Dateline Dote/mne is a free listingfir local <oiiiinni- tv groups tii assist ini pr(imiting thel, eîîining erentsç On/y charitable or non-pio(fit commni tv gîo(up.S may use thus serrice. 1.te guiiaante otie i ssue (y publicity of the tient aliliaugli miore insertions are possible if spacepennits. Dateliiie notices should be e înailed tii edito- rialt4> The final deadliîie is noon Monday for Wednesday's edi- tion and .5 p. m. Tuesday for- Friday's edition. Date/mne items won?' be accepted by telephone. Thursday Sept. 17 Tbe Milton Historical Society presents 'Tbe Halton Connection to the Nobel Pri.ze for Matbematics' witb Frances Hoffman and Elaine Riebms at 8 p.m. at Waldie's Blacksmitb Sbop, 16 James St. CatI (905) 875-4156 or e-mail socieî Moms Supporting Mom in Milton - a support group for motbers sîruggling wiîb postpartum depression and/or anxiety - meets ai Halton Kîds West Milton Hub ai Oui- I ail ol \'îciuîi sc. ool, 540 I. oinsncrcîal St., from, 7 to08:30 1p.m. Calî Janet Siverns at (905) 825-6000, ext. 2927. Milton District Huspital bolds a one-on- one breastfeeding clinic witb a certified lac- tation consultant from 6 to 9 p.m. To make an appoiniment. cal j ilI Hicks ai (905) 878- 2383, ext. 7610. The Dec youîb drop-in centre, 200 Main St. E. (rear entrance), is open from 3 to 6 p.m. for studenîs in Grades 6 to 9 and from 7 to 9:45 p.ns. for ibose in Grade 9 up ta age 18. Visit Tbe Milton Seniors' Activily Centre, 500 Cbilds Dr., bolds billiards from 9 a.m. 10 9 p.m., Iine dancing from 10to 1:30 a.m., the Thursday Afternoon Movie from 1:30 to 3.30 p.m. feaiuring ]7Agaîn, clogging; from 2 to 3:30 p.m. and table tennis from 7:30 10 9:30 p.m. Tbe cost of eacb actiiy is $2 loi- members and $4 for non-meiîbers. Tbe Wallcing Club runs, weaîber permitîîng, from 10 arn. 10 noon. Bid eucbre takcs place frorn 1:30 10 4 p.m. ai a cosi of $2.50 for members and $4.50 for non-menîbers. And a foot care clinic is also beld. Tbe cost is $25,' paytable 10 ibe nurse. For an appoinîment, caîl (905) 875-1681. '<AVIS (S'exual Assauli and Viulence Interv ention Services) of Halton boîds tbe firsi session of ils weekîy 'lt's All About Me' won'Ws group, whicb runs until October 8. It's beld from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Halton Multicultural Council, 400 Bronie Si. S. unit 101A. Free bus tickets and refresbments are provided. Topics include expressing your feelings and relaxation. No registration is required. Friday Sept. 18 Milton Distnict Hospital bolds a dmop-in breastfeeding group witb a certified lacta- tion consultant from 10Oto 11:30 arn. at Our Lady of Victory Scbool, 540 Commercial St., wîth information shared and babies weigbed. Pregnant women are welcome. Call illi tcks at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. The Deck youtb drop-in centre, 200 Main St. E. (rear entrance), is open from 3 to 6 p.m. for students in Grades 6 to 9 and from 7 to 10:45 p.m. for tbose in Grade 9 up to age 18. Visit Tbe Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Cbilds Dr., bolds billiards from 9 arn. to 4 li.m. tai cdi froin 9 îo 10:30 ai i, bingo frorn 9.30 arn. to noon, contract bridge from 10 arn. to noon, tbe Computer Club from 1 to 3 p.m. and euchre front 1:30 to 4 p.m. The cost for eacb activity is $2 for members and $4 for non-members. Tbe Friday Eving Movie runs from 7 to 10 p.m. featuring 17 Again. The cost is $2. And bid euchre takes place at tbe Campbellville Lions Hall from 7:30 to 10 p.m. The cost is $3. Caîl (905) 875-1681. Saturday, Sept. 19 Tbe Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Cbilds Dr., bosts ils annual Oktoberfest fea- turing entertainment by 'Canadas Polka King" Walter Ostanek and traditional German food in tbe Biergarten. Doors open ai 6.30 p.m., witb tbe performance at 8 p.m. Tickcts cost $25 and are available at tbe cen- tre. Caîl (905) 875-1681. Sunday, Sept. 20 Omagb Presbytenian Cburcb (Bnitannia Road, just west of Tbompson Road) bolds its L7lst anniversary celebration ai Il ar. witb guest speaker Rev. Mark Curtis and a ligbî lunch following tbe service. Everyones welcome. Caîl (905) 875-2804. Monday, Sept. 21 Tbe Milton and District Hortiiltuiral -see more DATEUNE on page Ali8 Dr,, Khalidoi Qozi Now Acc.pting Pautients *for Her Fomily, Practice cal! 905-8,78-0086 IIISMÀMAAVE HOLLY IELE LNIEW .9'-- 50E i -i e:.eIlîîwip I CCONNON Q NUnRSqbERIES C. B. VANDERKRUK HOLDINGS ITO. Garden Centre e Tel.: 905.689.4631 383 Dundas St. E., Waierdows, ON Haurs: Monday-Friday 7am-lpm Saturilay 7am-5pm -Closed Sunday