Homeowners gest plaid to go green (NC)-Canadian homeowners will he hig wmnners now that the federal govern. ment has increased the grants available for the ecoENERGY Retrofit for Homes; the financtal incen- lives t0 Canadians who improve their home's energy effi- ciency have tncreased by 25%. A me r iS pec Inspection Service is the largest provider of residential energy evaluations that identifies how homes use energy and where it is heing wasted. AmeriSpec's licensed evaluators will show homne- owncrs ho\,, to icducc grccnhousc gas emissions, reduce heating and coohing rosis, and improve comfont in their homes, while ensuring adequate venti- lation for a heaithy indoor environ- ment. To take advantage of the program, homeowners first must complete an assessment hy a licensed energy evalua- toc who xviii determine the home's cur- reni energy rating. The service includes: a detailed energy evaluation of the home, a hlower door test to fînd air Ieaks, a printed report that shows where energy dollars are heing spent, recom- mendations on what homeowners can do to improve their home's energy effi- ciency and an energy efficiency rating lahel that shows how efficient their home is comparcd îo othcr homes in their reglon. Using the repori's recommenda- lions, homeowners have 18 monîhs or hy March 31, 2011 (whîchever cornes first) 10 complete upgradcs. Granîs of Up 10 $5,000 are avaîlahie hased on indivîdual reirolîl initiatives. The aver- age grant is expecîed 10 he close 10 $1,100. Hoiiiowýners can expeci 10 recelve their cheque wiihin 90 days of t he follow-Up evaluation. portion of the evaluation cost and/or offer additîonal grani monies," said Rob Skinner, husiness leader for AmeniSpec of Canada. According to NRCan, once homeown- ers complete their required energy evalu- ation and make some or Al of the recom- mended improvements; they can expect federal granîs such as: i * Fumnace upgrades - Up to $790 - Replace your domestic hot water heater - op to $375 - Upgrade your central air condition- er to an Energy Star unit- $250 ' Retrofit doors and/or windows 10 Energy Star - $40 for each unit For the 2009 tax year, homeowners particîpating in the ecoENERGY Retrofit - Homes program are eligihle 10 receive the temporary Home Renovation Tax Credit (HRTC) in addition 10 the ecoENERGY Retrofit - Homes grant. "By completing al] of the retrofits recommended hy an AiiscriSpcc cvaltîator, hoinicoo îîcrs shoold hc in a position 10 decrease their average annmal greenhouse gas emîssions hy about 4.6 tonnes per year, per house and they should also be ahle 10 also reduce their energy hills hy 38 percent - a huge win for everyonc," Mr. Skinner added. Additional information on the ecoENERGY program is availahle online at www.amenispec.ca/ecoenergy or caîl 1- 866-284-6010 to book an appointment. - News Canada Why seil your home with us?. SList your house with us and if we seil it after: 30 duyt, we will puy you $1 ,000 60 days, we will puy you $2,O0O 90 doys, we wiII puy you $3,OOO 120 days, we wiIl pay you $4,OSO 5,,,,, conditions, rpply. Exclusive aller brought ta yau by Kingsway 1 _L!XPESES M-AID WHENhYOUJBUYA , HOME Buy a home with us and: /We psy your home inspection fee! v/ We pay your appraisal fee! /We pay your lswyer fee! /ý We pay your land transfer taxes! / Wiile psy your home insurance! Coul us today at: - 014end by ledr, . ,dsa ppy WCailthe "i dream team" toay! 1 UCali ihe idream arnm tir gmut raies, tuit hMenti auce & aimas frt mortigageL &Architects '0 787"'213 John CaVan AM' www.stressfreemorigage.ca 14 Martin St., Milton, ON H-dO OOM~.SM.n Rd, MW-.g& N ,,gin the GISý Torno Wsisua Brampon Makh Rchmond Hil ot h Yor 5k, Sc«rbo gh, CakviI.e Brigxvn Mito and Gogetown Ofie 90 -785 3 - * sodu *els tat.co 41 6-827SOLD