z z z eSIN ONY15,00 Th. R.,,d Mod.1I Ehoitio t0 1864 M.W/ H.gn W.Ik In (Inte & aptd 5Sk (là t,a , hIPl M- n W.Ik T Pk,, l,T,45n, EiL,,td 11.w iW,,d.., 5mp L,,, tL Si Aplwn,, thntg k. Hit. F.nily R-,, Vd. T-~ Ink Ht, 0,01, Ktien W/ O,,nnd Bt yIh,/5?--Uq 8o/.d Introducing HD ASIN eNL e36,.9 ASIN * 0$39, R5Me ESTACENTRE 22 Ontario St. S., Milton, ON Re/Max Real Estate Centre Inc, Brokerage ANNOIINCEMENT Marty Green, Broker/Manager of Rte/Max Real Estale Centre Inc s pleased to welcnme Sophie Sehgal sales representative, 10 our firm. Sophie Sehgal. spent neyeraI years in the hospitality industry where she developed essential skilîs that will enable her 10 provide her clients with an honest and efficient enperience, while providing excellent castomer service. A mother ni Isen children; 8 year nid Shan and 7 year nId India, Sophie continues to be an active member ni the school coanicil, where mont ni her spare lime is dedicaled. Her keen interent in the real estate market, cvmtvned wilh her refined people-skills, make her a valoable assel tl have been a resident ni Milton for several years and have grown to love it am very tam Ilar wi1h the area and am excited lo be m n gwi hThe Pror Team inthisrapdly growing communty. Boying and seli ng a home cao be an exciting yel try ng experience, but logether we cao make ita grat iying one" !~,I!~.CEN TRE 22 Ontario Street South, Milton IL - 1 905-878-7777. ..,eaI Estate Ads appear ai... ,www.miltoncanadianchamplon.com nL $349 0 L