Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Jul 2009, p. 15

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ToPlc An Ad *oi 90:7824 e Emil clasife@hatoea o a. Fa 905632816 ADSSISOtB mi rnpna a uiobn oo 05MioaUnfO.ufntn H1175 EDUE:tlsdyM c e ensa pulatns enna 5p.frFidypbkfin pdl etr edînsmyoay Y Ei W fI ccp at, iev.ileats, olrod Am- cnEp .Bast acul a ooeeicil uapeEdadiaplcloioalbefne erSlsCeshrl.CECYIRA H IO CLASSIED OFFICE FîOURS. Monday to Friday 8:30 arn. - 5:30 p.m. CLASSIFIED AD INDEX: Real Estate 100-135 - Business 140-169 Rentais 170-196 * Leisure 200-239 *Community 240-299 - Merchandise 300-385 *Automotive 400-470 - Heip Wanted 500-570 -Services 700-795 For Circulation inquiries, please cali 905-878-5947 Q"àabm 0" M,~ Vi 1 4. ,Z' ,a 'l i0 o< ýaot $100 gift certificatle birh, z afiniverso ries & obituories * ~ RETIRIEMENT NOME su 27 boies of golf, 2-bcd- rso0s sot-mn kitchen, 12o241t sel room, 6 apii ances, wisdsm lreatments inciuded. Ts bsek as ap- goitiment cali Pat NO DOWN Paymest! S 21 5,000 assmrabie motageBeautifu tows- onStkCe.3bed + 3bath, prof paint tbroughout, newiy fimsbed banemeot Ac, lesced yard backs auto liia must see! contact 905-87 $$$ ATTENTION chocs- use. Thaok Goodueso scho i s out for the surm- mortS' Ssii difterent prod- scts lu earu monoy easiiy coul qoickiy Lmited spac- es auji.! I-810383-3589 PERFECT POST - Cana- das Larest franchise net- work .f boiiders and installers of fonces, docks and pool settings, isas Tei- rudormes asaiiabie lhroogh- out Canada. Enjoy the benefit of brand recogni- tion, national marketing, volume discounts and cu- tomer rolerrai program. Low investmeosl For or- formation contact 1-877- 750-5665 , franchise0por tectpost.csm 1 , nsZw CLEAN DIRIVINO Record' Grey Power could savo yoo up le $400 on ou' ca n- sua caî C 1 -877-50'5- 0487 for no0 obligation quote. Open meekesids SAVE UP to $400 on pour car insurauce. cîsun driv- ing record? coul Grey Pow- su loifay ait 1-866-473- 9207 for a no-obligatiou qoote. Open mieehends. $$S 1ST, 2ud, 3rd meus- gogs larreaus, rsuo- naindebi consolidation, no CMHC fels. $50K yox pay $208.33/mo (OACI.' Ns iscome, bad credit, pomer of sais stoppeif!! Better Option Moulgages: 1-800-282-1169, mmm. ARE YOII sîuking iu ifebt? Ist, 2nd & 3rd Morsgages Broiseif credit - Bau turn ifoons - Debt consolidation -retonancing - power sf sale -past bankrupt- home ren- nalious. Wu cou teud a hand Ierokerage Lic #11384 canadoleud. com, Email: paul.pabla@ cauadalend.com, toil-irer 1-877-999-9133 coul nom. 'e sife ad - i- VERTICA GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Oronte St. S., Million N5 299 1001 va ïï dica.ca AS SEEN oS TV - Ist, 2nd or Home equitp soans. We doul jst say "Approei me meau il! Bad credit. Seif-empioyed, bankuupl, foreciosore, Re-fluance? No problem. Apprsved! 100% linancing & 40 peau stiil avait. To il Free 1-877-733- 4424 or mmm.reftoday.ca. The Reliuansing Special- sfs LIC# 1 0«0 DEIT CONSOLIDATION Puograro helpiug Canadiau ucpay debîs, redoce ou eliminale interesl, regard- less of yor credif. Sleady lucome?ï You ma yqoalify for instant ielp.clousideu- ing Banrseptcy? 1-877-220- 3328. Fuee Consultation Gov't Açrrod 888 Member DEBT CONSOLIDATION Decueuse yoor moulhly paymsuls op to 75%! ist, 2sd & 3rd morîgages & credit lines. Bad credi ta or moulgage arrears, No Puoblem. Oulario-Wide Fi- naucial coup LIC#1oî71, Toll-Free 1-888-307-7799, mwwoutauio-widefinaucial. NE-O MONEY SS Have RRSP or locked en pensi on pian fronm as ex-employer MW RAor MLF? 3easy mays to heip. 1-888-76-7336 igb5iTLUSeuice' pbone, ns credif refuselY qoick and easy. payable oser 6 or 12 instaliments. Toit Froc: 1-877-776-1660 $SMONEYSS CONSOLI- DATE Debîs Morlgages bo 95% No inusme, Bad credif OKt! Better liou Mous- age 10969 www.mortgageontado.com REOE VOUR record: A criminal recorif car fol- lom you for life. Ouly Par- don Services Canada has 20 pears eop. Guaraulcee ing recoud removal. 1-8- NOW-FAROON 11-866-972- 73661 mmm.RemooeYouu Recoud.com. SAVE UP lx $400 or yoor car unsurance. clear dris- iug recoud? Coul Grey Fum- e r t od ay aIt 1-877-603-5050 fou a uo- obligation quotu. O pun msekends. 1-BEDROOM APART- MENT domulmuGeorge lomu. S600/orh yua heal/hydro. Aoaiable Au- ?us1 1sf. Ruferences, fir uIas. lo b 905-877-4967. ACTON / Rockmood luxa- ry ayautments ard com- mercial space availabie, 1 ard 2-hedroom orits. fuom S875/moulli. Go 10: mmm. glenuockpuopsrliss.ca for irformatior ou caîl Muke ai 416-88U9164 ACTON 1-BEDROOM. Aoaîlaiile immediately. No pets. Relerences required. 519-853-3877. IINlIJ EM ACTON 1-BIEDROOM. Asaîloble îmmedîately. S840/morfli utilises irclod- ed. 200 Churchill Soad, South. No pcts. caîl 519-853-087. ACTON 2-BEDROOM aparimeut. Aoailable Au- gust lot. $980/moh itilities îucluded. Quiet Bailding. No-pets. 192 Churcbill Road South. caîl 519-853-1281. ACTON 2-BEDROOM mif r prinate yard, S925/eoh plus ublilies. 1 and 2-bcd- rosen unifs anaîlable in fis- louic building in Rockmood, starsg ait 1600/mul plus ulifiies.cî Elieh Dosîl, Sales Rep. Johuson Associates Haltor Lsd. 905-877-5165. ACTON APARTMENTS. 1, 2 and 3 beduoomn ayart- merlu availabîs.' Cîsas, quiet buildirg mîth utilibies included. 40 Maria Strset. 519-853-4374. mmm.real- star.ca ACTON BUMMH, spacios 2-bedrose a p armtroo. Firsl/lool. $950 mouth on- dodoes heat/panking/uyduo. Close 10 shopping and GO bus. Asailabie Augasts. cai 519,853-3156.t ACTON FURNSHIED ranci- vated, hright 1-beduoo1m apartment. Flon-seoker. Firsl/last. $720/month on- clades iiea/parkin~ Close to shopping ard"MO Bus. Avaiable August lsî. Caîli BEAUTIL 1-DEDROOM apaulmeul 5-mîrutes io toms. Would suit siugle ou soscutive couple.- 905-877-7494 Leaoe mes- sage. DOWNTOWN GEORGE- TOWN 2-iisduoomn uronat- ed miih parkurg. Avaîlabie i mm e iia tsely . $1,000/morth plus hydro. Matthsm Hill, Johnsor As- sociales 4116-892-4723. DOWNTOWN GEORGE- TOWN bachelor & 1 bed- uonm ayautmerts avaîlabîs rn clear. quiet building. nor smokesu ru yesup ylsu. 905-702-3301 DOWNTOWN GEORE- TOWN, large 1-bedruom. $850/monih ylus hydro rn- clodes appliauuceu/yarkirg. Nu smokirg/yets credif check flutAauVuefurerceu. Avaîlable îmmsdîatsly. Cali 905-877-4427. GEORGETOWN 2 bif- roue apt. Brighr rainr Aitcher plus utouagu arua, gond parking. Marn flar of trî-yleo. $87 5/munth plus hydro. Electuîcally hsated. Viewîrg 10am to 2pm Sat- uuday & Surday 18 Ewirg Street. GEORGETOWN 2-BED- R00M. Abouesuhup on 98 Main Street. $900/month plus hydro. 