CD . Ail for one, one lfoin ail approach' The Greater Toronto Region Economic Summit released its report last week on how to ensure a swift economic recov- ery for the region t hat stretches beyond Toronto and the 905 municipalities to much of southern Ontario. The report, Choosing Our Future: An Action Plan for Economic Recovery emphasizes the need to think regional- ly The ideas emerged from a summit'held in May, co-chaired by Mississauga Mayor Hazel McCallion and Torstar Cor.l board chairJohn Honderich, which brought together 250 of the regions leaders. Key recommendations called for "a war cabinet", made up of politicians and economic development officers to pro- mote the ares, and a financial services task force to, corne up with new strategicir to focus on Canadas banking strengtlh The "war cabinet" would include regional chairs, mayors, economic deveiopment officers and the provincial govern- ment and McCallion is intending to convene a meeting this fali to focus on the economic heaith of the entire region. Honderich called the summit a good firirt step, but acknowiedged changing a Toronto-centric mindset to one that views the GTA as what it is - a diverse region - wiil be difficult. "We are one economic region. We have to start thinking and acting like it," he correctiy said. While its unlikely that any "war cabinet" dominated by politicians and bureaucrats wuli easily win over the publics confidence, the idea of such a collective think-tank is a sound strategy provided. ahl of the GTA us represented and given a voice. Since the region includes outiying areas like our neigh- bour, Halton His, as weli as Waterloo, Peterborough and Niagara Falls, it's hoped that the smaller centres and their unique aspects won't be ignored by the larger municipalities. For exampie, farmers shouid be weii represented and includ- ed in ail future discussions. Only time wiil teli if Toronto, the GTA and municipalities outside the 905 ares are able to adopt an "alI for one, one for ail" approach to battiing the economic downturn, but it's an attempt worth making. MAKING TRACKS: Caroline Buckley stands in front of the Sydney Opera House dur- ing her trip to Sydney, Australia. Take your community newspaper on your next vacation and send your 'Champion Tracks' photos to Be sure to include destination information and everyone's names. Readers Write E-nii letters to Letters, which may be edit ed, must include the wnrter's namne, address and phone nurober. Lets decide if CEO is worth his salary DEAR EDITOR: Recently some respected Miltonians have expressed their concemir about the salary of Haiton Healthcare Services' (HHS) CEO. Some of us have the sour feeling that hes representative of the highly- paid executives who triggered the cur- rent recession. Tbis should not be ailowed to tester. The next step, as 1 see it, is to mobilize the wisdom of the people in Milton. Even as 1 write this, someone sug- gested 1 check the Sunshine List. There are history teachers, econo- mists, journaiists, church leaders and many others who, collectively, could shed enough light on this matter that we can decide if we need to take action or smile that we're getting a bargain. Milton District Hospital deser-ves nothing leur. Its a good hospital that, on occasion, bas gone beyond its man- date as a health-care facility to reach out and heip the community resolve some of its issues. RICHARD EDWARDS MILTON Upfront Lang Moffa't' Senior of the -Year award much deserved Lang Moffat may not be too comfortabie with recognition, but he certarniy deserves ut. As many of you read in Wednesdays Champion, the 81-year-oid Miltonian was recently honoured by the Region with the Ontario Senior of the Year award. That cornes after two decades (and count- ing) of tireiess work witb a wide variety of groups, înciuding the Eider Services Advisory Committee. While stili a long way from benefiting front such an organization, I have a partîcuiariy strong appreciation for it. Earbier this month i visited my grandpar- ents in Cape Breton, Nova Scofla for their 65th anniversary Much like during prevîorus tIr i 1eft feeling grateful that these two very speciai people (both 92 years oid) live in a small, ciose-knit community where everyone - and 1 do mean everyone - looks out for one another. Sadly enough, that5 stmpiy not possible in a town the size of i Milton. And without such an ai-5~ encompassing support system, some people can simpiy fali - through the cracks. Thankfuily here in Haiton, there's pienty of people - like Moffat - deterrnined to make sure that doesnft happen for our eidest residents. Among the issues hes xnost concerned about is a iack of avaiabie housing, wÀhich forces some seniors to leave the region in their 'golden' years. "People shouid be able to age in their community rather than being uprootedr" he said. "2 hale my grandiparents live tosnds of miles away in a com- Smunity that makes Milton look like a metropolis, its nice to think that if they iived here they'd have people like our newiy-named. Ontario Senior of the Year recipient iooking out for their best interests. So kudos to, you, Mr. Moffat. And keep up the great work. Tlfý Cariýiar Chamtipion is au 1onicur icsecft sponsror for' Ha*o HeaihAar WAGONE" UNITE WAYWAY i ATHENA. Awrds Tir 0Ob irfriiiin ,1#, Awrdr~ MILTON SANTA CLAUS ZbJe Canabin Campion Milton's Community Nemipaper Since 1860 555 Industnial Dr. Molton, Ont. L9T 5E1 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Ciculation: 905-878-5947 V.P. - Group Publisher Neil Oliver General Manager David Harvey Editor in Chief Jîli Davis Managing Editor Karr-n Micelh Advertising Director Debbs Koppejan Production Manager Tim Coles Circulation Manager Charlene Hatl Office Manager Sandy Pare The Canadian Champion, published every Wednesday and Firidlay, is a division of Metroland Media Gmoup Ltd. 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