Sentencing tomorro w *from FAMILY on page Al becomne too mucb. She can't escape the image of Lauren lving on Second Line or the sound of fier husband's panicked voice cîpon linci ing lier. Last iontis, fieir bouse 'aas sold and sli 'a; asaccd 'aiili tbe painlul tasle of packtng up I aurenis mont. Sbec andi Stuart arc planning to return iii tieir native I ngland. But altbougbi being \'\tb lainils seull offet Soule cotioril t\\oni change ans titng. tise coturti bearci "We're no longer a larnilv of four. Flic emrpis scat ai ibe table is a constant renincler ' beresIer sse go, Deborab sai. "No ne Ilu bis staiteiliei, s-tuat t spoke of bo'v artt lie trieci tesrevicebis tlaugbiter afier discoer- ing biei Tise passersby 'a ho sioppeci to bielp stili al'ass be ni is fieart, lie saici. [le tîd tise c otit i ie isttjss no otiser par- ent 'a iii bave to stilier tise 'a asie lisas. Thtone econtic ook a'aay otir dtttgb teassea granddattgiier, a fieisd, lise ianusly doesist i ave tisai op1tiont. "As victitts osi ibis cruse, liistlseti îssself soc nsv laistly cals escapse (dtiss) itîtticera- -ilcbîîs ofiered lits coisdoleisces us tise Cttopers 'a ien asked bv 1-ragorient iflise bad anyîbîng to sas. "l'ci usi like to tell the fatsstly l'os terribi> sttrrv for tîsis tragic eveisi.. i eaîs take tbe day baek. l'i t rîly sttrry fcor ibeir ioss," be saîd, iaeing the judge. Ili bis subississions, Fraser said Aleisi refuses iii take responsîbiliîy, maintatning bie did norhing 'aroîsg. Not only cîid Alebin [eave tise sceise, lie baci nos intentiosn of rewuriting, the cosurt beard. -His aetiosns caîitisîs'l be deseribed as cal- fosus anisiishuissaise." Fraser icîlc tbe coturt. lie saîid a csidticsnal senstensce (bosuse irresi) 'a isotildii se aîsîrtsîriate. F raser als u tittci tisai Alcsits sbcîtlci itîrfeit is trck as isileisice-relateci sro1serty- - t 'aas sei7ecl tbe day aiter tise accident anc ise slstuild bc 1srtslibitei Irots civitsg foi lise us eîglst s ears. Stits tttld tise coturt Alcit ccsuidn't avotd sîrikîîsg Lattrets that îsîgbî. "At tise ensd ofi tise cia, tbe one laci that remnsas uneisalleîsged is ibat bes responsibie foti the offence hes cttnvicted of, but bes isot resîostîssble for tise ceats tsi acîrets Cioîser." Sîttîs read îscîîsserîscîs leisers irîtî peoplse aîîestîîsg to Aichins eharacter. fie said Alelsin lisas alreadv been iseisal- izeci. Iarticcilarl ith thbie coucrt case lseîîsg Sitsitt, ansd 'aiii stîlier futrîer if lits iaîber is jaîleci Aiciî shlsîîlcît teceive a tis ng jsrttbs licon, Sitsaid, sari tcclarlv stîsce lise wasîst iserîssîttetl tts driv e fosr ai leasi twit sears after Isle accidlens. Ansd Alehins truek shlsod be reîurned to im, lise tsld the court. Fragoiseni wîll hand dowîs bis sentence ttsîsorrow afiernoon. Step/tauic I-otse// cant bc reaclicd ai sthiesseîtiA7tniltoncatae/itcltaîîtpiot.cont. Joy, too, in being caregiver -from SUPPORT on page A8 60us %sveclditsg atsiversary. On _]uise 8, Peggs îsstved into Allendale wiîb bier busbaîsd. "WC tisougsi, ýTbus is good, tbe îsvo of ibeisi are togeiber.' Tbey bad been lonely ftor eacb tuber.- Lîîssperî saîd. But titi six days afier tbe retînitsn, Alex passed asas tsf a eardîae arrest ai the age of 89. Peggy, isow 86, remaîns ai Aliendale. its dîfficuit, itîspet t saîd, because liser isothers bapspiness ciepends osn 'alseilser shes going to visit ibat day -a buge responsibiliîy to bear. But Linsîeri is proof iberes joy i being a caregiver jusi as iberes pain, somnetbing the series belped bier diseover while botb parents were stili alive. 1 really got to know my parents really weli - more as people iban parents." Foîr more information or to register for tise scries, eau (905) 691-0367, ext. 2319. .Stt'/u/ioit' Hototise// tait bu îcathed et uî/tiies.sesiiPlt85utistatadiatî /t-lan1sit-tît îî!. GREAT VALUE! WVHILE QUANTITIES LAST LEATHER CHAIR 945cm> 43v1, x8 PICTURE FRAME 45( %,1 FOLDABLE STORAGE OTTOMAN 138/16MM x METAL POLE SET 5011 of pr884w * mtof 2 pe c ste. STORES OPEN FROM 9:30AM TO 9:OOPM Fg d ç n VISIT WMW BOUC LAIRO - VI THANK YOU FOR NOMINATING CaIIng ailJU T AW FIpaupiES!l FOR FAVOURITE DoG TRAJAER PUPPY & OBEDIENCE REFRESHER CLASSES New Obedîence 4~ classes 41 begîn in September! Just Pawus 905.876.2206 www.j ustpaws.ca____