Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Sep 2009, p. 23

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io Plc An Ad C a 905 :878-2341e siflecfalo serho a Fax 90-3286 ' CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: _______Moeday 10 Fraday 8:30 am. - 5:30 p.rn CLASSIFIED AD INDEX: Reat Estate 100-135. - usiness 140-169 .Commnetp 240-299* Merchandase 300-385 lail ala si -_b .Automotane 400-470 .HeIp Wanted 500-570 E , . Servaces 700-795 c la s s if ili d s -Fo-r -Circu-ation m-nquiraes. pinase c-ati AD SBI seON Bm aie i pecien ai Srntioi Posl, 5040 Maenay Uni #1, Boctanglon ON .707G35. DEADUINES: Moeday Sp lan foc Wednenday 905-878-5947 pbiain ednesa foc Faaday publacatna Spenaal Feainie deapOanesi nay oaay. PAYMENT: W illat annepincash, nheaioe, Ineras. Oia Masecard, Anoneanan Eaxpress. Busness aconai iaay be opened waih an approoed sndit application aoaaliable icone youc Salei Conlanct. CHECK YOUR AD TH-E Fieso OAYiTrAPPEAeS taeasueit'aonoeaoy. ThenCanadaaeChaipon wialieebe eeipoebe fo any ieriappeainntethe irsday ofpbiation. Ifan err r appeiar ieraca ontactiyoocSalesConsulant aitei24hboucsof pblaion -FrdaypubliacatoerosmustoIe epoedeoe 530 p.m anne oi itrag Monday 1_________________________ O M M'____________ Off ice/Bu-sness Apanimeots & . sn2rÏ a FoFr RosI. PROFESSIONAL SEEK- 2-BEDROOM APART- ING 400 600s-o t. sharno MENT, idealfrmte ofceospace nMlton aath allolis in nanan, quie lasoyen. acco infant, nmorl Georgetown buildinog gage/on canne broker o Ayailable November i tý citler sunaia professionnat S900/anonth pion1 hydre. In f ynaa hase surpluofice nidctstaat , aadge and or tf y00 are IookIng tor a stove. 905-455 4766. somila S o ffid ttce sta taon, la l aie emnail kenn ACTON, FURNISHED, nntcheli@cogeco.a bngni bdona apacinnent, firt and tast, 700 noonthi F IBusiness noodols parking and Seat 5 ,9-33156 edao, 50YR. OLD Distribution Conmpany coikng for Onlone ACTON LARGE 2 Pet Traaneas. Flexble Sonrs tnin S75O plu. as w0rkfa'onm honn , 0850 Plus 519-853 5080, hIm :/euneeetoday.cona 5198535352 IM2 W-9_ oaeIi $$MONEYSS CONSOLI- DATE Deps Monagages a 95% No -ncarnae, Bad onedat 060 Sotte, Opon Cool i 8 00 2 82 1 16 9 namotangotaioo OES MONEY OS Have 86SF or loOanOO in pensonO plan frain0 e nonloyen (CRI ont Fi0 3 asy nays anop 1-86669067336 S50OS LOAN Service by SAVne, no c0480i Oefl 80 qnn onanc Cean nas obtagato 12te Opllent neelcind lmFrvF:Resl Fiais For Reoi ACTON I-REOROOM apantnaent. SoOaie i dolato y, 0840 naontb u olte inluded Qunet Building, No pons 192 Churachill Road Senti,. Cati 519385310281. CAMPOELLVILLE- Fniiy tunaoo 007 3 bodnoona apaatmcaa, 01800 mn. Cale, inenet aCesoý Otops t ocai e0t0nf/ oth on amenotono Sent oy 008, oetnoranonto Aalasoe OctoDer i Colt1 905-854 6175. escarlpneatiuong nom MILTON 1-REOROOM baseneno apanamnaot. Brigh t, nee, spacloont pinaate ontrono e, Mature adula paetecaed. No smoking/ ns pets pceteaoed. Ail inlsive S95nînah Aaiabiî 1 nnOdCI a t e1y 90569 1 6809. GEORGETOWN 5-uEO- ROOM. Vent prisate. la nisdns apploanons, Sea and parking. Plus Sydro $07 50 /mon tSI 905 702 7584 ibetaceen 5 00 8:0Opmi o 647 280-4415 ROM paosort eeont su975 ao MIIn a ED shopin g N snkan poeto pan s lt 17 uit es, t ast/bo ail ae Oi ant/C F abs Fo rit-s GiE DOWNTGWN LA MILTON aI Miliside TRwers an 82 MilIside Ormve. 