905-565-0033 ur 905-873-5616. GEORGETOWN CLEAN -3 bedunum, main fînor. no umnking lul/taut S1200+ o n qu i et utreet 416-707-6272 MILTON DOWNTOWN 1 bedroom apartmenl. $850 mîtti utilîtîes, axaîlable îm- medîately. Contact Scott Puior at Remao Ruai Estate Centre 905-878-7777 MILTON, LARGE 1-Sud- room basemeut apautenent. Internet, flueplace, no yes preferued. $850 inclusios. lut and last. 1 mile fromt toms. 905-876-4272. DOWNTOWN MILTON Miliside Tors 82 Millide Drive. Attractive quiet- building. Spaclou bdght dlean f &2 bedroom units wlith iaundny taclility and social mmi on n7 days a avaneaee Cali 965&076-1249 w wr@&Wsta.ca MILTON, ONE beduoom. yard, parking, bridge, stove, bree laondry fa- ciflies, privaIs sotrurse Ircludes heat & hydro Nom avoulable $850. indu sive. 905-876-5581. MILTON, SUITABLE for onos morkug peruor. Seporule rubrarcu upper fluor o! houe. Onu bsdîoom aparîmeuit. Avoulable immsdiutsiy. S800.00 Includru ululutîrs parkiung rufurs cues ru pets. 905-878-2737 3-BEDROOM brick burgo loc for reut, 84 Broute, Milton. 416-648-5414. 4-BEDROOM BUJNGA- LOW, remiy reronateif. Hugu boskyarf, 2-pankurg. Auailabie September Itt S$1 , 350/molil, shoref ufulîties, pets. Coul 416-738-4230. GEORGETOWN CO-OP Housung. 3-bedinue. 1-12 baihu wîth garage. $906/monlth plus utllîles. Pick-up applications aIt 7 Pure Volley brouit un George- townr* Excellent credul raI ung ruquireil. GEORGETOWN NATURE loverus paraisel 2 bef- roue brughl. dlean house on ravine cith surroom oud deck u n Ionu Sl,595/mnth Lease re- quireif 905-702-3301 GEORGETOWN SOUTH, 3-beifroom, $1,60u/ monlh plus utliîteuS' Cruit checkl, No smoking/pets. Auailabie August I.t Coi Evor 905-877-2630). WHY RENT? Reni to 0cr. Fuse domu puymeut. Mi- chael Wan Reaity, Broker- age 905-57448812. 1,50SQFT, TOWN- HOME close n Gisu Wil- lioms. ready ix mose sn. Taslsbuffy decorateif. AC/ELF's. 5-appliauces. fin- isheif basemunt mith calA- M. 34u11 batis, and 1-poar dur rosem. Puobessîsrially iasdssuped. caîl for up- poiffment 9058877-4223. MILTON 3-BDRM tomu- house, 4-appf., near GO & afIt amanites. SI 300/eh plus atîlities. First/LasI. RENT MEII Georgetown spotiess, brighb 2-bedroom tonniise soudo. Augustt 1 5til/Septemes tt $1,100/monbh. No smo-ý ing/pets. 905-299-6002. wwwfreewebs.com/ gtooncxuido MILTON- ONE ronu avoulable rn branif nec 4- bsduoom hnuuu. Derry/ Ontario arra. $500/mo. ail- inclusive. 647-220-4609. AFFORDABLE Accommo- dations acrouSs Ontario resudroce & confererse centre. 2 beifroom prînolu suites from $79.95, irci kitchienutte, 3-ps bath- room. internet & breakfast. Vîsil www.stayrcc.com ni sali 1-877-225-8664 for reseruahionu. SAVE UP lu 40% ori the Ardusc. Joîri Canafa's pre- muur tour operalor or the acard-currung voyage lu Carada's Ardusc & Green- land thîs sueirer. Cal!, i 800-363-7566 or nusut www.advnturecafiada.com WHOLESALE Timesbares -60-80% off Retuif Qualfleif buyeru onlyl Coul for Free lnfoPask! 