Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Sep 2009, p. 24

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YORBEST SOURCE FOR LOCA ATTENTION! DO yovo z have10hs/wj/.ioivooîoto a oD vo o $3,255 mo. OoeoifVIIIIIII IL trom homo. Fiee hovoM Firortrnc Frtee online trainin g.Ae currently enirtted in the OREA pre-tegiotrauson Wne unc 4 voo.mnoifceoutlets.com couseas ,ure you reaeilicensei, ure yuconsderin oi tark runotatons, /bakeo u ~brokerage, chunge or ure ytu u cunout ubout a Sm eo ln movaedledes oblincuteer rn te esute Vu id Drioer oicence 0CANADIAN TAXPAYERS Leum about wo slrould or shouldnt consader a real atel SFedeoution (onor taxes, estute profession. provica iesn eurmn nosvas5eaconul t)nca ieag eurmn no ovoiercommis- training aoid tecnntfgy requirernrtu andrut maket 905-876-O92 sion Oased residual in a uoccexsfui Riar after lpm c000e0 Loolcîvu for seif- 1-ove-443-6020 (leuve HO =ME messagelr ce MAINTENANCE MATCa TOU Ook ROYAL LEPAGE 9 1-0- fl WORKERS- are, Pofesioal rod SNGW flEMOVAL uctsw/coplet BusnessNeeded in Oukoîlle System ouîl, tri support MEDICAL TRANOCRIP- & Miltor il provîde you in b0000,og yto owo T1ON rael #02 for ai home i l o te0Wrnia fon boss Hoebased bus, jobs. Achhnt your goal L .. ~ J snos to ne o Tfa,u o hoot WOoK ut homo. Cooruco fodbl rc p îoa,,s oi hO 1888 Ca hobetoday for fie inafrlbepie li,q 82 wgjý_ frnto iit ü,î o, il DrIvers For more coral Transitio ore ..0 Large National Fiat information, ______________ 80-6 e 15ue 35 or nofo@ ted Carrier reqoireS please Cati PERFECT POST -Cana- asrb.o Milton busedDOwnerf Emma at: 905 du's Largeur franchise ntr Oprtrpet f wotk of Sublers and prarpeny 844 0252 intlesofflertes deoks anr miles, no.paint code, ext. 24. and posr setgs, bas Ter- i must baoe faut cardi rtrtes availabie th,,r o v h m flut bed exp our Canada. bnote 0Col 1Mile KIDSI KIOSI benefit of brurd recgni tion, national marketing, Universal 14iO5~ -8101 79 geS2+ voume dsconts and cus uk.M -gs2 tomner refenrai ooogram. Staffunq uao .o Wanted for Tl& Low ivesrmetr. For in formarvon cotc 187 We are biring Moviea Hebl 750-5665, I0eeeçalHelpl No Fees! Men fectfoost.000 peopile lotr i Women 16-65 yru. DZ Drnvers a n d -'-:: Needed for sanme! RECESSION PROOF 0000 Central Lu ourers 5ECURITY GUARDS Se- No eut raus future! We teucb you to *for a garbage truck curtr guardo ou ted Parents cati build and f ranci se a ml-AAn ýp edd 462132 office ovrien from home. Company in Mitn. esainin nov000 ed 3829c F ree training & otgoitg OWn tanspotiatiut a opetiogo, S10-10/r Au suppoort once ovcceed uf. ovetreT, 416642-90122 frombomebc co Calf 519-653-5115 Ae rnos ov 0 careier Fax 519-653-9896A s D"ellielement or emaîl Icamaru@ WE ARE fookiog for re. uniiverualotaffirg,ça sponsîbie dog loveto 7 vak ds duringthe week ARE YOU lid offt 110v t d vs, ~On vetole, cei U s ftding avait o otron your eZ or Heavy Evojmno phone &iternet accesoon A- Certification. Lau Ontarjo Gifleai HuIp 0,0e 3 b a ou w, Truck Driving bobool 0o -815-c9564 co 01 dxv. 1- 80 - 7990h 905 C (5627) w lscoto 'el5 Il00 Are yoe et El or have bee inrhe last 3 cours' sould Cali y u lketo oeri web0 e- Full tine Lot Attendant sîýgno 001,00romCeov home? 78evc Pre 0 . 2341 Srîaceiird, errol todav We are currenîîy accupîîrg applications for the ,,kvm above positîions. If you are bard working, Rt riinentad refiabi e and bute a val id drivers f ceose. r"l vd & e 'ive BEEN LAID off? Need ca 30 dla et - 0000 rraining? We cao telo. Pimas omi or fax tour resomoe w ut isf' n Cail bverest Courege of cniec e o nso Bvsiness, Technoogy and ofdnet:BbBno Heaith Cane hoduy. Fixed Oporatioos Manager 1-8ee-845-0276 www.bv Fax (905) 8751516 eresnCanadu.ca Everest Emi Coliege ml drtn etntM.o Generai IIelp 7 Se eg indedi teIamn Candidateas shudbe eopldut aednesxId Ocnpeeeoonqc Ceea p ["ra HZ i TRINNGSARS OI 11 MASTERMIND g Assistant Store Manager Our "Toy Specialists" are passionate about children's