90 Attractive quiet 3- building. Spacios LC brighl dlean t o 1&2 bedtoom unîts do Aith laundty facitity a and social toom on ing site. Regolat resident ne eento Ope 7 days M & eefliROs Cmli 905-976-1249 c www.realstar.ca (4 GEORGETOWN RIED- G R00M ,a a Ra GEORGETOAN 1-ES- ROOMnbasena nt, au M naae, utab e fnor aataaa b 5700 Oa n O im ida te Fs/att (905)8773289 p __________ la1 GEORGE~.N e0EG-- ROOM toaaght noen base M nena. 5825ant pnas io otiaites Paakaaag/iaundoe. No dog, Iminaadiatety c ait ai Mille 905 84023367 Johnn aa 416-8094670 4 GEORGETOWN BRIGHT 2-bdana, 2 stoano aPtovittlo 2 pankang spanes, bock no dntoon Anait non $1200 ianlusive cati Mon9 to Fn, 519 853 8301 GEORGETOWN LARGE bnagiat 1 hedanona OntabieI foraFtre quitaPetsonoR No sokaag/pets. PanateM annday, anatlabie Oct. If Set enences anonaned, t5104331 LRE2-BEDROOM, 1 bath. annis onota, dayr, 9 ta.dp, sanon. a/c, 2 pantano anad ntadataes. Anal Non lot. Plaan/ Tompoon. 4 16.459-3314. i MILTON, 1-BDRM bonat s apt toa nent 5750.00/no Fnefn no pets. Use ot iaundae t nee noble Suatabie ton 1 Persan onty Cati 905-301 1970 nease message. fefnionc esfirst/ ast eqarc1 aMILTON COUNTRY set- tang. spanaous -bdnnn osant apt.,gond foor wath sep- anale eetnance. Partialy tuenashed. 0825/mo. tFriagi! slave/ parking/ stalataîs ancinded. No smok. ang/ pets. loti ast 004. n.905-878.4571ý MILTON- Lange, 2-Oed taoonMi, N appinnes carnpanking Nononnokeos, Ildogo poeteaned. S59 5 0 nsi Cati 905-897 6391, MILTON,' GUITABLE fon couple ath neferences, no p ets, 1 0fid aseicone. SecondC eseI oftueuse. 3 bar apt, wtS 90t ceatango. Share basensent, ianndny tanalttas, snpanate n trne, parkingg Anaiabin Nos lot, 01150 nath Plcs otalttnos 905 878 2737 NORVAL BRIGHIT, nean spa os i nedooo clppen tonna Batcony/;tannin an nranno, Parkaaao a nating. fadg/s tusnydrn etr No pnas/sna 0006 not aFan rt/tact $850/m hot tAsaatabte annondaatny. 905-873 7211. e . I e garage sales H O'e NrsryScoo Nsr y ch5l 1000ETOWN RAY- WN Cnes. 38BR nonse un Playschool At Milton District Higil Scheel! Pues Dasennena ant. Runnaog Tuesdays attd Thursdays front ail a the Oct atai. 9,35-10:48 begfnnîng Septembet 29. Fus 58907078 crafts, gantes, circle timte, free play, snocks REDROOM RUNGA- and oo ntuch mote for only $25! Registration 0W, Goongetou n, main fotnts aoaîlable fron the Mlton Disttict Hîgh on. Nean trnhane, nn School websate. nos bathrooan. CAC, osa Contact clanicsonc@hdsb.