- i VtOIdrU4 ~N~'> W~\4 ~. ~k~2#À __ It's time ta nominate your favourites in the Milton Reader's Choice Awards and it couldn't be easier! Just give us your top picks in the areas of Food/Drink, Entertainment, People, Businesses/Services and Shopping. * a) Go to www.mutoncanadianchampion.com b> Click on the Readers' Choice button c) Nomînate your favourîtes' i d) Nominations must b. receîved by midnught August 3rd, 2009 Ai nontneatos ll beulhed and fie top neeseaotins n t tatqge YÀi le diosen In partiupute sn fhe usteng proess fur the att9 Milton Chaîne Awatds. AIl fenalusts ell e aunaumin aur Milton chuice Nusinee Section puhlishe Fuila> Augaît 2tb, 2M>. 20S9 CATEGORIES Vote Online Accounting Firm _________ Art Gallery Art Schoal BanklCredi Union/Tnîst Cao_____ Banquet H _ __ __ _ Barber Shop BBQ Ctente _ _ _ CarpetUpholstery Cleaning Caterîng Company Dance Studio - Aduin_________ Dance Studio.- Children_____ Dedos Ij Sereste_______ Dog Gmooming DogTrainl Dry Cleaner__________ Fireplace Store__________ Fitness Qub-coed_______ Pises Club-WVomen s ossly Funea Ho me _ _ Garage Door Service __________ Gas Stanc _ _ _ _ G*i S"le_ __ _ _ Hom Hddm___ iomS nompril ior esign_ Kennisl Kedus Cbst tre _ _ Laser Haer Reffou Laundromrm__ Lzwe Service______________ Auto Decailing Auto Collision ______________ Auto Glass Repair Auto Parts_______ Auto Rentai_____________ Auto Service Centre Driving instruction Local Car Aadio Muffler Shop Gdf/Lobe Change Paint and Baily Shop Radiators- Tire Shap Transmission Shap- Leursîsg Centre_________ Limousine Sereice____________ LongTerm Care Centre________ Muid Servite__________ Murriage, Pamily andl Indinidual Counselling Martial Arts__________ Mobile Communications______ Modeffing Sdol_______ Mortguge Monig Company Pant andWlpaper- PânShop Pest Con rl_____ Photogrpllq Studio__________ Plctre Framlng Pool Company- Print & lmagln Series_______ Prinm Shop Priate Scool________ Redl Estane Company Real Esate Office __________ Radio Staon__ _____ Retirement Home____________ Rocillng C-ipm RubbishRma__________ semty Service Shoe Repai SM" ~Thuiap Scoffl Company Ta*x*lnServies-_________ Tunnl, Studio__________ Tatteo Pàrlor___________ Tax preparatios T" iCompany Travel Agrscy- Tutoring Upholstery Veterinary lin_________ Watch Repair Weight ContraI Sereines_______ Windows and Doors _______ Wine and Beer Maldng Store_____ yoga niFque ar Applianne Store_________ Bath and Beilding Store Bicycle Shop ___ Bouat Dealer - - - -- - - - - Book Store_____________ Book Store - Used_________ Bridai Shop_ _ _ Building Materials & Home Impronemeets Camnera Store ___________ Camping Equipment Children's Store- ChinalGift Shop-- Collectibles ______________ Computer Store __________ Consignesent Store _________ Coantertaps Craft Shop Depurtment Store-_________ Dollar Store_______________ Drag Store _________ Electrorn Store________ PabridSewing Stop Factcory Oudet__ ______ Fireplace Roorwg- CarPet Flooiig - Hardwood/Lamnate_____ Port Farmnai Rentai __________ Frotes Pood Store_ _____ Fumniture Store_____________ Gardenling Centre________ Gog Shop Gmccery Store_________ Hardware Store________ Heakh Food Store ____ Home Décor Store__________ Jewellery Store ________ Kitchen Store___________ Ugbnsng Centre_________ Lingerie Shop Mattress-Store________________ Meat Marktet__________ Men's Store_____________ [ I I: u r t u e l i m n I l a i Billiards/Pool Launge Children's_ Festival Goff Course _________ Gymnastics Indoor Play Centre ___________ Karaoke Bar ____________ Live Entertalumnt Punility Une Theatre _ _____ Local Sports Team Locul Tourist Attraction __________ Mini Putt Movie Rentai Store _______ Manie Theatre____ Museum Night Club ______________ Recreation Patility Motorcycles- Office Purniture______ ____ Office Supplies Store___________ OptitalStr Outiloor Clothing and Equîpment Party Supplies Patio Fumnure _________ Pet Shop____ Rags (Persianllmported) Runningljogging Supplies Stoe Store Shopping Centre ___ Shutters/Blindu __________ Specialty Pood Store ___________ Sporting Gonds Store_ ______ Toy Store_____ ___ Useil Clothing Store________ Vacum Store _____________ Window Coverings Women's Store ___________ Accountunt ______________ Auto Mechunic ________ Chiropodist Chiroprattor Clown Cosmetin Surgeon Dance Instructor_____________ Dentist Dermutologist Doctor Esthetîcian Financiai Planner ____________ Hair Dresser_________ _____ HearingfAudiologist Home Improvement Contractor _____ Insarance Broluer_____________ Local Chef Massage Therapist Mechanîc Morngage Broker Musical Instruccor- Naturopath Optometrîst Orthodovcist- - Paîncer- - Persanal Trainer,-- PetGroe Pharmacist.---- Phocographer Physiotherapist Plumhing Contractor Podiatrîst Real Estate Agent Speech Therapîst Travel Agent Bakery Breakfast Brunch ________ Buffet Business Lunch ____ ________ Cufe/Bistro ______________ Caribbean Cuisine Chinken ______________ Chînese Cuisine _________ Coffen Shop Deli ____________ Desserts_____ Doughnuts Eumopean Cuisine_____________ Pumily Restaurant____________ Fine Dining French Pries_______________ Greek Cuisine____________ Hamburger Hot Dog Ice Cream Indian Cuisine ______________ tallas Cuisine _____________ Japunese Cuisine ____________ Korean Caisine___________ Lunch Mediterraneun Cuisine __________ Mesécan Cuisine_________ Outdoorffti _____ Pizza Portuguese Cuisine____________ Prime Rib' PUb Restaurant midi a View________ Restaurant - Atmosphere Restaurant - Service ___________ Roadhouse Salad Bar Sandwiches__________________ Seufood Cuisine_____________ Sports Bar Steak Sub Shop Tuke ont_ Thai Cuisine _____________ Wings 77 =7,ý F-avouriqu Bulinuit or fervice