%0à , ' E couhuio à.M ~ ~ Iiii-smff IOl 7 S G) i l iiuiaj UIsru~ OMiAGH PRESSYTERIAN CHURCH Invites Yon & Ytir Famnilv Tn Coime CelebraleT Fe77sAmvr e fI1eir Puitirch Sept .0, ï.009 at 11.00 arn Guest Speaker Rev. Mark J. Curtis bghi eucr & refresirmeets wiii he served solowing the Service. Please corne & lo vs for this Jvyovv event. LOCATED ON BRITANNiA RD. JUST WEST OF THOMPSON ROAD For turther information Cali 905 875 2804 Found Something? Place your "Found" ad FREE of charge. Milton Canadian Champion 905-878-2341 Fax: 905-632-8165 Martin Street Public Schaal would like to thank Mansfield Ski Club Boston Pins Future Shup- Mississauga, Steneridge Cycle Ltd, Galaoy Cnema Furener Moments PhetugraphY Oare Fends Mr.Lube* Mississauga Medley Andtins Ontario Acadomy ut Music The Meehan Team-ltEMao Play It Again Spurts Skedaddte Kids lux The Royal Canadian Legin - Br. 136 Ftnnning Wurks Bergsmas Team Honda McKeown Collision Gallinger Ford Lincoln M & M Meats SvperSrore for heiping make our 'Sprin9 Fiing' event a huge success. Volunteers Wanted [ I I ALTON IDISTRESS CENTRE ISNWACPIGAPPLICATIONS FOR NEW VOLUNTEERS I e are a telephone disrreaS fine anid are I ooking f or Cari og lodividoalo aho caflr 0 Leajoiad help eope in reed. Oar extersîve rraining program wiii reach yov tiikn1srhow to frelp those cao are disireased, ioniely or For mare irnformarion contacr. 905-877-0655 Pçrayer PRAYER TO ST. JUGE Say thîs a fîmes a day, by thre 9ih aay yoar payer crf i 0e anawercd. May rhe Sacred Heari of Jesas be adored glorîfîed, baued and proseroed thrcagfr-oai fhe world. Oh Sacred Heari of Jesas, pray for as. Sf. Jade, frelPer a[-,f thre hapeleos, pray for as. Si. Jade, corker of miracles, pray for as. publication ment bu prumluud. T.D.K. FUndraiSiflg 1~ IHA-,IhEJ YJOJUJ To ail aur players, parents and coaches for making 2009 our moot suc- cessful year ta date! Milton Minor Basebali grew by 40 1 this seasan and s shawing no signs of slowing in 2010. Thank you ta all aur sponsors for making an exciting summer far 500 Miltan yauth and aur very special gratitude ta Trayîs Diner for yaur uncanditianal support in making, nat anly aur season passible, but aur Champ Day a huge ouccess É%Pt emtwr -OXU 0 W>NEFF ,.p cf C. psieI çXM$ A;c 5RIVE OVii HoeesH PdO ©\Oovvr Cl 'SCA'I( S'l'JI)IOS DEIZ1ZY PJ-A1ZMACY MMwM,-weF e,, icil p v5 Ce 1 eOC 5I W. th. c p re viv -. v.,c _.1veevieie pue pp.t.s,.inrcie W d..itivreCdees- ceci r. , fV , pu ,ii -d , ,i riv-ef b - O y-i find a,i i liCse)l 1, . i b1 v b Take besi your le. YOUR DREAM JOB' s e Wlkcee s p,,eîe cc Mv,,,,ecee ceî,,,c LWU ,s ~ ~ uppIe by ove 10 -spap an __ e . i. D ANe AAu uAAu muA - Hop On Board With Sehool Bus Safety. While you're on the school bus, follow these simple safety rules: *Remain seated throughout the ride. *Keep your arms, hands and head inside the bus. *Keep your belongings away from the aisle. *Do6 fot distract the bus driver with loud noises or sudden movements. YUR 1 URC O LCA J OBS