Ça noftnen, washon Onyne, ge yard, parkang, naiS for more iniermtiOn .200 nnnnthcsfane ites Ocnober Isa OAYCARE AVAîLARLE CARPET S aveonson ai 16)305 7783 Main Si & Capte Ave anea. 1,000 yards of n Stain ________________ Faon inanang ennaonannt. Masten & 100% netoon Cara 8RGETOWN 3-RED- Faast Oad FS ilcoath pot. Wtt dn tosoognoona & 0OM hug no ooaaadne a[s Cai tcaai iait II,, S389. nP ca a' ECE MOTHER aut a~2- ,i a e ,l an i ,arsa ofOe,,a Oaac 05)890O 7078 nos pea ngs Home0 Day HOME GYM for sale, Yons caeait Scott Bind N. & Pnower Station w/ anagnts, ILTON- 2200 SQ00 4 Or Rad. O aIu inary Weaîno Sonic Snta 45ab ,daoo S pnar old de0 4168953236 inar Anbet Prfaina 2 an cOand 0000. CIost a- Rn tonDant 83,50 Ctapnnao ' nis 51500/a naa EXPERIENCED calcare Tna nen, 80e 4 ng a it l noauni ie.Anaatabie Non pannidoa Dernf Thnnap celng tnhoandovns ot Ca1905875 6803 soaali taon Fi'antTanan anc 0500 ton ait ornu ad - - aIl agosooninonne. Banas ndnuat1 pa ricg ILTON- LARGE, 2 stonS, tast, lanch s nacks pansi 905-878 6047. bndnnnnnt dandaaned ea CF, PstPod 0500 nnnoono, Appoiarces. Sean n0 yoans nîpainanan ROT TUB iSpa) Conons 1 amernies 51700 mn Hnoawonk, toton ng, Lest pannce, Beot qualtt Pli c uinae. Nosember 1 n naputer aoatabin. Crafs , sSapes & colonas, Call 1 6 2 34 5 28 3 ,000 cooelandoo atitoats 1 8 66 58S5 0 0 5 16 879-1698. Reaconabie rates. No wornnSncovnagnpca - smokag&/ pets, Clean/ sain HV RENT' Sent oe On envoa namont. Aeta HOT TUB/ Spa Brand non en downpaymnnt, gond 905-693-8687. 2009 ode[ n ail optin', rdt rnononnd, Mchnaelt and coona. Sti an noappen aRealt8, 8 Otanage JAMES GNOW/ Dnnay, Coot S8995. Sacriface 055748882 nonoe day aan, nîoeno $4750. Cati 905 971 1777 sne on opn -atng icensed IsFr daycarn centres. Pot ages, SUPER SALE! Cnstomn co ~jI~~W !!ed onplete prognam. Fanon Soisteaang. Donongaoom Ad Pcunaent past eas0 190P0o aeeninen tinobin Soucs. cbaias faon S195 Lavn ILTON. LARGE maaa 905-864 8334. sea t n om $595 Great 00r bedrooa, onannd ta sanongo on maney doconanon 005 854 0359, PIANO LESSONS & Drona TREADMILI. ELECTRIC, RiLTN CLAN aaansîan Ononas Quaifd TeacS atis tme.ooeed, ditance, sorn, ban tradge, S/ C M MiCton Stndi o S295. Also, nliptoca tan VoodlaFd, Joyce. Snat 4166174464 asi ta Bar el, necnmbent & eecs unaet tdypersOan Non DIlaorichard. alln. trampoione th encto- m a n o n e yosneý 905-814 1415 f052990226. ý: HeIth MILTON- 0NE rosm Home Cane UI Articles Waofed aale in band nen4 ------- aedosmn flonse, Oeoap/ RECEiVE NURSING As OEP C85 CSIP Paad Ontario aree. 0500/mno ait toistant ton cSofd, eideîly. Ceins. Jenollery. Gold ncînsose. 647-220-4609. dtabled. Ae place FSWO stbulei Diaindo Cinta PN', & RIs ion cotes. s toaî1, Sai lveIr LoiFud Cal 647 297 7430. Figurianes, Royal Dont ww 0.aeifheaitS foin Swaeovslt Pt caae.nom. Aniquse ioaînashangs. Art POONDo MILRUROUGR/ WANT TO Iose egSt and Collectibles. eic Estati Boottanla a000, fournd Don- keep it otft Heosai Cagon Spec aiasts. Top C ast lay Png. 30 beantatol 000- oaa Seop. Rseott gttaoas Coalt John Paît leorange/blaca 5yo teîd. Cali to te orlimded 905eiti3d31 2477 ternale cal. declaweO, tame alr 5 f. ýqrdr.o spated. 