m Skiiied & * !echnicat Hetp C> H2Spî Automotive Georg ouH2Sport lnc. - a pertur -~and service tacility sp SAudi and VoîkumagenI m fon an onthusiautict automotive technician V: espenience. Excel Z package wth competitivi 0 Repiy In writing: H2t Street, Georgetown < resume: 905-70 z tmuri z. Z% -I YSkiVBftceHld~i & Ho~eet Home Garage sale -lus atoll-rime position available for * rivewsys a Interlocking - Top sii *Woikwoys a Front Enirnsce a Bosemeet r Patios * Docks * Fence Cali Khalid at 416-854-1857 0it lnC. Technician petouen mance automotive parts pecializing in Porsche, brands - has a vacancy uxperienced licensed with Porsche, Audi or lent facility and benefts t compensation. ;port Inc, 203 Guelph ,ON, L7G 4A8 or fax 2-8599 or email: Building Manager PATRIOT SOURCE 1 Position Description Responsibilities anti Requirements: Patniot Source 1 offers a unique and halegn pion tha places a hîgh value on theBilin psog Manges abilty to relate tu the dive rse feeedsa et the van'us organizations (tenants) who reside in our clients Corporate Office. Principal Dufies à Manage, ptan, coordinate and monitor the physical, environmental and secunity conditions and general maintenance ut the buitding facilities * Secare and coordinate related services with tenants flot limited te, housekeeping, headng-venttaton-air conditioning, structural and cosmehic repains, and maintenance ut uafety teatures; solicît pnopouulu and/or bîdu trom alternative service provîderu whete appropriate and make recommendallunu Ion optimal selection; Knowietige, SUiIS anti Abilities Work generatly requines the ability lu organize and coordinate a vaniety ot tacility maintenance activities, Mut have the tollowîng kuowledge and akilîs: * Dependabiity and the ability to tollua thnough on prsjects/assignments, inicluding plumbing, carpentnj, electricat, maintenance and general property management , Ant ability te conduct mincir carpentry dutis along with understanding ut building pIano Contact Information and Procedure: Senti Resume ta: M. Parsons Recruimeni Direcior 8160 Parichiti Dr Milton, Ontario or emnait f0 mparsons@patriotsource1.com "Only candidates selected for an interview will Ire contacted. _ _tittaleHu lp M tan Sls ep Due te continued socceus and growth, GMA LLP heu tao CA oppurtunitis tut our Georgetown and Miuuiuuauga ottices. Wile have an upening for a tulI-time Audit Senior (une lu two years post CA audit superience) and a contract Manager ton malernîty beave coverage (experience in managing fargeusize audits is necessaty). Encollent communication, interperuonal and organizational ukilîs are esuential. Prutîcien- cy in Microsoft Oftice, CuueWurelCeueView, and Taxprep ils necesuary. We alsu have an upening ton a technicîan (cullege graduatol. This position ilu reupun- sible ton boukkeeping, tile preparution and corpurute tas prepanation. Quelitied individuals une învîted lu uubmit a cuver tller and resume alung with ualany ou- pectations tu: ht@gmullu.com LEGAL ASSISTANT (Pli) Calder Hebman is a boutique Civil titigatien sue tires in douentouen Oakville. An ouperienced Legal Assistant is required te merk on a part-tie basis with counset. Escellent computer. ukilîs and knouetedge ut civil litigation is preterred. Please iorwarti your resume, in confitience, ta Robert Caldier ait: rcaltier@caitierhobman.com OnIy tfrose selected for ant interview will Ire contacted. Need retalp ng gvdstoe lokng forpar-tme etal ale hep.Rote I /hock- ley/upurtu ouperience an auaet but not a muet. IRsumes /cuver letteru pzomer@yahoo.com Or ro of t: EdzneSports Exchange FT & PT Positions avatiable for energetic, respornsibIs, dynamic esomen in specialtzed i ngerie boutique in doountooun Milton. Please emami resumnes to, bra!mnez2009@yahoo.com or fax toi 905 637 5748 M e cal, Dental Assistant/ IReceptionisti IRequred IExp. preforrod I jesefaxor ejtl resumne toi Fax- 905-879-7746 miltfo@llvLu Beaver circulation department. Somne nespvnuîbilîtieo include but are nvt lîmîted lv, - Auuîutîsg witti phonos, csncernu and customen service - Tnackîng and stocking of papers - Prodact venificatîvu Rutatîng Hoars include but are not limited toi; Wednesdays 3:30-7 pm - Thursdays 3:30-7 pm Frîdayu 3:30-7 pm - Saturdays 10 am -2 pm Ail întenested upplicantu, please oubouit a reoume to Sarah McSweeney at smcsweeney@oakvillebeaver.csm Or in penson tv the Oakvlle Beaver Circulation Department ut 467 Speers Rd, unit #63 Oakuille, ON (905) 845-9742 Wo nhanik ail applîcants for thiîer întereut. huwever. only tbuo cosderoît for as interview wclOue cuutacted. ~chng Tehm ng porundes ppunies Junior/Senior Kintiergarten Teacher Needed for Sept 09 Clarkuvn Csoperatîve Nursery Schovl (http://clarksoncsvp.com/) vn South Mîuuîuuauga vs vuekîng a lotI-limne Junior and Senior Kîndergarten teachen ton September 2009. Teacbîng and prepanatîso lime is tout houru each msrnîng, tîve dayu a week, wîth minimal addîtional time csmmîtmients. Prevîvus esperience sn a kîndengarten duoss os requited. Interesieti applicants may forwarti their resumes ta Mis. Nicole Plaskeft, President of CCNS ait nplaskett@hotmail.com or for turther information please cali 905 855 2106, M .He Cteansg SWEEP IT CLEAN. Resîdential und Commet LOCAL TRANSPORT Compary wants so muve yuur fteight! Reasonablv Rates! Local GTA und suirsun ding iaJc 416-605-2387 ra.Jc JG PAVING INC. Due tu canceliation discount un asphali, a lange amount ut dnîueway & commencial asphait et,,, suitable tutr drîveav, cummenci al pnupentîes, faim lanies, tennis courts etc. Ail wurk ptutessîunaill dsne gaurantenît. C a11 19-318-8196 tut (tee estîmates. Mliii For FAST service, FAX your classified ads. On tind miv un tht phone, lsnve lme.u Pn Usevîthe unto ou, Miton Champion Nens tnt lin,. mniave au nian, classificution ana the uals andt nearpapeu (v o oult like it lup n. n iil takei n ettunthetm YRyuhveaany questions a ut taxiyur as ce u sua 632-eu 4140 tay! FAX: 632-8165 WORK To book your classified ad call 905.878.2341 IL couhIv milices Pu-blic Notice NOTICE 0F A PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE Bll FOR THE INSTALLATION 0F A SLIM-LINE 50m WHITE SELF-SUPPORT TELECOMMUNICATIONS MONOPOLE. THIS WILL BE LOCATED AT THE REAR 0F MILTON AUTO PARTS - 909 NIPISSING ROAD, MILTON (Sele Map Below>u -, Lrsue CetrePROPOSFO LOCATION u <;. ~ PUBeLIC OPEN HOUSE S909 Nipîssing Rd Y DATE THURSDAY AUGUST 27th 2009 'i IME 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm (Drop-in) LOCAFION Milton Leisure Centre (Meeting Room) 1100 Main Street E, Milton ON Comments or Questions? Please feni fee ru peuvide comment ut inquie un the Pespusai auithin 30 dayv nf thîs meeting: Me. Claudiv Bruttu. Ortnv Cunsuitieg Tuiephune (905) eut t201 eut. 224 Ennaii ,il-n emn , a Approvol Authority Please note: The Town ofMiton is acommentingugency ny.in accndunce withthe Fedeeui Rudîvcummuncutvnu Act, industey Canuda is the vole upprvui asthnity rerpovibe for reguiutiug rudiutreiecumevnication fuciiie, hvu'eoer, the Appicunt t reqoired tv cvnvolt aeith the localimvnicipaity an thnt Land Use Authority. The succeostul candidate ahIl report to the Vice Presîdent ot Risk Management FREE ESTIMATESIII and Interna Audit and ailI bo responsîble for managing audits to enliance corps- Gabg Re-. . . . .r len p rate governance and pnoviding process/cootrol recommendations tor both honancial and business loperatioos. 