I É7/ULAk 22Otroit . arm ýXM~ nec TOnd vieantet sotenenei eci encie. Icoeese poolI con sep . coneîne tr . NDAY 2-4, 359 KINGSWAY Pl QIET COURT ON RAVINE L Rae --.ed nairloackng o.1 iSe 0ol S i~rabnrsae CeSa"I O1r oMmo deoeit 2.a«o.eo,Oien 3 Bed.4 Bath. Pmtolonalli Ch La ein dyitaello Macinim n/gris M M eneedo. Nea" epfi f«6 saipellnS 0ýe'0 emâtOeu-ln eo-iii cl100 & itrigon Cedu MI w wàkoli ei iar . ret bu. 6 ddvt16l. 1674» MILLION DOLLAR VIE Wffl}OLr SPENDING *gh Bcyt-in ke-l Ce/apçîc s. 3BS. VG porol = S.,=eoencbCo. WarlecC oOc !ne rmedIer nonumi c on Peace & Tanquilit00w birs own home nes0Ied ai tieeed $599000 Cape Cod with wrap anound porch on oust ondfer 5 01 indgO die. Ths home onies so m fo yu amiw ao marey secluded acros bocking 005v, gr00 space. 3000 sq, Il opes concept sî of O sid pa comin us wulth ght&uary oomns Muser edroomon mui 00or3ca 3 r d garage. Jos 5 minutes to 401 & Cumpbelvle oL fil, 200929 Mnue'Il 20058B7 Pcrpetyl Acre tam $6ee90 Veue n w0org tree lieIl privae-mintes aire leading to fotGO & shop- circa 1850 tain tom 4brm house w/mary bth raised bunga. u pd a te s los Beces ly remodeled Barnont ktciien, upper leue 4 season Snia g ponds suinrnom. Geothermul heat/cnoo ng. 10+ acres w/3 ponds, many w/sandy beach, tennis court il numeous outbulA ogo, Oeated ~e~ matsre tees & pefennia gardiens. 2010 rey outbulding w/3 bay sorksiop, charmmoubar w/stals, paddocks, sto, separate 2 gaag w kho ond10 o efta so te20f0st 0ae edrnom in-aw home w/saulted ceiligo & oper concept. Immraculate 4-tedroom BUNGALOW or gor- gnous, prisate 2.4 acres. Features bright eut-jr KAtchen, separate DR, formai LR wi FP & W/O. Forced air gas, Central Air, Air Ex ngr High-speed internet accessible. ll baset. Not ft from Milton, Campbellville, or Burlinglon. Buking $3990.11110 Two bedroom bungalow in "olde" Milton on a beaotifal lot with 77'Irontage backîog orto open opace. Walk to ochools, parklaed, Mili Pond, & dnwniown Milton. 10w trafiic area Leadsofn parking, iS #20079080. Nom Oflered ai $284.900. bungalow unfes a fige catir KroSer, MF Faeily Bsn orOt FP &waieoutitoOaOcO d&Sparl OR8,iornal Ll wtiFP Ouaie odr atprensitey wao ni an0 acr Oie ouid 0hok aSb LL is finise wde laig Bsc Roor er FP plus Oannrs Boomn Menicaied property witO aburdn île caping, toi Si lin shoppng & oB ntoor Cali forn appoteOr ri bieMLuMl2 Aélq $799,10. DEAUIN SIIUII This seat 3-bedroon homo located aust oui- side of toso offers a large eat-is Kîtchen, sep, DR, spacînus LB. Oversîued Garage & huge driveway. Gorgeous lot wîtO oies oif Gler Edon. CatI ill lu vieili iS #20114237. Nou OBfered an $337,900. 1 SERVING MILTON SINCE 1980 [i878-7777 p" Ilicie Llfetime Auuiiovoment and Platinum Club Aneards lu case yen haven't neticed, My listings are ceetineeliy seiling. Se if yen are thinking ut selting thon gie me a cui ter a cntîdeetial evalmatioe. V' Detacheal in Dorset Park or Tlmberlea, euth 2 car garage up le $40 000 eo Detached home in Dorset Park peeferrably a bungalow or backspllt V' Condo or freehold townhouse UP tu $240,000, flenlble cloaing Il Endi Unit Condo ait 100 Millaide Dr, with West Exposure Vu Country close toi Town min. 1 acre pi to $530000 V' 2 bedroom Condo at 81 Millside Drivre, with flexible cloaing For more Into, cali or email through my webslte ai... Icati give ySu an evaluation wlth no oblligatin. www.backembr4>.cm LUXI CONDOM Mmi88UU This erguiolle 2 br condo fealures grande couninntops, 9 Sl ceilingo, open concept, 6 appliances , gbass edlerior walls oa a greut sîew.. On of the beol fealures oi tii developmert os the 30,000 Sq ftecreation hall wih 2 pools, gym, spas, 3 party rmos, pnsivae cînema, billiardns Sourd & media connil. nhee loto more o cati forifut 905-878-7777 debtuff@cogeco.ca TTENTION ENTREPRENEURIAL PEOPLE $269500 Profitable weigtnt loss andi tieut supplemnents business usu rwaitinw for a new owner!!l1 nt nr is moving anti BREA mRCrust let it gou!Proven resait!! DANIELS BUILT BCkin oto aOW tht *C G N dOg otoWpr nhOe Wînston Churchill Britannia area. JunC waiting for you to move înIl Over 40K in upgrades Absolutuly Stunningl cali 0mb tor your perenal tber! )P ýfLOOR CONDO* PRICED TO SELL! $184,0 ~ Awesome full 2 BR Condo witi grelai view off Balcony. Quile private wilfî the frees in bloom. Sizeable Dining area off very cute kitchen. Near Square One, public transit. Wel I maintained âb Couda. a