905-335 3145 1-800-926-4363 PetTsples N111 Nanies1-o bai 2 ALE Jack Rosae A QUALIFIED Eaaip CoatO 3 VEAR aid Stove. 3 ponce cross Pug puppies. Ne hood Edosaton setaang aleathen Iouongcoom set. non home. 10 n-ents, flac loue-ont Nanna position. Ont- BolS On excellett condation shotO 905-6911174 ango and daaly activitres Cati 647-273554. PUPS FOR bain Shah otz boned on Sagh bope ana ALL NEW Bedls0 Fins! pot Fakanese, Boston Teaaoea Themed currculnms. aoops, 10-15' teick, cen vaie Poo. Filo needino Melassa 905-691-5168 on plastc, o ubl OnaS250. uet cheoked denoamna Quen $o75.. Sang S5QO, tea taeated. moononhappet RETTER LîFE Narnes 0,000 Memoat toam mat Rottans Pnt Cenotre Sgny Pliasang cannantfo trs On witnth conea. Qonen 905-875-0475, chidrnn eidertp, disabinO 0750., King $950, Cen Dn- coco. PIo o ennotang loca aivaun, 9OS 730-5849 InRIloouce and onnseas naanaats Con IServices tact 647 205-4381 B80V ITEMS tfor sale, osas betteniofnaannaes@iseaa otoin nOattress craoan, Oaa CLEAN DRIVINO Recoo carabasen changetanle, up tu$400 onyo cara EXPERIENCED MATURE freestooanig 10118 Innmpern i naric le C a t ENGLISH Naancy anaiaSie etc $700 ion al or moi 1866 4739817 fo00 a0 OctobenîIst Excellent n I dai1 Pao1 io lgatoa nota. Opon wee references. 905 510 9911 905 87"-0407 ends MILTON CARLISLE STREET GARAGE SALE SALE Sat Sept 12 8460 Guelph 8am - Noon NeOLine NetFeu Weehends BOIJSFIELD oniy SemRe usiays CRES. Leos Booh& iad 10013i Housetoold Items somelhing fo Call Dule MILTON PARKING LOT SALE SATURDAY SEPT 12 8:00 AM TO 3:00 PM John Tonelli Arena Parking Lot 217 Laurier Avenue Household items, taots, gantes, sodes, books, applonces, gî faee colt taibles, ctothiTg, tumnoîme Sponored by. The Optimist Giof 7 Miton wîth ail Profits 10 The Darling Horne 0fo 6105 (A Chtidreno Hospicel Respt Expoîtettce) FOOD/ DRINKS AVAILABLE RaîT Date: Satutday Septembet t9 MILTON MILTON Large Yard & YARD Garage Sale Sat Sept 12 SALE Sam-4pm Sat Sept. 12 48 Peru Rd. 9a1m - 12pm 905-876-4483 627 MîTi bilke, old ct ck Churchill and jugo, pînbail gantes, Antique Ave. funtitore, old blotties SornC Furnîture and IMAwntocer. Lots of t300ds Appeadng every Fdday ApýI 1, 2009 thru November 1, 2009 M ILTON MOVINC SALE Saturday September 12 Oam-l PM 1603 Ramsbaw Crescent MILTONI Street Sale Sat Sept 12 Bain - l2pm 767 Philbrook Or. (Off Yfiâes) Boys/ irtls clatres, lots of T8A itents. houeoeld, sctapibooking, toys, books, VHS tapes ail $t.00) MILTON GARAGE SALE SatjSun Sept il & 12 7am - 4pmn 604 Laurier Ave. Bain Dais: Sut/u Sspt 26 & 27 fdousehold Good, pots etc. sebok.. u ls sfe . -. news V To Place An Ad Cail 905-632-4440 - Email: classifiedehaitonsearch.com - Fax 9OS-632;ýý MILTON GARAGE SALE Sat Sept 12 Sam - Noon 347 Woodward Ave. MILTON GARAGE SALE Sat Sept 12 8am-Noon 1122 Bonin Crescent Ghildrenis tops and ntore1 Rain or Shîoe YOtit BEST SOU2

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