîs Mattbew NiVJJI1>L 1a L.key secosnd and added a little insurance witb 1 home-opening victory over the Lenahan. about five minutes rcmaining in the third. attalion Iuesday at Milton Sports Tbis followcd a two-gamc split on the road indicate, as the bosts seorcd an empîy netier Vander Doclen weathered a late storin 10 pre- start the Wtntcrbawks' scason. witb 1: 13 rcnsaining and thbm added another serve bts shutout. m~ Sean Waltcr broke the tic early in the final 'frame, and frots tbere Marcus Miller added z an insurance tally in tise Wintcrhawks' most f complete-gaine effort of the yoctng season. 2 Captain Ben Preisner was the initial m iarksman, whtle Anthony Henein was rock solid hetween tise pipes t0 upstage bis equal- 0 ly impressive counterpart and secure bis sec- -ond win in four nigbîs. 2 The penalty-filled affair saw the bosts enjoy great physical presence frons fordan Tbey began witb a 7-1 rout of the Flamborough Sabres Saturday, putting the gaine away witb three goals in a mere 39 sec- onds in tise second period. Miller, Drake Bailey and Jacob Quinn each tallted tssice, wbile Brett Everson bad a goal and two assists. Alex Webster also stood oui with tbree lIelpers. Its Burlington Sunday Mtlton was ground- cdl 5-1 hy tise plsysically tmposing Eaglcs. The gaine was dloser than tIse score woulcl with just 20 seconds te0 go. Nicholas Hoffinan was in net for the loss and Everson bad the lotsc goal, witb Webster and Miller setting btm up, The Winîerhawks are in Oakville Sunday eventng and returu to MSC itesdlav for ats 8 pin. start against Orangevîlle. Midget seleets hlank Brainpton Jcrciny Mîfsud burîcd a couple of rebounds and Mark vander Doclen was llaw- less hctween the pipes to lcad the rnidgeî select Winterbawks to a 2-0 season-openiîsg victory over bost Brampton Rockeîs Sunday A fundamentally -inspressive performance saw the Winterhawks drive the net bard ail ganse, force pleisîy of turnovers ancd enjoy rock-solid defence froin Colin Fraser, Kyle Beeker, Brady Rinsl and Brandon Robidoux - wbo were aggressive as well as posittonal- ly sound. Also sbowing plenty of grit werc forwards Marty Brooks and Kevin Thomsson. Now part of the eigbî-team Brampton Inîra-Ctty League, the local selecîs bas ils hoine opener Sunday at 6:30 pin. ai Milton Sports Centre againsi tbe Caledon Lîghtntng. Women's indoor soccer league starting The Biîrlington Womins Recreattoîsal Botb teans and indîvîdual entrtes will bc Soccer League begins tts fall/wînter ttsdoor accepîccl season in mid Octoher, and is looking for To sigts up or for more informnation, visit iscss tecrîtits. ssss'ss bss tsI cotss or caîl (905) 632-4035. Vitit Us aI Our New Milton Office &v,'.,v.vvSe m,tVNTvvR v 'PLAYONTrý,A O= 1l PLAY®TRAD 11PL Y®TRADE 2O 0 vr : BUY 1 DISC RPAIR mu UY 2 ET 1 ANY USED GAIE:: FR11 ' F R E E' 1 Sonve restrictionsvay apvv See store for Sone irvtvdmvv.vuMa ptv SeoSte v for Sn restrictiovsoMayappy. su .OWMfor 16' -d* ", eâwe 1213O19, j 16J 16pJU LwiUi5Z 101332 5AN l A LUUIA GRAND OPENING L->" V- '-'-"-V Club Amiga Mayanabo PARTY! Blue Bay Cayo Coco $297 -$204 October 3rd $447 $204a 1 weeii * ait inclusive 101 week - ait inclusive October 16- not 1 a.m. - 4 p.m. O ecember 10 - not PUNTA CANA SPECIAL EVENT VARADERO Riu Naiboa PRICING! Club Puntarena $500 $32 Door Prices & Refreshments $437 $20 1 week * ait nlusive ioWnaTipfrTo week * att inclusive December il - sq Enter tWnaTpfoTwl *December 4.- noi HOLGUIN SAVE $100 CANCUN/MAYAN Club Amigo Per Couple if Grand Coco Bay $447 $2N you book by $685 $27 1 ine * ait inclusive October I 7th 1 week * ait inciosrive Jaeoary 10. - ol ianuary 12 - swg w B ff F' CoR J a" A4 Cl -à %1 l d!~ 11F WHO: Boys and Girls in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. WIIAT: Tuesday evenings beginning October 6, 2009 and continuing te May 19, 2009 TIMES: 6 p.m., Grades 3 te 5; 7 p.m., Grades 6 tes8; (Divisions dependent on number et registrants) 'WHERE: COST: INSTRUCTORS: Sports Building on E.C. Drury Campus $50.00 per player (cash or chaque) Mr. Kovin Houldcreft , E.C. Drury Basketball Coach Mr. Gerry MongEC rr Bsobi oc-' Each player will receive a unifarce top. Each session will invalve skill develapmet aclivities and garne lime. Each player will be placed on a learn that plays wiîhin an appropriat grade division. E.C. Drtry student-athletes will be lnvolved in the - progrtm astem ncaches. Along wilh guest appearance coaches. LasI session wts Rod Bynamn (Coach of McMasler Mens leace) NO league standings and champions will he decltred. I Application foinis can be dropped off or piclted up at E.C. Drurs office (attn. Kevin Houl deroft or Gerry Moynagh) frorn 8 arn. to 4 p.m. Monday f0 Friday. i0Big *yA pairoc sharp cagew .a tains to a 3-* t Brainpton B~ 0Cnr S j i r à 1e