Region issues1 West Nule warning Halton Regions health depart- ment is reminding area residents to cover up and slap on bug repellant as the community enters the heart of West Nule virus (WNV) season. "Although West Nule virus has flot been in the forefront* of infec- tious diseases so far this summer, everyone still needs to continue to take precautions," said Dr. Bob Nosal, Halton Region's medical offi- cet of health, in a written release. 'July, August and September are the months when we typically see mos- quitoes test positive for West Nule virus." To prevent the spread of mosqui- toes carrying the virus, the Region is asking residents to eliminate or reduce areas of standing water, such as bird baths, old tires and children's toys, that act as breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Take steps to minimize risk For personal protection, the health department advises residents to avoid being outdoors between dusk and dawn, but when doing so to wear long-sleeved shirts and pants with tightly-woven fabric and to use a mosquito repellent with * DEET. In shady, wooded areas, mosquitoes can be active ail day and night. Although Halton Region is deemed a high-risk territory for WNV, there were no reported human cases in the community in 2008. There were two human cases in 2007, but regional staff believe the individuals likely acquired the infection outside of Halton. According to the Region, of those who becorne infected with WNV, 80 per cent will flot bave any symp- toms but the rest could have fever, nausea, muscle aches, headache and rash. In rare severe cases, people can develop encephalitis or meningitis, which can lead to brain damage and even death. The risk for serious ill- ness when infected with WNV increases with age therefore elderly persons and older adults need to, pay particular attention to protecting themselves, said the Region. For more information, visit u, rvaiued aestoO Wa apologiza fur Ioconvanlafl o uaad by an en-r In Our 01wrdae:JI 17 - .1y 24. ITELUS Yean Chanae $35 Smartphona Combo Plan. inathe mae plan adnanflaad. Thi Smartphana Combo Plan shandd ba $45 non 35, and l includas 250 mnutas unlimfted 9pn rlita and waakends, and 500MBetaa A&99qg oaIeISO55PA * Bhetoo e * Hstd FmWn Sea* aeè»W MMee Ca"bu .....................-'0 SALE PRICE....à,*.*... $15,99X 2009,KI&ýýRIOï 5,, WAS -'UP'Pumchase Financing OIJ 48 Months eOOs2KIAI 5ORENTO,ý ModlSR75ff9 JUST NORTH 0F KIA MOTORS 155 Ontarlo ft. North, MHlton THE MILTON MAIL ThePowertoSurprisem1 oioKIA, FORTE IX IMM SALE PRICE...... Modei l -IO I = ~jKIA 11ý W S Model Mn' l I 'I iir EW ltlA& î Ahkiw4luD U PIJI FUTUolS Il il U1110 111.................... tif5 SALE PRICE .........u 1111n 12,999 $0 ýDDWN SPEt!M = 1l~ B, Ait F... & Txes Included @-2.9%Y PURCHASE FINANCING AVAILABLE ON EVERY 2009 KINCt ?O9) KIAý RONDO eQ9jKIA.. 5PORTA6E - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -