~9flY italian ~~Jo 1~' C3t)c4/ij I St George's Anglican Anglican Church of Canada 7051 Guelph Lise, Just North of Derry Road 905-878-1112 W6e il7ilteyOa t v/0 Os/z/ ontz US. Sunday Family Worship 8:30 arn (re/res/zIneols be/oreille service) Wednesday 2:30 pm - "Exploring our Faith" Children always welcome T6eRen SIs917 W/e/s (.95)7-112 KNOX Knmox Presbyteriani "Unitled by Christs love, we share Him wi t tle wcrld" Joint Worship Services with St. PauI's United Church for JuIy and Auguat loin us Sundays in July ut St. Paul's: i O:3Oam Worship Service, Blending traditional & contemporary sMyls Pastor Howard Sullivan 170 Main St. E., Milton 905.878-6066 knoxmiiton@beiinet.ca www.knoxiiton.comi fromn Mary Street ÇRACEWAY CBAPTST CHURCH S 103 Martin Street 905-878-1629 Pastor Walter H. Isaak Sunday, July 26th 9:50 arn: Family Bible Hour 11:00 arn: "The Key to Being Born Again" 6:00 pm "An Effective Witness" 'You'Il always find a friend at Graceway" www.gracewaybaptist.org ,j , FamiIy Builder fl Christian Church A farnily-Integrated church OPEN HOUSE JUNE 19" mes LUNCHI Sunday Worship: 10:00 arn Nassagaweya Community Centre, 11264 Guelph Line CaCmeon St, Milton. (North of15 Side ROB&d. BkmntaHMw401 Tel: 519-56-9201; 418-910-585 Rev. Abert Lee SALVT A RM sunday worship: 4:OOpm service at 170 Malin St. E. (Ktnoxt Presbytetiatt Chateh) dottet folloiing the, service -evetyave rnelctre! CURRENi SERIES: ORIGINS TO KNOW WHERE YOU ARE GOING IT HEiPS TO KNOW WHERE VOUVE COME FROM CHURCH 0F CHRIST 9850 Bnitannia Rd., Milton, On L9T 7E8, 905-875-2939 Worship & Communion 11:00 arn Sunday School Classes 10:00 arn Watch for "Key to Kingdom" Friday 8:30 arn, Vision TV i i ncjcNn 317 Main St. E 905-878-2411 www. gracechu rchm ilIton.cornI Sunday 8 arn Said Eucharist + quiet, traditional rite Sunday 10 arn Sung Eucharist -hildren's n roarams To Advertise in the Church Di rectory please cail i COLLEEN GORMAN at 905-878-2341 ext. 211 cgonnan@mIItancanadalchampIofl.com St George's Anglican Church (Anglican .\crtork in Canada) Rector: Rev. Ray David Glenn invites you to woruhip wlth us duis Sunday at The Crouarads Centre lu Burfington at 1295 North Service Rd. Nwym i hU a':SscIwIPryd*d office@stgchurch.ca (905) 33546222 MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 10:00 arn. - The Lord's Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study Christ was once offered to bear the sin of many. - Hebrews 9.28 itoi Bi(ite CO" rd) Lovinq C0à. LoVin9 peciple. Sundays at 200 Main Street Summer Meeting limes Sundays at 10:00 arn Caftes & Conversations at 11: 00 arn (we serve Tim Hortons!) Ail are Wolcomel 905-876-3586 www.MiltonBibleChurch .ca ,e' START NMITON SVNTH-DAY À09 CHUCH Invies y0 to rai weekly Sabbath services ai Hugh Foster Hall, 43 BrowIi St. Milton Sai. 9:30 a. m.i Sabbaih School Sat. I100 ar.. Divitne Service BIBLE SCHOOL Iiîo>er thc anîvînng Bihie anr>orr, to iîie\ý perpicsîng que0.40>0 ord the so.rei to a happy lire P.0 Box 23012, 55 Ontiaio Si., Miltor. Ont., L9T 5B4. Ov the INTERNET. http:f/www.vop.com aid wwamazîvgfacts.orgibibieschooilschooimiuv .asp PASTOR. Ai DaCosia 519-835-9301 For mort, information, about our service aid ptograai. please coul. anctar NEW LIFE CHURCH FOR GENERATIONS TO COME SuNDATS Aul Serviras vn te Chîldeen's & YoaRi Centre 900 AM -Exptess Wotstrip Saricr -Oatday Sctaixi rats rairrety 10:ai AM -Poil Wtrshîp Service - iosed captittets ot, summet haiiaays 6 30PM -Evenîrg Worship Service KidsPraise & WePrist, Child..cns'Ministries Avoulable in ait Services WEDNESDAYS FarniiIy Nîit 17:00 rw Extremeiife Youih Camps for Kids at New Life Infeatoation onlîne at wwss.newtîfeitra.coai July 27 - 31 Mad Science Claws, Codes & Constellations Camp August 10 - 14 Mega Sports Training Camp August 17 - 21 Mad Science Beasts, Bridges & Brews Camp August 24- 28 Gids of Destiny Camp 824 T hompson Road So- 1h, Milton, ON L91 2X5 Visit Us Online www.NewLifeMlIton. com or cal Pastor Dan Rogge at 905 878 3358 OlI( . sunday July zo, worsnip a[ lu.-,iuam Welcoming our friends froin Knox Presbyterisa for the month of july! Message David and the Wilderness Pastor Howard Sullivan Refreshments & Conversation alter the service Vacation Bible Camp August 10- 14 - momings Rev. John Benham and Rev. Sarah Fanning Chý,ch of1ýcý; (905) 878-8895 www.stpauismilton.org