¶w Qanabiautn Qjiapto Miltons Community Newspaper Since 1860 CINA Naoîed Canaudas Toi) Comenunir'c Nesvspaper www.miltoncanadianchampion.com R E AL E ST A TE See what's on the market inside S PO0R TS IceHawks set for new season C O M M U N 1 Tf Y Support series aids caregiver Vn. M 1 -1è 9.~ re1 k* 1* Emm ___________________Family struggles to deal with Ioss GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION BOUND AND DETERMINED: Hundreds came out for the 29th annual Terry Fox Run Sunday morning on the grounds of the E.C. Drury complex. Here, Joshua Keating, 5, covers the course on his Rollerbiades. Over the years, the Milton event has raised $650,000 for cancer research. See more photos from the event on page A5. Court hears victim impact statements in teený deaih By Stephanie Hounseil CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Sleepless nights, Iistless days. Sometimes getting out of hed was too difficuit with the knowledge her only sister was gone. And always there were the haunting images of Laurens Iast moments. "I re-live every second of what happened over and over, trying t0 make sense (of it)," said Nicola Cooper Monday morning in a 1heart-wrenching victîm impact statement. There were many tears as Nicola and hier parents, Stuart and Dehorah, addressed the court at a hearing to determine if the man convicted of leaving 18-vear old Lauren for dead as the side of the road will see jail time. Halton Hilis resident Stephen Aichin, 36, was found guilty in Jonc hy justice joseph Fragomeni of ieaving the scene of an accident causing death. Monday, the court heard fromt Crown attomney Craig Fraser, who asked for a prison sentence of 15 to 18 months, and defence lawyer Paul Stunt, who requested a con- ditionai sentence without incar- ceration. Lt was an emotional morning, with dozens of Laurens friends and family members in atndance t0 show their support. Nicola, 23, a teacher in San Diego, iold the court how hard it is to cai- s' ut ofîti ýtIu ggliIig with grnt.' She recalled shopping road trips with her sister, jet skiing together and laughing so, hard they could harely breathe. "In thse hlink of an eye, this was ail taken from us," Nicola said as she struggled te, remain com- posed. "1 miss my sister each and every day Deborah, soo, spoke of the nightmare of thse past three years. 1I awake every single morning t0 the realization that this is not a terrihly had dream," she said. in the two years following her daughter's death, Dehorah could- nSt sleep, work or cat regular meals and more recently she has hecome paranoud that tragedy will again befall. L-auren was struck fromn bhhnd hy Aichins pick-up truck the night of July 13, 2006 as she Rollerhladed on Second Line, steps from her house. Alchin maintains he thought he hit a deer and thats why he didn't stop. But Fragomeni found Aichin knew he had hut a person or at Ieast suspected it and yet continued drîving so Halton Country Inn on Sixth Line where he was arrested the next momning. Dehorais told the court thse bad memories of what happened just outside the family's home have *see SENTENONG on page A9 GET THE JOB "0cERLTm DONE RGT Your Full Line MStore! tliM l nkïM aCM111 Sait pce plus admn. tee, applicable taxes & c f et es ceas shows. Al appli cabl e M cd is utci GM cyalty P ogram as ets appt ei. t & OEt * B weeky p Psunrof ai . mi conysostic pkg I. d k 127561 N OWwý9 À ONE ONLYI S$1 4 0001I en, 5.74% t ancing 84 months term. SAC. ~14 190