1-800-496- 5964. www.hrofioaygroup.com HICKORY GROVE Cottag- es & Troiter Park. 1-3 bifrms. houuekeupung. sable, DVD, BBQ. Inturnet, rscrsatuonal hall. Bout ren- tli guneral store. Fishirg or TrunI River! Near gof- urg! cme.hickorygrons col- la g sudl 1-705-653- 2095, 1-888-297-3023. LelNoies CRRINAI. RECORD? Seul it cith a yardont Need to enfer the UJS.? Gsi a 5 ysau, maixeul Cail for a fuee brochure. Toit fuse 1-888-9- PARDON or 905-459-9669 DISABILITY CLAIM de- risd? Toroto's lsodîng disobilily lamysus miii fiît fou pour uighlis! Ws offer frse corsultation for guoup & prîoote disabilitp daims. No fes urlîl ce settie. mmm. SharDi uab ilitp-am. com 1-881777-1109 TH-E HOISTIC Mues Nut souk Mîssîssauga Cflapter m e e ts a s t T s od a , cf e s e - ros 7e m uri centre' M ,si ss ou goa 416-85_1997 ou viol mcm hohbcmoms.org 2UIALFIED EARLY chilif- iiodMEducutur ssekîrg a live out Nanuf posidion. lu hoe service mii duily ac- tîsîties and ourîus field Iessd or Higii Scope and Themsd currîculumus. Cali Melissa 905-691-5168 Dare Need Daycare? Wee Waldî b a iicesised agsocy ciskb bau foul ami part lime spaces aoailalsr tn a homei r yse ara. We offer. a suali ralis ni childes per home, xcreeued and traîned Proeiders, xoshduiedd moedry impectotti eoclusive edocatisoal VAse Leam Program', income tao rseipts. Forinf in MiltuGexrgetown pieuse calu 1177.823212 LOOK GREAT. Fuel great. Los weighl. PReulIs guar- anteed. Gel a fiee inno kil & no-obligationi consulta- tion. Si gh up toifay. Saur $200. Coli Herbai Magis 1-800-926-4363 wwmonbarioberries.com Ortau bernes are ready to erjoyl Buy Local . Buy Freuir. Buy Ontario. Stias- iierruu. sospiierries, Blue- bernies & moue. Fou Berry Faumu rn ynuu communty, rcîps and moue, visît: wwonroberu s com EXCHANGE CLUB Sules F dýay 5-9pm, Sala dOy ll 3pm, 2790 Dyon Ans. M i1t on 0 nOaro . 289-878,6383 #1 HIGN Speed Internet 558.95/mn. Absnlutely ru ports are blockef. Unlîmt- ed docnlnadîrg. Up ru 5 Mys domuloadi and 800 ftbps uplouif. Ouder todoy ut ccm.acunuc.ca ou cor, Toit Free 1-866-281-3538 A Fr." Tsiephxre Service - Get Voar Frst Mo -- ue Bad credif, Dor't umeot if. No deposits. No cusdît checks. coul Fussifue Fiions Lires tnday tl5-fee 1-866-8847464 ALNNBrifuf Flus/ pif- lowtops, 11115* thîck. ue rn plastic, Double $250. ?iuer $275. Kîr $500. isuMsmouy-foa mt lieus mîth cousu, Qusen S750., King$950. Con De- huver. 905-730-5849 A-Z TECHNICAL 8145. Systemu Ic. Pue-eng5î neeref steel buildings. Sîrce 1978! Stamp dram- irgu & lesinmg avait. Asil for Wufy Tou Free 1-877- 743- 5888; Fao4l6-626-5512 usew.o-ztech.ou.ca CARPET i hune sara 1,000 yards of oe Sfain Mouler & 100 nylon cou- pet. Witt do lîvnruom & hall for $389. fuclaifes cou- pet, yod & ioutlaltion 130 900-633"8592 COMPLETE LIVING. ROOM $5300 Sectînl snfa, leul. scotch guordeif pnlyester, cofie&ei lubies,. laml bxokcas 9 0 58 - 8 98 8 mlfdgl23iiotrail.com fou photos & puîcr DîNETTE/ KITCHEN sel 4Sîn. Round bevelef glass top. decorolîne etol huame, 4 upholutereif chairs. As nec. ulîli unifer eorrarly from the McClary Oînîng Collection. $250 mtfdg123@homail.com fou phot - 905-876-8988 FUITURE STEEL Buildings Durable. depeifable, pue- erigîneersd. AiI-Steel struc- tures, cuuIne-mode to suit youu redu and require- merlu. Faclouy direct af- forifabîs puices. Cal! 1-800-668-8653 est.170 for free