CORRECTION NOTICECOECONOTE FUTUR y O y Funny People amusing and touching s.ny VAIO 1ýptop~ ~ ~ ~<l'u ('IDT fl ,86 <SI) VA1 i;Nll> ) DMli51 b 1,1 <NJ aderiedirh eincrrct ryoes The eptops lye yna adartirâ oîtlinrorraaraýpmilaarîonsn Trnan ains porrect n Pr aso i n Intel PenOn 04200, ou un Inte1 l aineahavea3GRto Aand25068e9ardtrcne, 468aa Ceaorr ta. 2 tua0650,an enoaty adontlarlIl aI Ul and 32008 ((ard (ive, ws pneaiaaaly ailnesaar M W= m wuaemar lUei uap6 f~at, maly M bonnae a u ae me.,. = FUUR SO LL CORRECTION NOTICE The60 FUiM iTUEs S iae ioPV 1655 Z 205604 21a06,11 , 202MaMie noter trien 0s VOtar 216"4 correc atUhwu 21 a541 rlla I na601 Fot ad tae Ffoura ba&y a ft> 216306 (2 Fao?2 Fanant atd 2163015 t lhal Ford6rat atfer". h M remth. dt Z e davey ceaadea yetme u«ý TO our valuad cuaomaoiv W. aoologiza for any monmlommcaum byan entare ln ou, ffyr dati etJu IyS1 - uouaÎe1 Prdc:Canon Rebel XSi DSLR Camera. On he ul 31flyrpage 21, pleasa note Oral the $20 savings dlaimt for thrs produot sa nu [longer nalidl ta s t $729.99. SKU:101209671 I î.1citicc' wi flets mutiay Iîisîseîl aund Jcnntfer Smith, wbo bave very dijfercîu tastes in film, review a movie currently play- ing. This time it was Murrays turn ta 'Pick a Flick' aîd be chose Funny People. Plot: Wbert famous comedian George Simmons (Adam Sandler) learos be bas a terminal disease, his desire to forrn a gen- uine friendship causes him to __ take a green perfirrner (Seth Rogcn) under bis wing. What Murray thmnks l'm not a fan of long moviest and Funny People is long. It looks to me as if they tried tar fit every possible message in. Funny People is amusing, but there aren't a lot of laugh-out-loud moments. A lot of the humour is centred around the groin area, which is old and tired. But there are some funny parts, especially with some of the cameos, including Eminem and Ray Romano. The surrounding cast is good, much like you'd expect in a judd Apatow mavie, and Adam Sandler and Seth Rogcn arc convincing and belrcvahlc. Il", gol at goed -',toi- loiii) e-t thl tl would havc been better if they teck a FUTURE SHOP CORRECTION NOTICE HP 4t1 Vmatt Memory tard 10120033. Mas ntrae tiret Me bonus prarlea fouedi an paoe 28 aI dmw JaIy 31 yNu %las adnertisad rIth tire onect nelta, The carrert valute as S30, anet S79, an proannty adnr".a FUTURE SHOP CORRECTION NOTICE HP Mtn! Netbeoit 1110-1g30CA) 1O125641. Oe lbe Joly 31 flyar, page 5, tio produac aras iacorectly adverised relth a 6-oel battery speciftcationt Plas acte tIrais melbaab onfl bas a 3-oel battery. wu eoraeqe ille r reave a "eaeee tiist-eut in tihe middle fer nap lime. If Jeunifer had picked this movie I'd have given it two-and-a-half stars, but since 1 picked it l'Il give it three. What Jennifer thinks When I heard that Judd Apatow was gaing to be making a movie with Adam Sandîer and Seth Rogen, I could- n't decide if this was the best i dea I'd ever heard or the worst. ht turned out to be a pretty good tdea, but the combina- tton didn't resuît in the kind o 'f movie 1 think most people mtght be expecttug. Funny People manages ta deal with issues like morality, happiness and the meaning of life in a way that is... well, funny. We are talking about a bunch of comedians after ail. But its also, an introspective film that asks us ta think about our own life choic- es and whether thcy have really led us where we hoped they would. If it sounds a bit heav-y, its not. Its fuuuy and teu.lntng, net at ail your typical A\darn S-autiler or Seth Regen tuesie. l'Il givc il tlrce md-a- hall stars foir cxcecdiug the sumn afitts parts. Jennifer Smith FUTURE SHOP CORRECTION NOTICE Faunue Shop ((est Price Guarantan. Please note Ihatuib (as Price Goaranle aodoartsed an tbe front page of tbe ioIy 31 flyer appies ONLY ta coanputer bardwrare and software. Wu sémmin aeJeiqe fer MIp hoeveadmor Mit; My ______________ ou V~y ca.a& 0«ue W e oanumer. 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