Friendly 'neighbourhood cat' shot with pellet gun Cat lias to be euthenized after beîngfound in distress someone wbo knows the loser will convince Since Chester was used lu being b bîmt to gel belp." indoors and outdoors, he kept that rout By Stephanie Hounseti Tbursday leaving Chester outside. Halton Regional Police are investigating, witb the Hendersons, whose bouse backs CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Wben tbey returned home later that but ai press lime bad no leads on a motive or to a wooded area. Susan said nobody seen nigbl, they bad a phone message from tbe suspects. to have a problem wtb Chesters wanderl Chester the orange tabby didn't gel nine Oakville and District Humane Society saying "Theres nu way 10 tell if it was intention- despite iî beîng against Mition's Anji lives. Chester bad been picked up and taken t0 a ai or not," said Det. Sgt. Murray Drinkwalter. Control Bylaw to allow cats 10 be at large Tbursday evening tbe cal was shot by an vet in Missîssauga. He said be's neyer before seen anything If Chester had any problems, il was t unknown person with a pellet gun and, at X-rays confirmed a pellet was lodged in like this, but commented on tbe large num- be was 100 fniendly, said Susan, wonderin the age of just 10 montbs, liad 10 bc pu bis sîomacb, and tbe next day Cbester was ber of pellet guns in lown. îbaî was bis fatal flaw "He just didn't b dlown. euîbanîzed for bumane reasons. Chester certainly made bis mark in tbe sîreet smarîs, i guess." "Thewhol neghborhoo ismouring Susan later found out a woman bad dis- tbree sbort montba be lived witb tbe Anyone wiîb information is asked t0 tib ite wbole nseibbourboo isde, mou ig covered Cbester in distress a few doors Hendersons. He was originally a stray taken police aI (905) 825-4777, ext. 2410, ibis litîle cat ersall t Vecia ren etsi down, likely between 5 and 6 p.m. Tbursday, in by a friend of Susans. Susan convinced ber Crime Stoppers aI 1-800-222-TIPS (8477 ownier Ssa "Hends erlyso a biVictteandee and called the bumane socieîy Sbes boping to part witb Chester and gave bim to Bamny Stcphanie Hounseil cati bc reachea resdet.He asrell juî bg kttn nd tbe woman wbo called for belp will contact for Fatber's Day stijiessenCa iltom ia,î otb z me M. on > ast, oz mal bat r' ave caîl or c at~ very, very îrîenuy He was a neigbbourbood cal wbo wenî in and out as be pleased, and ît wasn'î unusual for residents 10 invite tbe affable feline in for a visil. Everyone kept an eye on bim, Henderson said, and a neigbbour bad a key to ber bouse so Chester could be let back in if sbe was out. Susan aîîd ber busbaîîd, Barnv, wcnt ouI ber in bopes of linding out more informa- lion. In a letter to tbe editor 10 the Champi .on, tbe Hendersons called the sbooter a "loser." "We know bes a loser because by sboot- ing and killîng our cal witb a pellet gun only be can tbink bes a winner," tbey wrote. "Wbile we and our neigbbours are burt- ing from sucb sensecss violence we bope FO kL YOU BAB PODU CTS 537 Main St. E. - 905-636-8552 wi1ýuprnnhý MJI 1 Mr, Bi \1 oI *O 0 P. NA 00 ~ ~ MILTO -RSRO JON S OROU GRAN OE..N E E-T ENIR STORE MILTO CRO::umD The Milton Farm Saturday &~ Sunday C RAF SHOW 9 a.m., '4 p ML *[:1a - 17 -OrOver 120 Iuried crafis people In the Great Aduits $6.00 Gambrel Barn, The Aberfoyle Town Hall and Children Under 12 FIEE Individual Exhibitor Tents 4DParking MIE -*Great Food *Live Enterlainiment, Featuring Enriquez Lopez COUNTRY HERITAGE PARK 8560 Tremaine Road, Milton, ON Cail 905,878,8151 Steeles Ave. W. te Tremaîne Rd. & follow the signs. II!&XilMi 36208 LAIRD ROAD UNIT #6, MISSISSAUGA ON SAURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19"' 2009 at 11:00 AM zp,-ýî ~ ~ Mr 0)~Dr mi 0RRi0S0U back. This Auclion mill mature Top Oualily 3/4" Pre Finished nail doms hardwood flooring and will lie sold regardleaa of Coat or Losa. You cao eopecl to see beautiful Qaka, Maples, Cherries, Black Walnut, Japanese Exotics, Bamboo, Birch, Golden Oaks in a large vaniety of Finiohes including Hsnd Scraped and Wide Planka Up t0 5' wide. There will also lie a nice selection of Laminates and Engineered hardwood thaf cas lie laid righl oser Concrele. Both Feafure an eaay click togellier installation. The Engineered liardwood has a solid hardwood top thaI cao be refinished UP 10 3 limes. Boy from the original Floorisg Auclion and the biggest and the beat. the hase sold oser 2 Million square feel of fiooring in tfhe pasl 3 years. Our buyers return lime and lime agaîn for excellent products and salue. BRING VOUR TRUCK, TRAILER OR CAR AND LOAO AND GO, AIl items mont lie removed the day of the sale! Ali fiooring mill be sold liy the square foot 10 the hîglinat bîdder, BUY ONLY WHAT YOU NEEO' I pli ' em;