COMMERCE Monthl Newsletter ca www.escarpmentcountry.ca_____ J4411 fv e n er ECMEIto the foliowing Milton and area-based husinesses as ew hm e ene rOunirtes oscarprment Countro' Il Toarism Partrer AIRIKKA PASSMORE & ASSOCIATES LTD. support. companionship, and social transportation. colovr ciismetics, bodo carr, sus protection, ns 177 Qaretan Crt. For more information on sur servicues or if yeon woutd aod fragrance. In addition te, setfîng these prodacts Milton, ON L9T 7A2 lite a -Complîmentaro" vosesoment, ptnasr vsst ouo prodaced in iran state-of-the-ant facilttes, 1 cas Contact: Airîkka Pasomone, Preofdent wubsîte or catI Terri Lt'nne yod chu wift bu happy to prosîde stsin care ctasses (partiesf, opa parties, and Tel: 905-693-8269 speals wîtbi pou. makevrs in a hfgienic and fan atmosphere. Fax: 905-864-8158 HANAYA MODSERN JAPANESE CUISINE MIRRAA Specializing in corporate and personat acconting, 81 lames Snvw Parkway, Unit t & 2 Milton, ON ver frm proordes clients wfth att services snctvdrng Milton, ON L9T l8 Contact: faf Van Katesan, Partner payrult, lnookteeepfng, and aIl gooernimenî Contact: Ketuin Choi, PresidentiOwner Tel/Fax: 905-864-f0878 reqairements. Our easy lv anderstand apprvsch hetps Tet: 905-867-1211 www.mirraa.covm our clfents lv understand the account procees so lhey Fax: 905-867-1267 We suIt Eco-Prrendly re-asale carry bag vof any vine can run ttneir business and persnnal portfolio more with customfzud togo prints. We atso snpply efficienttp. Mvdern styte Japanete restavrant servfng traditional dispvsabte aprons, face mavk and cape for the and westernsned style of tapanese ovods. bygievfc rndastry and tactory use. For Agicultrat C & R ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS INC. uve, we have vend control fsbnic of narf eut 8t93 Esqnesing Line thicknesses Milton, ON L9T 2X9 315 Steetes Ave E. Contact: John Mathali, V P Miltov, ON L9T 1V2 MTR TRUCK & BUS COLLISION INC. Tel: 905-864-0400 Contact: Stawek tanicki, CFO 8170 Lanson Rd1. wuv' Tel: t 8009 425-5405 Miltonr, ON L,9T .5C4 tUs engi neic sorlutions for: 'ciciitiii Roenear K, Fm- 41Coriliîntrct: Tomn flIo\-ro \I',, i aionriIri Vsperirn ciirIb l i i l~ t i'i c i , r ii n, - l ! r:: ý rPil' 'Ils 0r' ý1-1 Il l sM l' l Ifop i,iriciii, r , 1ý0 '01Ji, triiri iiaiiiiciliir ci iraiing. 1ie, Priait 1Iforlili nidsàVt tn i ci icws' oir ý MtTl ,I)ccialize ii :dl faccis if blle ic[air ' orînrîdstîcd cr5iiiiiefl If lii tfosîrrî EngOinir cif LEXIFIRE PRINT & DESIGNS îefiîîbî,lnr i ii iiisîri oi 'silice, ,ircrecn and fosrtît M Inirf ffo W rrd . li-i k ciii l and [c.cfciit lus l176r \Lrple Crrrsisr lîrd. iiaintiiîiiI \c If, rîaîntiarî Ilre I rOse i, quairl nid( mlir to i Btiiliriii uN 1,7S2r19 atii du1 ii h i ls, tr ire- s wif is ttt - tri e un a it Corrntact: Jo vrn Ifrer, PCi e linroirî tacrtc surf s cciis,d ansd trarisoc ,ur,, r CAN-PAt PROMOTIONS LTD. Tel: 90.5631-7410i 14 iri dtrdle Rdrel ciîcî nrrs PRO CON BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. liakrilîr, riN