ESAE n à' l lie IIIIIIII@- 878m7777 22 Ontario St. Mîlton, ON pade ile sclinnig and met/ca/oas stunonnp /3 bedoomo, an we/i but ian soi/e mnildn =d gara( iîving/ining aiea. and act M, unliri %tuuniflÏfluIYI Piaited3+ ednnont ulwonn1.5 acres wth manpl Irecent improemeni. Fulli2bedrem/in-/awnsuite wft ep-I lana/e engeance. Separate wnrknlaeg/garage w/lb hydro I Plejje callScott fr meedeai $69M. MATTAMY'S CROFTSIOE MODEL ewand ery Channing 1360nq.f Tnwnboose in dennrabte neighbnounlod 3 y 2t26fil Bedrnnms, masten Bedtoom wl/n sepanate 3pce ensuite. Open r. etame $289000' *~o ./ lut soflot/o GREAT - PRICE Afin dable 3 Bedrnom Ponhonse - Famy room wh walk-on to proae - treed pauio, bucktng on/o paik, close to amendies aid purk Lovely Sung ing for 2 cars. treed ravine $106,9U. Piese Batittooms, ca/I Scott ion more basement ai deCk. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~mse becddroudsioatrpoou/yttne bm lhCaSox~m m nipnnh ATTENTION ENTREPRENEURS - Are pou interested i0 starting Fout 0000 business? Do pou have un înterest in flowers and gardoning? The -o ohop os n nei /oca/ed tiorist in the centre oi Mil/ton. CUSTOM BUILT BEAUTY GREAT LOCATION Tttete os Great ronm fot grownh. Vaue oi lînturen tutoi- e/on or 3.5 Acres surroutded by a gorgeons Goi rc a/ p/ il een/ lnrb eud etoe andeeqn/epnmenteryf $ on0 l OOpel smo g nM oeningdneed w/lb a ntream and pond. 3+2 Bedroomo, 3 Soliubrckurtksplutfuthy4aedlapnel rafeman Wood linepiace, eat-in kitchen, Fa/y i lnînhed lare cirt aenn /y/oncpdnlm/ d trae hîn oerp uctnai sbnp /0 traniadd men- nid pienty ni tnom fon expansion. Plese ca/i rnom with firep/ace and wa/knnt go deck w/ ho/ tub. ma/ki p adtkoers ner caToma/ /or turai den- ep ,iatis 15010.0 Please Ca/i Scott Iûn more de/ai/s. s389f.9 a/ o o mn eat salles îomig 3 bednoom burt/a/on recetl reinavaed anr n/y a short na/k t ,Nl. New ceranc les and/ lminat leannng throunhotdand par/ongle( ený Hemand Hydra incldede in nnnth mont âra )resentative SCENIC VIEWS IN ACTON Silnated an appreol- ma/e/p 3 acres beside the take in Aclon , Ibis npda/ed bungalew ollers Sec/union and bean/lini scenic niewn. A RARE F/ND/ 34,900 Taylor 349,600 -DORSET PARK REAUTV ,OMM7*77 Four bedrooms, large west-/acing tot wl/h poot, on m-8787771 quien conrt in a tamity /riendly area. Cornes wl/h Wiiu@ i! brigh/ egl-in ki/chen, targe 24' l ong liing room, *IIbaIUf.IUt sep. dîning room, tinished, garage wilh jMki s rear door and mnch more. Cen/rat air, centrat vac. SUBSTIftTE FR MUST BE SEEN! EXPERIENCý M i M Asn MII FuMI N MIMINY If you need information or assistance, Ie rA please Cali & I fiIlbe happy f0 help. Ont o/ a k/rd (c/rn 1860) beuti/S/iy upgnuded and impnoved n/rh urique open concept t/on p/ar .. ententainens deligh/i Bright sunroon addirion oven iooking penenniai gardens & ioaeiy col it/de viens. Oficelden complte ile hig/n-speed. Oppen levei dormers aiiowing totsof ritnnai iight and eeparded 2nd teoni. 3 bdtnt, toc/adns npac/ons masten compieteneih ensuite & finapiace. An ovenodze sepunate garage dtobles un a nonkhhp n/nb 22tamps. Must be niened t0 l/y appreciate Ihis unique home.3600. A Ma//amy home (Pitgrim mndel> wl/h large ki/chen and nat aI breakfast istand, open concept tamily rnnm wl/h stone tireplace. Main tevet has ceramics & hardwood floors. S/para/e living ronm and combined dinîng ronm. Freshty painled lhronghnnt. Great size mas/er bedronm wl/h ensuite. Finished lower tanel nec room. Rear yard is comple/ely t eaced. $369,000. _________ 1 acre lucked meil off Guelph Line. 5 bd1rms w/main I/r fami/y rml eu/-in ki/chen, sep. dining & living rms, 2 lireplaces, 3 ba/hn, main fI/r taun- dry & mud rm. Oversized 2 car garage, in- gronnd pool, tencod yard & paned parking. Wa/k /0 Brookvi//e PS. & park & easy access /0 major hwys, golf courses & hiking Irai/s. $579,000. Veny deoirab/e location or top ni the Encanpnent ot ftn/romt ttwr hack- îng on/to conservation. This /00e/y 3 hedroon bunga/ow han heen rno- onted and upgnaded top/ huoon Juot moue in and entop the bn/gnI nec kîtchen, gleaming handwood I/nomr 3 modern /at/nroomo, 2/fire- p/aceo,Iange hnnp ont nolau ionndow, replacemert nîndowso 2 car garage. tango lîrînhord nec mon ftat/c counrynideovienb nrom at/ win- dows, henotilt perniat gardeans & un abondance nf i îd/te and m/nb mtre. This /ocation rate/y hecnneo ana//ah/et 35U7,000. ____ ~pm ~n-~~8hi ~n'/~ i *', .V" '-o~ i~mupri.h-. q ~ g ~ m oc ;;Mý 0a S.,' IArnVe Horne With... mu-887777 (io,-> L,ý'o11s Cotiri 1 F10%ver ShOI) -