Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Sep 2009, p. 6

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EàOPINION !Canadians have ~aIready spoken O Federal Liheral Leader Michael lgnatieff may believe the time is right to challenge the Stephen Harper-led minority Conservative govemrment, but we doubt votera are errnm- oured with the prospect of retumning te, the polis for the sec- ond time in about 12 months and fourth time in five years. Last week's threats of a non-confidence vote heing called shortly after Parliament reconvenes this Monday had Conservative MPs shaking their heads and many ordinaay Canadians asking, why now? Tbis ail reeka of having more to do with the political animosity that exista hetween the Conservatives and the Liberal, NDP and Bloc parties than any hot-button federal issue. Its estimated that a federal election would cost taxpayers bcîwccn $200 and $300 million -net an insignificant ameunt in this era of corporate bailouta and stimulus plans. Last Octohers federal election coat $288.2 million and resulted in a third consecutive minority government. Accordîng to recent popularity polIs, theres no0 reason to believe an election about a year since the last will yield a dra- matically different result. * Political analysta seem almost unanimous in tise opinion that whichever of the Liberal and Conservative parties would comne out on top in a faîl election, they would be * clinging to yet another minoriîy with the other party leaders plotting the next challenge. Any of the federal leaders who have been trading the political tea leaves in recent years should already know the electorate is feeling bumed out by campaign after campaign. With the exception of the referendum of 1898, the four poorest voter turnouts - by percentage - since Confederation have taken place in the last four elections: January 2006 (64.7 per cent), November 2000 (61.2 per cent),J une 2004 (60.9 per cent) and October 2008 (58.8 per cent) . While lgnatieff may see the still-recovering Canadian economy as an opportunity to try to unseat his greateat polit- ical foe, we question the timing fromt a citizens point of view. There must he more productive ways for Ottawa to, he spending almosi $300 million of our money igbt Qanabean CbIamnpion Milionî Commnicy espaper Sice 1860 555 hidustrial Dr., Milton, Ont. L9T 5E1 ~i Il 905-878-2341 MAKING TRACKS: Miltonians front row, from Ieft) Jennifer Wiseman, Janine Vanderhorden, Brittany Wiseman (holding Champion) and Nathaniel Wiseman were part of the Etobicoke Salvation Army Missions Team, which recently visited Freeport, Bahamas to run a day camp for underprivileged kids. Bring your community newspaper on your next vacation and send you 'Champion Tracks photos to editorial@miltoncanadian- champion.com. Be sure to include dentination information and everynnes names. Readers Wrimte E-mail letters toe ditorial@mniloncsnadianchampion.com. Letters, which may be eit- ed, must include the wrters namne, address and phone number. We don't want another election DEAR EDITOR: In response to, the debate between Halton MP Lisa Raitt and Conaervative candidate Deborah Gillis, I - a candi- date and member of the Christian Heritage Party - would like to support Raitt. In my humble opinion, the Liberals are dead wrong in their desperation to force another expensive election down the throata of Canadians. Its becoming more and more clear as the years go by that our federal Liberals just want to be in power at the expenae of hard-working Canadiana, many whose financial future is at stake. Canadians don't need another elec- tion. We should put the millions that would be spent on an election into infrastructure and research and devel- opment, and let the Harper govern- ment finish ita tenn. To Gillia 1 say that l'mn not hungry for power, 1 juat want a better Halton and a better Canada, witb better solu- tions. Let democracy min its course. TONY RODRIGUES MILTON E.cltor sDesk Il stick wi4th my good oUd communily newspaper any day L comE* ACON.,ý - îi neirn There lias been a lot of talk about citizen journalismr on thse internet. Citizen media sites that contain news con- tent generated by usera have emerged as a form of bridge media, linking traditional media with forma of civic participation. 1say citizen journaliaro has been going on saice tihe newspspeas crelation, especially the community newapper. Local residenta con- tribute wo thse Chamipion daily - whetlser ita thse submiasion of a press release or photo, an eyewimness account of a news event or a cal with a newa tip. The difference is, in traditionaî joumaliaro. ultirnately the newspaper ho"d thse power to, publiali information how it secs fit. In citizen joumnalismn, the 'reporter' works -independ- point out somne potential positives regarding ently and is only self-edited. citizen joumnabsm. Reaearch on these sites Perhaps the biggest difference, show they're seen as a watchdog though, is titat in traditional for local goverrnent, can help a media trained professionals civet- community solve problemas and see delivery of the nesws. t w some degree increase voter Professional journalists are tauglit i tumnout. Tbey can also nudge toi be unbiased, cover both aides of -.. traditional. media toi improve. the story check their facts, wstch But whule these pointa have for potential libel situations and menit, lIl stick with my good write clearîy and concisely ~ oîd commutsity newspaper any 1 question thse reliability of the day information I miglit flnd on a citi- 0f course, l'm not biased. zen journalism-based, news site. Champion editor Karen Miceli .However, since I arn trained to report on con be reached ait kmiceliCamiltoncanisdian- issuies in a fair and balanced maniner, 1 must chaenpion.com. UNITED WAY 10F MILTON M ILTON SAUTA CLAUS PARADE CANADA sas YYMCA .Le ad s Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 www.mnütoncanadianchampion.com V.P. - Group Publisher Neil Oliver Regional General Manager David Harvey General Manager Debhî Koppejan Editor in Chief Jll Davis Managing Editor Karen Miceli Production Manager Tîm Coles Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Sandy Pare The Canadian Chaapin publid every Wednesday and Friday, is a daviien of Metrolanid Media Greap Ltd. Advertisng s acepted on te cndition tat in te eient f aiypogaphica erroii5apipon ofthe advetis ing space occupi y the eoneos itemtgeter with a reasonable alloanne fir signature ai not be c5arged fi, but thebalance ofithe adverisemeni aii be paid for t the applicable rat. The publha5er reaiea the right to cate9orze advensements ordeine. 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