!T@WNE RLÉY wwwameadowtownecoml AWARD WNE NE PRcE BUJSINgESS !S RELOCATING 1:tM tt l ItAiL SilC Rare opportonity toi porchase com- tnwn core. Great location with high visibilit, and trattic. Building is 2400 square feet on non main levaI. Znîng londo itselfto ta wîde uariety of oses. Caîl Pat for further details and to schedule ant appoînnment to crese. Liulad at $699,90" BUILD Y011113 L~ HOMU' Grnai suze and location lu ruila your dînam .cutry home. JusloneslofGuelphLine in lIre halanit of Muvfal, this aimusl 4 acre holding lui lias e neo drîlird ei in place. L.ocanrd arusu funi Tuscanc Ridan enOînt subdivision. This pnupety s a neoly crnaned building lotl anrarind, so duin mssution iris appouuiloOeil Pan for lrilheu cenais, nTA POMIIy NHMM3H8W fOtt r u Ir a cl n a0 Msuns hpastin n e chi ut s au ann, oadrnslslu e 9 n the hran i Maretin an/nîcnuin iupe C a u ai Pemistomiaae nnalon $252.150 Àt.ÀEÀ4 .s ÀdL=Àu .r S~~~~pae ava.tt. efrlae-loae noe Miln uistsresTi ui sapo Lomer levali n lam surte wîth pnivate entry. Perfect frrst home or învestmenti NEW PRICE - NOW $299,90B Cail to vies. BUILD VOUR DREAM HOME -309,000 1.6 acre part treed , slightfy rolfing lot tocated minutes f0 Casephelifie and the 401. Weii iu place, saturai gos gouilabie. AM Y WATCH YOLJR IJREAMS 160W' tir rhm Barb Laf loche* Sales Representatîve 878-8101 F CCAMIS OC esCIEL rCE Top 11 Nationally again in 2008 «C z THE BRAZEAU TEAM( www. BRAZEAUTEAM.CO)M ý 905-878-8101 jaueph Brazaaa, Vimoiala lnaaa jetd Ia a Kim Caattmn B.A.*.. N SalesaI. "I BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME 11.3 beoutiful Acres dîrectly oicross tcom Euecutive Homes on 2 ocre lots Property has oniginl log home (os is condition), 140 if wel (1992). Home hod new roof & ply wood (2006), New hydro pole. fB 20 ACRE HOBBY FARM BEIWEEN ACTON/ROCKWOOD S de-Splît wîtrie me rehovonlilas --open concepti fum le m wilc new Occcen 3 hdîm Lg Luv ho w/cri double, Gorage. Long vistos oi postleai plae woodu wini troils, pocd, hoyfîeldi Numerous out buildings Workacop wl dug-oui pic for fice cor hobhclir Brîcg cour dreoma-- groot value. ,A MUST SEE' Bocuîcci Enecutive 4 bedrom 'Cectucc Hcmo" louîcgly updatod, ralnicg chu 010- gocof I uotocyoar mi modern doc cmn- cocleeo. *Na oupocue apaod sceps to schacîs, Mill Pond, dcwncawn and etOn- [E Sica walkîng tris, Pruoate Masco sutih drooîcng coom, wulk cn dlouer and bact. Prîcote dock, mature lup tencd gardoens iiBCB - acd hot tue. CENTURY HOME 4 Stone 5-bdrm w/ail fhe charm 0f w yeaferyea! Wood floors, high ceil-'eî ings, ltg principal rmis, 3 tirep. Bank 7 batn, d/shed, dbl def garage,::' tennis cout, Creek, woods,L meadows. Incomparable! l 9 10+ ACRE GATED COUNTRY ESTATE Sprawiîcg ranch bungalow witO w/c base- ment. Indccc salit ater pool/upc wîth attachod parti cccm 7 bodiaumu. Gourmonc kit /lstate oI tie arc appliancos 2 pond, i stock di tout Na eraun autldgs inciuding Hoced wcrhhp tatd18e garage (ideai lai matan1hame) Saoicato BI seucth uyscem. CIllai mare detailsý m BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME 3 ESTATE BUILDING LOTS. GORGEOUSII Beaufifully maintained fosenhome n mature areat of Dorset Park. Close f0 sçhools, shopping & transporta- é l tion Open concept living/ dru- ingroom wit h gos f p. & walk ouf fa dock. Updafed eat in kitchen.' Large finished ecreafion room selfh B 2piece bath. BrazeauTeamf.com