specialty toys & books tbat appeal to, the kid in ail of us! Our il stores and on- fine business offer our customers outstaoding égrifl,ëN .... ni , ile i, service & selection. "UALFICATIONS TO APPLY: "G" Licesse minimum 2 peurs Enjop mxrking mitb cbifdren GREAT FOR: tC , k -eeto oveceeto e-coolces ran ride alonnl * etirees vo have extra * Anyone lsvking for a por IF YOU ARE SUPPORTIVE AND STOCK h Milton, GeC LZ~U ui1f n erergeti c indîvîdual wîrb cunomer service, ream leadersbip & training eeperience coCo seeku a growrb opporruniry ro be un Assistant Manager an oun Oakville Store located ai 1011 Upper Middlle Road, Upper time on tbeir bandis Oakodille Shopping Centre itvead upotie nirmmn t wr A dynamic, fively mark LOOKING FOR A CARING, environnent, training, fulI-time bouru, a generous FUN COMPANY TO WORK FOR! epi discount & benefits package as routes avaiuable in m oe e îrgetown & Halton Hilts. Pleaxe drop yaar resxme an tIre store IOCK RANSORTAIONar e-mail yaur reue te: 1 *lnmt D,ý,Dkil employment@mastermindtoy.cOf 82-00-1-7 5TC See www.mastermindtoy.com vvsockransor atioýco1i frer tails. LOOING FO A [ Jde - [Ta Js ReuiesCHALLENGING & REWARDING 1 Manufaclîîrîng IADLTOUEKEPE MOIMENT OPPORTUNITY? 1sectional over for Gerxral Cleoning andFoo Service. I i i p ti., s Husfeilsome weekendu. Thx YMCA ef Hamiltan/Barlingtan/Branltfod 1 Soperoîsor isr Coul: 905-877-6852 1 ru offen part-urne positions providing licersed 1 aclîvîtîxu of euc i cure to cbidren betteeo the ages of 3.8-t? yeatv. Idoors and door Tbe vuccevfl candidates eut be xnthusiastic, incumbent ha -. rquoes *' Ifabrication~ an le *~ g fexble scbxdl Resporsibilit:ies include frortlite I working in an * 1* superisior of cbildreo, as eIl as, programir order' and prodi o i b Igeenel da som qe bl-oîa - ent, administration and eorltirg as part uuperoisîng and vr0 etin gb b Su> of tbe YMCA School Age Cbild Cure teav . spcualaI Musîbeabelo lft150 bus -e Foux esumne 905-846-8926 or If you:i Cal Jimmy 90644M&3715 Wedoesday - Friduy i iHave a diplona i0 tCR, Chitd and Voudi or Recoation Apple Ffictory Boxaid IIlees 7hM 50 asaugo Rd. 'Or have tes or more yearv experierce eorfirg eith1 i cbildrxn rn a recreaition or cbild cure settirg 1 ~ s re Are 18tyears of cge or older I d e x l ersbip l PIeuse complefe the job application founol rO~l. eqa rex or our webu te ymcabfoca and enflait p t i -i eith your esume and cover letter f0 FsitveA wokng environmer ACosyc.ao al o and management support.aycac o al 0 P toîpuy plan ard bonus structure. I SAC( JOBS: es xresumne ix Kevn Wiltsihire c/o ton Edeards Family YMCA f- 905-873-8246 or cail 90!i-873-1818 500 Drury Lare Budirgton, Ontario L7t 2X2 c/o Hamilton toenftoen Faoily YMCA 1 IIpibol ( ~ Conainma i79 James Street South, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 2ZI1I If1î~ , c/o Brantftrd Family YMCA JOIN OUR CARRIER CLUB 14 Wedingfon Stree, Brantford, Ontario N3S 3Y8 Earn ~ ~ fll exrtssW hank aR tirexe whx applied; ny quatitied Earn xtra $$$ andidates ilâ be contaile for an interiew. We are loiks for reliabie, i r reuponoîble Youfbu and Adults Yaee For door fa door to delîveries. YMC PLEASE CALL: 905-878-2341 Ext#244Î L---------------------- Coud dotos and opertiîtg oekirg an evperiehced tulervisor. The Production esponsîble for co-urdînalîng inkeru oubo fabrîcate garage Cardware components. The s o background rn melal osidered 10 be a bonds oru ader o! people. You oi be îssemblp orîented, 'made 10 idiot procesu fine environnent coordînalîng ail plant relxtxd ention to or-lime deliverp of uns con h sent te: hhugwadorLRD w .e boo ysou *Red Seal trades Education from atar CA R EERTeri MacDlonald-Cadieux 6Virtual business educto 0Edmonton -more than the ail patth View an online copy at www.tlyerland .ca, or request * Ilc - Upgradîng HO a print copy, en CANADA'S CetCAREER & EDUCATION MAGAZINE sce@ trlt r

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