brochure HOT TUB (Spa) Couers brui prise. BesI quaity. Ail shapes & solours. Coli 1 -8 66 -5 85 -0 05 6 wvw.lhecourrguy.ca HOT TUB/ Spa-Brand ueo 2009 mudel s/al options, ard soner. Stl in wrapper. Col$995., Sacrifice $4750. Cal! 905-971-1777 MOVING: PIANO w/berch, queer beif frame w/hrass headboard, Enter- laîrment unit w/lu. deuk. and more. 905-878-6306 SARMILIS FROM only $3.495. Cornent your logu lovualuable locher wîlh pour osr Norsouif portable bard sawmll. Lug ukîdifeus also auaîlable. www.rorwoodsawmills.ca/ 400t Fiee irfo 1-800- 566-6899 STEEL BUILDING Sale. Ortario manufacturer sîrce 1980. Easy ifo-ît-youruelf construction. Permanent, lemporar yor portable, 25x40 $5990. 30ox50 $9480. 35x60 $9.990. 40x80 $15.600. 50xl20 $29.900. Ends optioroît 1-800-668-5422. Pioneer Steel Manufasturers MicesW ante *A BEST Cii$ Fi, ver, Eirniids. Cnîrua, îryst'l' vInver l-giîr-.re,ý li i ue hifstivgs. Art. Cvliectî'b:ns. etc. Estule Sssoii.Top caul. Cal, Julir/ati 905-331 24-7 FAST CASH fou pour Scra golf. Top Puises Pouf 88 uccuedifei member. Safs faction uvraulseif . Cufi 1_8 77- 44-5357 ou nîsît: cushforgoldsuroifu.som lu orifer yoar fres kOt ~IÀ11 asfr Sale 99 CMVC SIR 338276 KM excellent body needu en- bî e $0 00 .0 0 CaL'4OS876-1513 Or 905-691-9113 MOTOIl VIEHICLE dealers rn ON must be registeref mulh OMVlc. To nemIif deal- er rgistrathon or seek help mîth o somplaînt, nîsît mme.omic.or.ca nu 1-800- 943-6002. 9 you .re bayirg a nehiclu prîvatsly, don't besome a surbsiisr's uic- tîm. Coubsîderu are impos- ters chu pour au prîoale uniuidualu, bol are astually il leb Sins of seflîrg stnleiV/ damogef vekicles. CLEAN DRIÎVING Record? Grsy Power coalif saoe yxu up lui $400 or pour sur in- s ur a rcse Cul 1-866-473-9817 for no-os- lîgatior quole. Open ceek- ends WHAT cleans out your closets, basement or garage? A GARAGE SALE Ad in the Milton Champion! Friday edition reaches 23,000 homes in Milton and your cost is as low as u$25.00 + gst. (uterms & conditions appiy) For info. and to place your ad in the Friday edition, just cail the Classified Dept. at 905-632-4440, Mon.-Fni., 8:30 arn. to 5:30 p.m. DEADLINE for Friday edition is Wednesday at 5 p.m. If your Garage Sale is rained out you noon't get soaked if you buy our Ramn Protection for an additonai $5.1. Notify our office and we'l re-run the tome ad, wvith a date change, at no charge within the next 2 week pet!"d Note: Your ad aiso appears on-fine at haltonsearch.com Sniff Out a Great Deal in the Classifieds. Shoppers with a nose for bargains head straight for the Ciassifieds. lu the Ciassifieds, you can track dlown deais on everything from cars ta canine companions. lU's easy f0 place an ad or find the items you want, and its used by hundreda 0f area shoppers every day. Find a great deal, use the Classifîeds today. C LASS IFIE DS 905-878-2341 'RqASPBERRIESuREDIPURPLE PEAS, BEANS, BROCCOU, DILL BEETS, CABBAGE, ONIONS, ,.oâ GARUC, CUCUMBERS S C H FAR M ' De Pao i Picyosr0Own ffl-73-21050 906477-7976 Mon-Fri 8-5, Sat 8-2 and Sun-Ho. 8-12 ail for Weafiher/Avaiiability Tra10i rRod, ix 15fr Sidemca (Stew~ule) 1 km Wes,l1si FàrmoneNorthSide

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