465073 QUALIFICATIONS ~~, * Strong analytical skills J ' Q ~ n ~1Iadnro * Supehor knowledge ut Excel Hanypeso * A recognized accountinig and/or auditîng desîgnation (CA, CGA, CIA, CISAI preferned SPECIALIZING IN * Ability tuwurk independently or assîgnmrrents asi minimal superisioni Noajobg, Onywal 17 Tan4 * Ability ru establish constructive relationubîpo witti audit îeam, management No jo Ba tu s , Ahi 17o yea\s and eternatauditons Hurdwood Floun Retinishi HANDYMAN, HOME * Sarbanes-Oxley (SoXandlunIT knowledgewuuld be an asset ing, Finish Canpenitry, Repaîrs, Renouations, * Oppontunity ru mou loto other areas uliter apprux 2 years Cen ami c s Deck S & Deck, Yard Wonlv Cail Rick * Willingness todo significant travel Fences. Cal 416-566-0492 519-853-1510. Totîrnd out more about SunOpt lnc., visit ounewebsite ut www.surnopta.com (Gr) DRYWALL TAPER/ nias- SMALL JOBS Opeciaiist. Send ysur resume lu the Direorutf Humas Resources ten. Boanîtîne, resîdentia, Home nepaîns, painting,- Email: I lealrectsnoa.m «confidentialtfaxl(905)45-0253 nenlouations and base, dnywall, plumbinig, We taokaioitereoted candidates, huwever, ments. lnsured. Rogenr- laminate, installations. Fnee 905-785-6732 es tîima tle s. J 0e uuiy vte uelected for an interview wilibe coutacted. 905-334-8178. smaliiubsspecialist@ rogers.com flSales Help flSales Help ~ -U Part- lime Help I Part Time Help S GEORGETOWN Part - Turne HeIp Needd CAILEY UnOW MOevIG CItEVROLET INC. 1 2 part time pusitiuns are saalable tontalg Moues. 905-876-6837 Han an immae oeninn for a Sale Per 1even nsg and Saturdav shits at the Qk l son. To oeIl both new and uued vehicles in a very tniendly envîrnment. This iv a great op- pvttunîty lv eann big bocks on commission au we provide utrong management support and very aggressive advertising. Esperience rot necesuary we are willing lu train a qualitîed a pplicant with previsus sales euperience. Valid d rivers license. Wile will supply a com- pany deo or car allowance plus dental and medical benetits. We are hene lu utaf, as GM has made os a part ut their new plan. For interview appointment * Caîl John Musial ut: 905-77-6944 On fas resume in confidence toi: 905-877-6946 Or omaîl nesume to: imusial@geo.rgetownchev com IIe NOW HIRING in Georgetown PART-TIME ASSOCIATES Availabte evenîngu I weekendu. Hure's ysur oppsîtunty so loin a wintîtg team withit un stganîuatîsn virete anythîng is possible. Pieuse dtop off yun cumpleted application undt rosume ut WHAT cleans out your closets, basement or garage? A GARAGE SALE Ad in the Milton Champion! Fridey edition reeches 23,000 homes in Mitton and your cost lu as low as *$25.00 + gst. (*terms & conditions epply) For info. and to place your ad in the Friday edition, just cali the Ciessified Dept. at 905-632-4440, Mon.-Fni., 8:30 arn. to 5:30 p.m. DEADLINE for Friday edition is Wednesdey at 5 p.m. If your Garage Sale is rained out you onnt get soeked if you buy our Rais Protection for an addîtonal $51 Notify our office and eeil re-run the satme ed, esith a date change, et no charge within the next 2 week period. Note: Your ad also appearu on-lise et haltonsearch.com CLA551FIED E-MAIL 1 a