Sports centre study release delayed 17 Wilso Or. fMain &Wilson) 90-9307 FOR ALL YOUIR BABY PRODUCTS 537 Main St. E. * 905-636-8552 The Town of Mitton bas pushed back the retease of a consuttants study recommending what should be included in an upcoming expansion of the Milton Sports Centre. The study wav originally scheduted to go to councit for approvat Monday night, but it witl now go before councit's community services committee the evening of Tuesday, Oct. 13. "We needed more tinte to finish detaits associated with 'siting' the ptanned facitity on the site as we are tabting the draft concept ptan the same night as the study," exptained Jennifer Reynolds, the Towns director of community services. "This work took us more time." Though the futt study hasn't been reteased, a summary of the consuttants rec- ment until the end of today, at sion.htmn. The recommendations for the $20 mittion first phase of the expanvion of the sports cen- tre tnctude two new NHL-sized ice rinks, an etevated watking track and a double gymna- sium. The $8 mittion second phave of the expansion vhoutd inctude a 25-metre pool and a leisureltherapeutic poot, according to the consuttants recommendations. Other recommended improvennents, to the sports centre inctude construction of fit- ness space with a vprung floor and windows, more mutti-purpose rooms and space for drop-in early chitdhood programv. The rorio of the ow ofMlo 90587872N TTYe 905*878*165 Main41-59 Strekoo/Gel RcnfucinRaignel Notice of Public Information Centre To Ali Residents/Praperty Owners: RE: DESIGN FOR THE PURPOSE 0F RECONSTRUCTION 0F KINGSLEIGH COURT, KINGS COURT CRESCENT AND GLENN CRESCENT The Engineering Services Department is advising ail residents and property owners wha resîde an or own property adjacent ta this project, that a Public Information Centre is being held regarding the propased design for the reconstruction and urbanization of Kingsleigh Court, Kings Court Crescent and Glenn Crescent. Date: Monday, October 5, 2009 Location: WlI. Dick School Gymnasium 351 Highside Drive, Milton Timo: 7:00 p.m. ta 9:00 p.m. The Town of Miltas has retained Planmac lac. ta undertake this project. This praject is being designed in accordance with the Municipal Ciass EnvironpmentaI Assensment, Schedule A, for Municipal Road Prajects. The design has reviewed raadside drainage, substandard road width, structural requirements, watermains and sanitary sewers. The purpase of the Information Centre is ta pravide area residents, praperty owners and the general public the apportunity ta review the propased design plans, discuss individuai issues and provide camments priar ta f inaiizing the design. Residents and property owners are encouraged ta attend this meeting ta pravide camments on the proposed design any time between 7:OOpm and 9:OOpm on the abave noted date. If you are unable ta attend this meeting and wish ta obtain mare information or pravide written camments, pieuse address your conceras ta: Paul Dobbington, C.ET., Coardinator, Infrastructure Engineering Services, Town of Milton, 150 Mary Street, Milton, ON, L9T 6Z5 Tel: 905-878-7252 ext. 2512 Fax: 905-876-5029 Email: Robert Maksymoc, P. Eng., Prosident Pianmac lac., 15 North Oneen Street, Suite 105, Toronto, ON, M8Z 6C1 Tel: 416-626-5300 Fax: 416-622-6710 Mark Bajor, C.ET. Design Supervisor Public Works, Water Services Division Regionai Municipality oft Haitan 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville, ON, L6M 3L1 Tel: 905-825-6000 ext. 7617 Fax: 905-847-2192 Email: mark.balar@haitorica I _________________________ i Branle Street Westeriy 0.8 km Cians Environmeniai Assessment Study Branle Street improvemnents - Main Street ta Steeles Avenue Ciass Environmentai Assessment Study Notice of Study Commencement The Town of Miltas s initîating two Clans Environmentai Assessment (Ciass EA) Studies: Main Street ReconstructionI Realignment from Bronte Street westerly approximateiy 0.8 km, and Bronte Street Improvements between Mais Street and Steeles Avenue. The two Class EA Studies are being undertaken in accordance with Schedule 'C' of the Municipal Clans Enviroamentai Assensment procesa, which is approved under the Ontario Environmental Assensment Act. McCormick Rankin Corporation han been retained ta assint with the studies. The study areas are shows an the key plan. main Streel ReconstruclionAealiOnmeflt - Brante Street Weslerly 0. 8 km Main Street between Bronte Street and Tremaine Road is an existing two-lane roadway with a grade separated crossing witfl the CN rail west of Bronte Street. Lands sauth of Main Street, west of the CN rail are part of the Town of Milton Sherwood Survey community, and are mainly designated for residential uses. As part af the Sherwood Survey Secondary Plan, the western section of Main Street (Le. east of Tremaine Road) lu ta be realigned. The aligoment han been set la the Tremaine Road Enviroamentai Assensment carried out by Halton Region and site plan development. The east section of Main Street (approximately 0.8 km and shown la key plan) is proposed ta be widened ta support future growth la the community, and is subject ta the Clans FA Study. Branle Slreel Improvements - Main Streel la Sleeles Avenue Bronte Street between Main Street and Steeles Avenue is an evisting two-lane roadway with an at-grade crossing with CP Rail, as weii as a crossing of the Sixteen Mile Creek. Previaus Town of Miltan planning documents have identified the widening of Bronte Street tram two fa four lanes between Main Sftreet and Steeles Avenue. The Clas FA Study wîll evaluate the need and feasibility for roadway improvements (e.g. widening tram two ta four lanes) and the need and feasibiiity for a grade separation at Bronfe Street / CP Rail crossing. Bath Clans FA studies wiil identify the probiem / apportunities, assens the alternative solutions and preiiminary design concepts fa address the potenfiai envirosmental effects, and determine the preferred alternative. Public consultation is a key composent. The public wiii be invited ta attend Public Information Centres that wiii be scheduied as the studies proceed. For further information on either of these studies, or if yos wish ta be put os the study mailing iss, pieuse contact: Mr. Aian D'Souza, C.E.T. Coordinator, Infrastructure, Town of Milton 150 Mary St., Milton, Ontario L9T 6Z5 Phone: 905-878-7252 ext. 2510 Fax: 905-876-5029 e-mail: This Notice first issued September 23, 2009 Mr. Martin Scott, P.Eng Project Manager, McCormick Rankin Corporation 2655 Northl Sheridan Way, OR Mississauga, Ontario L5K 2PEI Phone: 905-823-8500 Fax: 905-823-8503 e-mail: Book CoourService widiur IMW Approc ntic oneiv."J~ \~J ~~!eeL~e~, Amine ~ ~Ii ~ STUDYAREA '~ ~ DonteStreot ~ I Clas.s £4 ~ 1; f *s~,* ~e-. STUDYAREA-' r. Main Strseet 0' cl"X ER Ms Hiiion Recjuon - TrWOFMIOLPaTON JLaqe. Derry Road îp 1