Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Aug 2009, p. 10

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1- , - ê 0 z A r Q>91/2) 116d101/ (2xtYO~J/ St George's Anglican Anglican Church of Canada 7051 Guelph Line, Just North of Deriy Road 905-878-1112 We l/7v1/eyou /o worsb/p w111 as. Sunday Family Worship 8:30 arn (re//-eS/rm7PI en//eole /reern'e) Wednesday 2:30 pm - 'Exploring our Faith" Children always welcome Tb& AeoV Susd/nHei//S (5)78- 11/2 Knox ( l Presbyterian KNOX "Unifieci by Christs love, we arr,.oî share Hlm wvith the world" loin us Sundays in August ut Knox Presbyterian: 1O:3Oamn Worship Service, Summer Sunday Sehool & Nursery Blending traditional & contemporary styles Pastor Hiomard Sullivan 170 Min Si. E., Mitton 905.878-6066 www.knoxmilton.com CHURCH 0F CHRIST 9850 Britannia Rd., Milton, On L9T 7E8, 905-875-2939 Worship & Communion 11:00 arn Sunday School Classes 10:00 arn Watch for "Key to Kingdom" Friday 8:30 arn, Vision TV aUflDuay qU~uusi M, lu:juamn We wilbe wohlppin7galKnoxPresbylorjan (170 Main St. E.) this weokl Message. lmitaling God - The Wark of the lona Communily Carol Hyde Vacation Bible Camp Atàgust 10- 14 - morninas tý rom Mary Street gRACEWAY 'BAPTIST CHURH S103 Martin Street 905-878-1629 Pastor Walter H. Isaak St George's Anglican Church (AInglican Netvr'on C anada) Rector: Rev. Ray David Glenn Invites you t. worshlp wlth us this Sunday at The Crouroadu Centre ln Burlingtonl at 1295 North Service Rd. Nryaad Cààe'Scolpv*d oMfce@stgchurch.ca (905) 335-6222 MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. a 878-3873 10:00 arn. - The Lord's Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study There is one God, and one the man Christ Jesus - lst Timothy 2.5 Sanctuary ' S undau8ervioem fM @ www.truenuiihchor.ca TrrueNorth Vg, C H UR C H N MLON DAY À ý20çCHURCH Invites you te, our weekly Sabbath services ai Hugh Foster Hall, 43 Brown St. Milton Sdi. 9:30 a. m. Sabhath Schorl Sat. 1l:t0 arn. Disine Service BIBLE SCHOOL liv,ý0 the i Bv.îîî i ble àn9 e i ý c v e , îeIICrplo q l i and thesecrct vîa hipp iteý P.O. Box 2012. 55 Ontario St. Miton. Ont. L9T 5B4. On the INTERNET. http://awa.%op.com and wwamaeingfacts.org/tribleschootl/schoolmain.asp PASTOR: Ai DaCosta 519-835-83i0n For more information abrout oar senîlce and program. please catI, nqjticain 317 Main St. E 905-878-2411 Sunday 8 arn Said Eucharist + quiet, traditional rite Sunday 10 arn Sung Eucharist __ + children's programs NEW LIFE CHURCH FOR GENERATIONS TO COME Distributed to> new Milto>n Residents ______e éeetaý t h is cin n uai c> ppc>r t u n ity Miltan ians knaw about yaur message of Hape and Peace, especially in trying times, like these ... WVe wvilI deliver yaur message ta> ~vr5,000 m&W, AiItc>r, RiesidqLnts. Plups£ Have a listing every single mainth in The CorndicanCh,---se,, SUNDAYS Att Servces in the Children's & 'ioutr Cente 9:00 AM -Enpresn Woîsflip Service.- Suniiay School rafla eoacuoenty ta:0 rAM - Foil Worstiip Service - ciosea oapiiooers on nommer hoiidays 6:30 PM Eoening WorsipSeice ý iiîsh yooî day invoa Childrens'Mnistries Available in ail Services WEDNESDAYS 1 a m ly N iq 17:00 m Ixtremre Liîfe Ycîurî Camps for Kids at New Life Inormnation vine at oo-.owietiti.î5 August 10 - 14 Mega Sports Training Camp August 17 - 21 Mad Science Beasts, Bridges & Brews Camp August 24 -28 Gils of Desiny Camp -. 24Thompson RoailSocaîli, Milîciti, ON I OT 2X5î Visit Us Onfine www.NewLifeMllton.corm or cal Pasiror Dan Rogge ar 905 878 3358 .... .... e w 1

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