Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Oct 2009, p. 10

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'Woman taken to hospital after altercation at fair A dispute between two women at she required stitches. bodily harm. Monday and made off with six 'ýIast weekend's fair resulted in an A 21-year-odMlo oa lyrtrecl oldlMilion wonian bas Home broken into iPodsIMP3plerteecl -~assaul t charge being laid. been charged wiih assault with a Polce aidîwowomn gt m a eapn. he 1-yar ld ilin rsidnt A McMullen Crescent home was phones, a laptop computer, a watch, 0fgh juthfr i - a ae ohsia uihre 2 hroken into overnighît Saîurday three wallets and cash froin at leasi -the demolition derby pit ai the Assautchreli arn. after he was punched and wieteocpnssrifv tdns Milton Faîl Fair. A mian was taken to hospital with kicked, police said. Police said the family awoke Police arc investigating. Z A Milton womnan was struck on serious facial injuries received dur- A1-eaodMîonmnndaSunday morning to hind a nuniher of OTceasutd i he head with a tire iron and taken ing a gatherîng ai a Laurier Avenue 17-year-old Acton mati have each itm oeîcuighueky, An encouniter heîween a shop- whee oue Sndy eenchrgd wîhasauî cusngvehicle keys, a laptop hag - later keper anda bylaw enforcement '2 te Milton District Hospital whr os udybe hre ihasutcuigrecovercd on Woodward Avenue i-.- daî i'resuloted-~ ii assaiîlt a digital camnera, a cameiorder, a memors stick and a Sons PlayStation 2. Police helieve eniry 'sas gaîned îhrough an cinlockec front door. The valuie of the stolen propecris is estîmateel ai $800. Thief bits motber Iode Cash, computers and iPods were stolen froni 12 sîcidents ai Milton District High Sehool while they were in gym class. Police saîcl an unkncswn suspect entered the maIe lockeî room bctween 9:30 and 10:45 a tii ~Opea ffouises For moît of us, a safe and secure home environment is something we take for granted.Those who depend on shelters don't have ihis saine security. As a resuIt of a requesi from The Lighthouse Shellers Director our goal is 10 raise fonds 10 create a garden space ai the Sheller where current residenîs can go to find solace, peace and hope. The simple act of planting a garden is one of the mosi beneficial things that can be done for the environnent in a shelter. And because.. everyone deaervea a place ta shelter and heaL. The REALTORS* of The Oakville, Milton and District Real Estate Board have raised over $24,000 towards the Halton Lighîhouse Sheller Garden Project and are continuing 10 raise fundi as well ai awareness for this regional emergency shelter and garden projeci. If you would like 10 gel involved wilh The Halton Lighlhouse Shelter and the Garden of Hope, there is still lime. REALTORS* conîribute in many ways 10 enhancing the qualily of life for ail citizens of the Oakville and Milton area. They flot only provide a full range of real esiate services 10 people who want 10 buy, selI or lease property, as local residents lhey are also actively involved in the communilies lhey serve in efforts 10 make our communily a better place 10 live for everyone. For more information visit www.omdreb.on.ca The Oakville, Milton Thank you to ail our sponosors. 49 James SbWe, $449,0, Aloi Riiodie Royal LePage Meadowlownt Realty, 905-878-8101 *13pm* 3M8 Mmbes Cme, $59876, Joe Podiaich 1242 LamodCCm, $324,0, k"re & Clob Sevefdi Prudmnlial Town Centre Realty, 905-878-9100 110 Kinghm Bd, Acie, $17,N, Domnc Manchki 707 DolbyCre, OIte $369,9111, Domit Mandil 674 RaviteCd, Milan $324,9N, Domenic Manc1lisi Prudenlial Town Centre Really, 905-875-4594_ 1487 Mi, f,$197, Agel 4« 649 akafq, $417,90, Bal Siollll Royal LePage Meadowlswoe Really, 905-878-8101 1071 Bordng, $399,888, BMaitAng 322 Mhl Crs, $369,N, Parn Fui 741 Woodward Ave, Uail14, $199,8, Thre Kinu Tear 1487MalleA, $199,gU, TerLN & NO11111 122U WC. m, $34,0 i/t &o Ch o5s S Prudntil Twn ente Rai , 05-78-100 21 Un Scot s, e Ml on l $364,9 ts Omu MW PuentUilTw eteRat,958549 60.00 ttiiit MAO 90A5i878-23S41O Wtha papuiatîov ai 440Oese, iheres oniy one emnerevy shelter in Hailon, servîvo Burl0ngtn Milton & Oakvile. 5 , àaaÀ charges heîng laid. Police said the enforcement olfi- cer attended a Main Street business jss hefore noon te, address a sign lie îhoughî ssas illegally erected. An aliercation ensuedl beîs ec n the offîcci ancd îhe miai sho put up the sign. There was no physical contact, but gestures were macle, police saicl A 57 cear-olcI Milton mani has heen chargel ssiîb two counlis eaclh of assauli ancd rater ibreat-,. [bief sougbt Police are loolking foi a ýi1specc lx on a store Sýains cI alternoon. l'hc incident took place joîsi hefore 3 p.ni. ai tie Shoppers Drug Mari in Carniage Square on Main Street. Police said the man reachecl over the countier and took $223 worth of lottery tickets and $16 in siamps. He's descrihed as non-white, in bis mid to laie îwenîies, 170 pounds and five-foot-nine. He wore soni- glasses, a large gold and silver chain and a kniî heanie. Man charged with impaired driving Drunk driving charges were laid after a citizen reporîed an erratie driver near Derry Road and Armstrong Boulevard on Sepiember 24. Police responded tc0 the area ai about 10:40 p.m. and pulled over a vebicle. The driver was arrested. A 39-year-old Markbam. mati bas heen charged with impaired driving and'over 80.' Vehicle stolen An unlocked vebicle was stolen from a Fourtb Line driveway overtsigbt Saturday. Police said unknown suspects made off witb the red, 2001 Pontiac Azîek sometime hetween 1l p.m. and 1 ar. The vehicle's personalized plates read Snoopl3. '& 4 L Your local leader in Home Security 905-878-4634

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