THANK Frei.4s of YOUO Milton Hospitai for s'igning more than 10,000 postcards representing 36,915* people who are sending a message to the provincial government to... We need approval and funding f rom the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care to expand our hospital. Your postcards in support of the expansion wiII help! THANK the,.. " Dedicated volunteers of Friends of Milton Hospital " Town of Milton for their support " 100+ businesses, medical offices, daycares, churches and Holton school boards who helped collect postcardski " Maingate Centre & the Durante Group who raised $1500 in support of our cause " The dozens of volunteers who helped spread the message at local events PHO4TO: L-R (front> Cari Kovochlk-MacNeil, Peter Pomneroy, Lesley Mansfield, Sandy Martin. L-R (bock) Carol McDonald, Brion Penman, aindy Lunau, Samantha Attew, Paul Scherer, Coin, Eleonor Lawrence, Marshall Horner, Martha Gleeson. wwwm.triendsatmiltonhospital .ca *Our numbers keep growing! We wiII continue to collect postcards until our delivery fo Queen's Park.