ýlep l ep JWGnealHep GenHelP 3tHelp 1 IeerlHeIV GeerH elp Required for local private golf club. Great wvork from home opportunily wrfln some meet- ing aflendance required. Fîmancial saalement reporting, budget / forecasling, etc. ',a rWholo Foods Market VJ O OakvilIe wants YOD IM ta loin aur teum!' If you are an eopen enced Catering Co-coardinator, Meut Cutter, Bread Baker or Kitchen Manager Pieuse ueni yeur resume te Brendan.ONeiI@whelefeeds.com or fax te 905-349-8M8 ATTENTION NOW EXPANDING.11 Energy Made Easy Unlimiled eaming WEý1KLY PAY NO EXP REOUIRED Fuit producl Iraining and an envirooment tIraI cullivates succeso! Cull 1-ON-585-6404 SwmigPool Cmaylooking for jSwimmung Pool Builders ISome Exoerencel Opportun ly la grow with company. CampaI ise aalary Fax: 905-338-1689 Cuill 905-338-18871 **MONEY* E:rn :p ta $40/ hour EXERCSE* ~ aflerbeing certified - ~ Progrmmer. I *INDEPENDENCE* yos are oaa coîlect- It ing El or have on the Paper routes are no longer just puot 3 years yas mu'y ksd's stuffP Excellent daytime jaiyfrfni t opporturnty in Oakville for service- robartraining.com minded, conscientious aduits. Part-turne- Wednesdays, 0 Tusas&Fridays. You pick 'OHj our hours and must have vour .rat boartinvpay ,., n vehicle. ith $1.0 sar p pit Ifitrse ,contact *customer sainsiservc W Bb (N w *No experienceneceusary, Botq choarshîp iîda (905) 637-8795. 905-632-4365 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES ADESA Toronto operates a dealer 10 dealer velile auction located in Brampton and is currently seeking top talent 10, fulfili numerous temporary, tuli-time employment opportunities. Belove, pieuse find a listing ai the availabie positions and a brief outlinu af the respective raie. FMF Coordinator: Receive condition reports, assess and obtain authorization for repairs and prepare necessary work order farms. In addition, coordinate the inventory and sale ai vehicles and prepare reports as requîred. Must bu a proceos minded indîvîdual who can quickly evaluate situations and implement solutions in a timely manner and have esperience working la a customer service environment. Auction Cierk: Manually or electronicully updute and denote new data in accurate and timely fashion and prescribed format. Correspond via emtail or telephone with customers and performi other administrative duties as assigned. An independent worker, veho is able ta assess work volumes and prioritize tasks accordingîy while utilizing previaus customer service skills and demonstrating strong Microsoft Office Applications skils. Experience la the Automative industry is an assaI. Strong data entry okilîs is required. Condition Report Writer: Complote thorough vehicle inspections and document accurate assessment af vehicle in the lorm oI a veeli- veritten, delailud report, whîie ensuring that vuhicles meut acceptable standards as established by ADESA customers. The incombent must bu reliable and detail oriented as weIl as computer literate and posseso good communication skills. A valid driver's license and dlean driver's abstraci are necessary as well as the ability ta drive bath standard and aatomatic vehicles. Must be able ta work la ail weather conditions. Detuiler: Afternoon Shift- 3:30 p.m. - 12:00 ar. Clean vehicles la preparalion for the auction by washing the interior and exterior, vacuuming shampooing, remnoving tar and decals, dressing vinyl and bufling the veh ides. Strong attention ta detail and the ability ta work with others is imperative. Driver: Move conditioned vehicles la a safe and timely manner and provide car parking assistance on sale days. S afel operate vehicles ta and f rom destinations la the GTA and ensure vehicles are in safe operating condition while utilizing effective communication skills with customers ta ensure the smooth transition of vehicle pick ups and delivery. A valid driver s license and dlean driver's absîract are necessary as weil as the ability ta drive bath standard and automatic vehicles. Date af Issue: Juiy 22, 2009 Ciosiag Date: Juiy 29, 2009 lntere sted applicants shouid email their resume ta the attention af Jessica Pleas via hrtoronto@udesa.com. JOIN THE YMCA 0F OAKVILLE SCHDOL AGE CHILD CARE TEAM Ideai candidates w/Il bu 18 plus and have experience on providing