Art in paradise * ROYAL BOTANICAL z R INTRODUCING 'BV': Lynne Lockhurst had a hunch it wvas a chukar partridge, and the consen- October 5 to November 11; sus is, she was rrght. The Milton resîdent sent in this photo -published in the C/r7amponWednesday Camilla and Peter Dalglish Atrium; RBG Centre -after spottrng the unusual bird in her neighburi ccd. WVe asked readers ta heip identrfy the brrd, Rescue Bubbe by Têmer Diamant ,ý[1j vý o - he ,tjrty(Je1ifýuqit ,ý p,1PIge ý sottAs thse humble foot soldiers of disposable infrastructure, i carid rýte 'Ws an ld-,ol i + ci i(JJh t i<rii th, Air hi i gr n hii. Olg rant traffic pylons sotîcit an indifferent compliance in our daily LRihard aughton r l us rt he ia ecam apcq es h t e ort Ar ter da i a es iaOlcja aid navigations of thsecityHere howeverhundreds are Recausa the chcrkar rnhabrts the vrcrnrtv af Vanrar Drrve and Rail Street, they named it 'RV <Raill-aa noasnl loigbao fugn ocm Vanreri. Many readers aise affered therr theorres an the presence of the brrd, whrch iset native te the Curated by Maryrose Coleman, PRIME Gallery area. Frank Sambeils teid us ha suspects the partridge escaped from a local tarm aviary. Jel Poloni tard it probably got out et the yard of someone wvho vvas keeping t te train a gun dog. Lînda Robin rnformed us she notrtîed widlrte authorities about the bird and they beireve it escaped from a game retersa "As returnrng thîs bird te a gaming reserve wvouid net improve bis situation, I'se let the mat- qi ter lire," she wvrote. Sandra Shore tard she and many other resîdents are concerned about the weifare et the bird as wînter approachas. Howaver, its ganeraiy bairevad tha chukar wîii tara mail, aspacaiy mrth tha numbar et bird feeders in the ara No doubt resîdents vviii ba matchîng ovar 8V. Don't Just Crossover Introducing tihe 60-Day Satisfaction Guarantee. MAY THE BEST. CAR WIN, Pl' CD 0 ID