sauggJe Oî bujz Sunshine Kids One Day Sale Every Sunshine Kids car seat is on sale! Saturday,, September 26th, 2009 Sunshine Kids company representatives on site. 90.6 1.05ww.ngleuzc Housing market numbers indicate recovery on way Resale home pnices hit levels flot seen since the market started to decline last year By Tim Foran CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Lt might have been a cooi summer weatb- er-wise, but its been hot in the Halton bous- ing market. In Multon and Oakville, the median value on resale home prices in August hit leveLs flot seen smnce April, 2008 when prices started a descent until butmig a nadir this past winter, according to statistics gathered from the Oakville, Milton and District Real Estate Board. The median price of the 283 homes sold in Oakville in August was $442,500, com- pared 10 $430,500 on 210 home sales in ,\Ltgust, 2008. In Milton, tbe median price was $351,550 on 135 home sales in August, compared to $309,900 on 122 salcs in the same month i 2008. For the year t0 date, botb the number of sales and median sale price in Oakville bas stayed almost level with 2008 figures. In Milton, tbe median sale price has stayed jusi above 2008 levels, but tbe market has seen close to 25 per cent more resales. in both communîties, the resale market started its rebound in May. That followed tbc bounce-back tin the market for new low risc homes in Halton. Following a dîsastrous winter for new low-rise home sales in Halton, the market bas 00W recorded four consecutive montbs of sales higber than the same monîhs in 2008. In june and July, there were 727 sales of new low-rise homes, close to 47 per cent bigher tban the same time period in 2008, according to statistics front tbe Building lndustry and Land Development Association (BILD). However, while new low-rise home sales have increased 2.5 per cent Ibis year over 2008, they're still well off the mark from the record sales seen in 2007. The 2008 clown- turn is beîng reflected 00W in building per- mit revenue for Halions fastest growing inunicipality, Milton. 1 lie los estimlaîîîîg îesiclliaî,l btI)lICI ing permit revenues ssîll bc $1.73 otillioni lcss this year tban expeeîed. Tbe ncw high-risc bomer m arket lia, already bit major lows, with only 97 sales recorded througb the firsi seven rnonths of thc year, well off the 485 rccorded in the saine âmne period in 2008, according to data gaibcred frotn BILD. Tim Forat cati bc îehed at ffJoanCà4?ih itoîicanaiineha.-ipioti. coi.