a fun, caring, slireuiating program for childrun aged 4-12 before and aller ochool in one of many elemenlary ochools in Oukvilie. Conîracl fll- lime plus benefils, part-lime and casuali positions availabie from Auguol 24, 2009 - June 30, 2010. Succesofai applicants must provide a correol police check yod reedica. Pieuse send your resume and leiter of interest Io Jan Spiers 410 Rebeccu Street, Oukville, ON L6K iKi fax: 905-845-9369 or e-mail: lunsp@oakville.ymcu.ca ai oe for Semi-Relîred or Retired Couple or Maie Stand-Alone for M/ion Propery. Dulies [ncjdeceanngmanenaceadminisratio. Foui reol reduced position in a 2-bdrrn apl. Email resume to: millsidetower@reaIstar.ca Or fax: 905-816-1812 Aar--" CALL CENTRE Téhia el ecnoa elp Debt Collectots ________ _______ FIT, Perm. No exp. Req. Must have good phone manner. QEW & Ern Milis No Students A WAIL.dh Hth wmm .haiolo T: 905-855-0856 Inove i iiula<uiou a ui>. rane id apetutu for Refff96. Plmy*oIW sape Deposaon uhine e V«Wy of techiques. Irnloe aim mubfalaaion Boom To book your classified ad call 905.878.2341 LT_11(ýýa11'1h111 ýý11a111p1011 C'lzts s i fi (-ýc1 s et R'esulis 905.832.4440 Gel Help Geer elp 1 LOOKING FOR A :CHALLENGING & REWARDING :EMPLOYMENT OPPORTNITY? The YMCA ef Hamilton/Burtington/Brantford 1la offeiof part-time positions providing licensed 1 1 cure ta children between the ages af 3.8-12 years.I The successfl candidates wili bu untbusiastic, creative, child focusud and able ta work within a i fexible acheuoe. Respoosibitifes includu frontine i i supervision of chîtdrun, as weIl us, pmogram I iduvulopmunt administraîtion and waring as part iof tire YffCA School Age Child Cure team. i If you: I Have a diplomua i0 ERE, Child and Youdri or Reovatoni *Or have tws or more years experiuoce worldng vitb i chiLdren in a recreation ur chi(d cure setting 1 ' Arel18 years af age or aider i iese complete the job application foand I i on sur website ymcahbbca and emait i witb your resumne aod cover lutter to i i SA(Cjobs@ynîca or mai[ ta: I iSACC JOBSi c/o Ron Edwards Fami[y YMCA 50Dmury Lune Burtiogtan, Ontario L7R 2X12 i c/o Hamilton Dowrtown Fami[y YMCA 1 I 79 James Streut Soutb, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 2ZI1I I Ir I c/a Brantford Fumily YMCA 143 Welliogton Street, Brantford, Ontario N3S 3Y8 We thankathese whe apptied enty quatified ni dt~es wRbentated fr antevell. i L ------------------- à We are Canada's finesl, mosl saccessful, price valued hair care chain. STYLISTS FIT P/T BurlingtonOakville/MIlton Locations - Hourly age & commission e Clientele nol required * Compeilive benef il package e Flexible hours - Great working enviroament. - Cali Blaz at 905-257-5451 ValueVillae JOB FAIR NDW HIRING FOR DUR NEW STORE IN WATERDOWN (Clappison's Corners) Fuil lime and Part lime Positions Available lmmedialely We have openings for the following positions: *Cashiers *Merchandise Sorters / Pricers é Recycler / Receiver ' Cuslomer Service Donation Attendants; *Enlry Level Supervisons and Managers We Off er: 'Competitive wages .Employmenl benefils.Opporunity for career growth *Friendly co-workers*In-house training, -Generous discount (30-50% off) -A business cassa envvronment. *Flexible Schedules PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON AT DUR JOB FAIR Tsesday JuIy 281fr, Wednesday JuIy 29th& Thursday July 301h tram 9am - 6pre 50 Horseshoe CrescenlWalerdown, ON (Clappison's Corners) *Ifyou are unable ta attend the Hirirtg Fair yoa may e-mail your resume to 2061@savers.com or fax it ta (905) 631-6894. tcml *y"".mauffls for sOde lare me». W. idc hm en SI-Noma leNorato.y Wn déviop cutwQd and mIdi proe.s.s aloumne IdMM Io ffener complets hsn-ksy wom foe r In flmi deoil an d elaireuirerments We ar bookm or nlNioNnsOsdv poopfe to Ou # fowaine pamilonu. Mecluda Enghumr -Sodar CAO Du*w - dWnod" Saflum Enekuéer *Software Ermehuer Junior *Feisi Aaeinbly nd Teet Engînuer Insfle So" Enginer -pc 00000 lm Saisk~ Fr dame MWd hointo apçdY dm11 Sled w Experienced M Licensed Technicien or 3rd z year upprentice m m Positive attitude, > hardworking and can work independenty. Must have oaa bools. Appiy In person ai: Budget Exhaus & Automotive Imc 4179 Harvester Rd ': Burilngton È* Ask for Rob l< Fax 905-681-6053 "J