Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Aug 2009, p. 33

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Asparagus, Grape Tomatoes, Portobello Mushrooms and Sliced Almonds with Whole Wheat Rotini (NC)-Are you a "flexttarian"? A "flexîtartan" s someone who eats meat occasîonally, but enjoys meatless meals most of the time. Thts meil is perfect for the fleoitarian in you. It is Ioaded with good nutrition, includ- ing plenty of veggies, whole grain pasta, and almonds, which provîde a great source of fibre (3.5 g) and vite- rn;tf E and offers protein (6 g), calcium (75 mg), and îron (1.1 mg). Thts meal is so delicîous, chances are you w/il want ta corne back for seconds! Vîstt the aII-new websîte a> AlmondBoard.com, to dîscover this and many other deltcious almond inspired recipes! >- DIRECTIONS Serves 6, 2 up servings. INGREDIENTS 1 box (35lr 5 iuwo ieatuncola pasta 2 cups (500 mi) grape tofmatoes tut into hra 1/2 cup (125 mL> fresh basil, chopped 6 tablespolons, (75 mi) extra virgin olive oul 1 medium anian, diced 2 cups (500 mi) 3 large Pbrtbello mushmoon 3 toi312ups (750-875 mL)1 bundi of aspa diapped 1 cup (250 mi) sliced almonds 4 doives galic cnshed 1 tablespoort (15 m1jgingeominced 1/2 teaspoan (2 mi) pepper 1l4 teaspoon (1 mi)arushed red pepper 112 tedspoent (2 mi) sait (oiptionaD) Pamiesan cheese to sprinke r Bring large pot of water to a boil for cooking the pasta. While warting for the water to houl, halve grape tomatoes and dhIp basil. Mix together in a small bow adding two tablespoains (25 mi) of extra virgin olive ail. Set aside.j .D ~ Dite oniori and chop mushraomrs. Chop asparagus into 1 i pietes (2.5 an). Distard the toarse woody ends of asparagus stalks, Crush garlit and minte ginger. Roii Add Rotini to bailing water. Follow pacage direttions for Roii doneness. Most whole wheat Rotini requires about 12 to 13 minutes of toalting tîme. ts While thre pasta is tooking, on anotiter sautepan sauté onions in 1/4 tup (50 ml-) o> extra virgin olive oul for one to two minutes at medium heat Add thre mushraams, asparagus, almands, pepper and dqchaped trushed red pepper ta thre sautepan. Saute for abouit six oragus, minutes or until thre asparagus is tender yet tn. Add garlit and ginger to sautepan and sauté for anotr- er one to two minutes. Be careful not ta let thre garlit bum. When thre pasta is tooed, drain thre water and add pasta bàdo into the large pot Add bowl tontaining grapetonna- toes mixture along witir tire sautéed vegetables and almont& Mix ail ingredients together gently Serve topped witir Pannmesan dieese THIS SPOT COULD D E YOURS!a as Iow as $75oe/Issue* To aivertise In this felature, pieuse contact Cathy Chuchmach Smith ait lEbe CEanab1n Qbampion 90-878-2341 ext. 217 or ...li cathysmith@miitoncanadianchampon.com It's a Ask your LOCAL Reci Edtale Agent abouf the of 0 Down Market! . ssue h - u .u. ado- -L -2Lt I MIIN*'ê Meton m e NEIL OLIVER, Publiaher DAVID HARVEY, Gênerai Manager Advetîsig Director: Debbi Koppejan Real Estate Rep. Diane Wolstenhoime Published byp The Canadian Cthampiono, 555 Industrel D, Milton, Onit, IL9T SEt1 (905) 878-2341 Fax: (905) 876-2364 Advertisrng ns accepted on tht condition that, in the event of a typographica error, that portion ofthfe adaertising space occopird Sp the arroneous item, togerfier with a reasonable aliowance for signature, wiii flot ire chargeS for, but tht balance of the afivertlisement will fie paifi for aithfe applicable rate. Ttie pub listrtr resteses the right to categorize and reftct adotetisito In fie eannt of typographical error. advertising goods or seroices aI the aarong price. goods or services may rot be sold. Adoettisitg cs merely an offer to soi ant nay fie wftfidtawp ai any trme, Prodoced o on halt of the Cakaville, Mrtton and District Real Estaf e Board. CbWwn CCAB Audited RECOGNIZED FR EXCELLENCE an AýCI ýoýem Asoelo CNA . ,r U srbeteaa TH1E CANADIAN CHAMPION ISA PROUD MEDIA SPONSOR FOR: Hallo Heafhcaa _ YMCA -hi r.ýl- il. y nDennee..eaaOee $319,900 Four betroons updatet eat-io kitofier tiristed basAnent Aith ffrte p îeoe taith B freplace, DAiI laidscaped, bO9y f enced rai yard. long dnîeway. moat on conditiot, cail for note itioi lhlioooeocJOAN HOLLINGS N05-878-9100 EXECUTIVE TOWNHOUSE! nhis 3 ODR home oteers over 1800 sOit of Open Concept living Featurng haîdwood tisors throaghoot 2f batins, E/ Kîtchen, MIF Famîiy & Dinfingf3M, Master/BD wrth Ensoîte & W/1 cioset. Fîoîshed ReO/Rn, W/P To large tenced figeS yard, For more information Please oisif coOaturktoielner hrdsooedingreat rson Oîning rso & apperiall, hrepiace; fallesite Soietioresceticlosei schoolsart park CaiiPDonnaafarnoredceaiisorto arra fa ies iris ioveiy iomene trlr DONC STAlE (905) 878-9100 Has the market stabilized in our area? Gel a free market report to find out. Canl JOE PECHARICH 905-878-9100 or email: info@JoePecharich.comi. This MaOtany Bouit Afibenoor BONG AL0Fr is iocated ai fie foot of f00 escaipumnr This home aoffrs ail the coroenîences of a bangalow, winh the addod space ot a large loht nhis home is a nosI see, no nani wfiat 000e fle style For noie information oisif m oeàlenmJEe TAGLIERI Me-878-9100 JUS¶LISTEU $529,000 This 3 loedim n dert famîly tome is locat- edi in thie heait of Etoflicoke. Located close schoof s. shopping, and the TTC Why commate wtten yoc cao lump oo thie sobway and be there in minutes? For more inoomation oisif weraalricom JOEBGIR 00109 0-178-9100 dgatrinlreto DONNA STARK (905) 878-ot10 wit evry ttetio tuevey dtai Ths i a ustby transmission shop. Situaled teeS lx cat dealer- setheoe!y aGto fu www.Joetharichcs fe Are5 thipo, great locaton in wel eslablishied commercial dattails or cati JOE PECHARICH 905-878-9100 rtail anea ni Erit Mîlîs. Go ta .a.Jaapechaeich.con for nore datait: oe rai a -- ---JOEPECHARICH 905-878-9100 (emi Prudential 905.878.9100 www.prutcr.com lquamw Town Centre Reaity Inc, 245 Main Street, Milton. Ontario Brokerage

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