GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION FZi Dr. Kimberly Kazumura Dr. Yvonne Lam Bermingham Wakefield Dental Office la temporarily cloed due Ca Curnado damage ts the building un Auguot 2Oth, 2009. We apologize for any inconveneience. Staff are available o Cake calîs and cani bu reached an 905-878-0555. At this ime, me are working sut ot an alternate location in Cown and are able Is see and treat emergencieu. If ynu are having a prnblem please contact Chu office for assistance. Ail staus at Wakefield Dental would lite ns hant sur patients, dental cslleagueo and Che Tswn oC MilCon Cor Cheir support during this ime. Pleaoe chect bact for information about sur re-spening! 106 Wakefield Rd., Suite #1 905-878-0555 Ron Strahan * Optometrist -- 106 WAKEFIELD RD 905-878-5882 FAX: 905-878-7158 The office of Dr. Strohan, Optometrîst wiII be closed for the next Dr. Ron Strohan few weeks but will Optometrist be taking messages in the interirn. Please cail 905-878-5882 or email: should you require immediate assistance or referral. We wiIl notify the community when we are seeinig patients again. oe Dr. John Kim Kjm ~'amify Chiropractic Due to the recent damage to our building we will be temporarily closed at Wakefield Place. We will be working in the interim lrom the tollowing location: Barrow FamiIy Chiropractic 180 Ontario St. South (1 block south of Wakefield Place) 905-878-2333 Hours: Mon: 7amn - 12pmn e Tues: 2pm - 6pm I 1n Wed: 7am - l2pm # Fri: 7ani - 12[m & 2pm - 6pmnZ", ~ si ' Il I. d