Llt 't3Mt fIe ccrtc rczlrng riionturîn-getting nmarketing 2202 Wlilkinsoin Ifd. Contact: loIr Mtalik, 'rosi dont iratu-nia aIrmcin busi nuss cards tir brochures. ocbnites, Bramptoin, 15V 1,61, 457 Tel: 9P-5-6t18-0365b ban ners a nd posîcards. ferrgns tbat spank intereoir. Coîntact: frisie. Office Manager Fav: 905-847-1489 Orands Éfrat sinalu! Tel: 905-45.:180 Deoetopment, prnrrotion and trading if plastic Fan: 9015-455-sf2 prodacts. MARY KAY INC. -IRENE DeVRIES wvîowproconsvpplier coiin 511 Laurier Ave Pro Con is a second generation compane that bas been PIRST CLASS HOME CARE INCORPORATED Milton, ON L9T 4t6 servrcing the flreater Toronto Amya for oser 30 years. Milton, ON L9T 6N5 Contact: trene DeUnies, Independent Beaute We offet products for dryrvaîl, acoustîcal ceilings, Contact: Terri-Lynne Rade, humer Consultant insoation, basement blantiet insoatton, as oeIl as the Tel: 905-875-1162 Tel: 905-699-8794 accompanyîng accessonres and flhn trimvuork. urosomarykay.caidevries Serorcing large corporations as oeIl as the indrordual, At First Class o me (are Inc. ou belp oa cane foîr the The Mary Kay n prirduct lire isclades more bhan 200 ou rtrîoe lo be a cal above. 11seniors ru rour Ile' IOn ofler persona] canie, home premram prodacîs in oixvoategories: facial skrn cane, Business Affter Hours More than 85 Chamber members and guests enjoyed the Aie House. Ail who attended had an excellent time and enjoyed & delicious food and the opportunity to network with others. An exciting addition to the September Business After Hours was a challenge to ail Milton Chamber of Commerce members from Marketing and Communications Chair, Richard Bolton. The challenge is for aIl Chamber members to juin Linkedîn, a business-oriented social networking site, and join the Milton Chamber of Commerce Group. More information regarding ÏN -1 Il elthis challenge will he sent to Chamber members. 'vedDeine Irish Pub andV louse Soils, Mulch & Aggregates Flowers Shrubs & Trees Garden Decor Design & Maintenance John Barrett, ec!l Toil Fiee: 1 888-827-1408 [-scil johiný(s50nbar-i-ettfr, mci raca * Investment MPlanning Counsel' 706 Main Street, East Miton, ON I, (905) 816-1116 We wiII exceed your expectations Courier/Expedite %r YOUR FAST FRIOT AND COURIER LINK MAKE 1 CALL, WE'LL TAKE CARE 0F THE RESTI SE VING MAILTON FOR Y Y VEARS BUINES I. BUIES g.- * AywEr mn CndRC RS orUSA mreCOUReIvERie On Cali Service * Modern Tracking System SERVICES AVAILABLE SUPER DIRECT- Immnediste Direct Drive ONLINE ORDERNG DIRECT- Deliver rn 1-2 havre ONLINEAUVANFAGES. RUSH - Deliver rn 2-3 havre Sauve Tîno , BASIC - Delîver rn 3-4 hours Cornirairr ia esal uo o' cp SAMEAT-Delier y 5 m - CALL TO GET SETUIl 50 Steoles Ave. E., Unit 5, Milton Tel. M98 3-1143 * 905-M8-9271 - 1-8U8-847-5515 - Fox. 905-83-9272 Li 1rcýim 1 EtI cc ti\c Optometrîst Bronie Corporate Centre 400 Bronle St. South, Suite # 109 Milton, ON L9T 0H7 MIL TON'S FULL SERVICE COLLISION CENTRE Cai Steve Boers