Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Oct 2009, p. 14

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~j~ou( Q)n2 litation t o z o z 0J .o Blencling tradition Pistoi Howard Sulivan 170 Masn Si. E. M iI n al & contemporary styles M forn CHURCH 0F CHRIST 9850 Britannia Rd., Milton, On LIT 7E8, 905-875-2939 Worship & Communion 11:00 arn Sunday Sohool Classes 10:00 arn Watch for "Key to Kingdom" Friday 8:30 arn, Vision TV v St George's Anglican Church (Anglican ,\,etwork mn C anada) Rector: Rev. Ray David Glenn Invite ou to worship with us this Sunday ait The Crossroads Centre in Burlington at 1295 North Service Rd. BACK IN MILTON: Weckiy evening'services on niindays ai 6:3 in (à Milton Bible Church Niri,. and Chldrens' SiNoo! Proided office@stgchurch.ca -www.stgeorgeslowville.org (905) 335-6222 MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. a 878-3873 10:00 arn. - The Lord's Supper aNnGlican 317 Main St. E 905-878-2411 Sunday 8 arn Said Eucharist + quiet, traditional rite Sunday 10 arn Sung Eucharist + children's programs Knox Presbyterion KN O\) 'Unified by Christ's love, we share Him with the world' Jioin us Sundays: i O:3Oam Worship Service, Sunday Sohool & Nursery PG PARENTAL GUIDANCE l UIS EUR -John 1.14 a n cua ry sunday worship:. 4:OOpm sicenai 170Min SiC Elino' Presbyn,îiaCh.,,h) di-nie inliniing t- iii vely.newelyoii, TO liNOW WH ERE non AnR OIssNGI-nEPS TO KNoOERnUE oCOME FROM t r fieaduclon i Esp...oldei seaid. To Advertise in the Church Directory please cali Colleen Gormian at 905-878-2341 ext. 211 cgorman@miItoncanadialchampiofl.com St George's Anglican Anglican Church of Canada 7051 Guelph Lise, Jus! North of Derry Road 905-878-1 112 W&0 /1y111,Ol 0 WOfSbIO wltli US Sunday Family Worship 8:30 arn (1&1toS1meil7S beffoue e&t s&fVICe) Wednesday 2:30 pmI - Exploring our Faith" Children alays welcome ffie 19ev ssgf d9//s (905)8978 1112 Latrinq Goii. Lnvinq people. 200 Main Street Sunday Meetings Worship ai 9:00 arn & 11:00 arn Coftee & Conversations at 10:30 arn Ail are Welcome www.MiltonBibleChurch.ca 905-876-3586 NEW LIFE CHURCH FOR GENERATIONS TO COME SUNDAYS Ali Servnnes in the childnen's & Yiith Centre 9:00 M -Express Wiisiip Seriie -Sanday SoounnsoinnO 10 00iAM Full Wnship Sevieni.pinedrthie deitliardo eanng 6*30PM -Eiening Wnniipervice - fnsh yordayeiGnd Childr.esMinistrsAailable al erviances WEI5NEsDAYS Farily Nilitlji/;0 îa foirernce 1:5' Youthil More are juat à au of et he pregran. bain# ,feaed thia fait - mor ain it ww.mwiifemiho.aea Mied.y Bights Fline U and Reoery Prngain ri.esay uNonings: Lades Conee Break Wein.aday Nights: BS Clubs fol Kids, Extene Line Yoîth. AduIî Bibie Sudi Tiiaeday Nights: Ladies Con,,e Brneak Ona! Eiioo Visit Us Ondine www.neNewLifeMilton.nom ,)r tIr- 1 l Im r tIi-ut 51W 8M'30 MILTON je VE T- DAY À09 IIIII, CHURCH Invies ynn oi wenklySabbath serie a Hugh Foster Hall, 43 Brown St. Milon Sait. 9:30 a. m. Sabbaith Sciniol Sa!.110 IO an. Divine Service BIBLE SCBOOL Dîscoier the annanîng Bible answe, in if'n perplnnîng quenions. and tihe secret ne a hippy liii. P.O. Bnx 2301I2, 55 Ontarin si. .Miltn, Ont. EST 5B4. On the INTERNET, htip//www.vop.omi and non amaaingfaîeiî orglhîhlnnhoo iehooiin.uit PASTOR: AI DaCoia 519-835-901 Fnrmeinninionnîi iioatiiaioseroice and proggainplase cai. ait0ito Misrt i Sreet 3 as96 WilaAeMlton, . ONa Sunday, October 4, 2009 9:50 arn: Family Bible Hour 11:00 arn "Salvation is of the Lord" 6:00 arn "Before the Face of God" "You'Il always lind a triend ai Graceway" www.gracewaybaptist.org Distributed to, new Milton Residents Va«?t me44 this annual opportunityl 4nGa~ ~ ~~1 e4utee« a'.da 4,d «0iE44â ~êMe .c~'.eew «mwfdeaa 7de'edq4m u MiItonions knnoo bot youmeSssage of Hopenand Penne, esnpinciallitin trying turnes like thene.. S We wiiidceliner yor message to ove- 5,000 new Milton Residents. Plus! Hoea listing every single ennuit in The CanaAi Chananion nnvus Paper! wuriu wiue tiummuniun ouiiuay y-- *' '~ October 4, Worship Service at 1O.3Oam 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Guest Speaker: Re v Gaylyn MeL eani Wednesday 7:30p.m. Prayer and Bible Study Supervised Nursery Care 1rofl /0,15I77fi Sunday School Kids 310o 10 d/1, 5lO-la Alid te Word mas assade flesia Coffée & Conversation anlrtl 0lG ad dwwelt aînong us, C17 Orno 1P WCsei woIuS! an. .e hehield his giory, Rev Jon Bnhnn nd ev.Saah annng as of the only of the Fater. nn1" o 1"- r

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