Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Jul 2009, p. 29

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To Plc An A.i *sl 90 :7824 : e Em il clssiie@h te a.co II Fa 905-63-8116 CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: _______Monday to Friday 8:30 arn. - 5:30 p.m. RenaSis IE AD0 96*eIurEX:0- CelAIEDtt AD013 uines1:-6 Rea se 10-196 - Beiuies 20-9 I:I. S I I- U U 'C ommunity 240-299 - Marchandise 300-385 Automnotve 400-470 - Help Wonted 500-570 c la sifi s __ -Services 700-795 dFor Circulation inquiries, Ile cail AD SBISO:By mal or in persn air Burliixgox Post. 5040 Maixway Unit #1, Buriixgnxn ON L7L 7G5. DEADUNES: Morsday 5 p.m. for Wednesdlay 905-878-5947 publication, Wednesday S p.m. for Friday publicatiox. Speciai Feature dcadtixes maxi oaey. 5RhYMENTW witt accept cash, cheque, Innerac, \fisa, MasterCard ____ DA AARSro exsore ies accuracy ni e Caxad ian apoe mii haepplonilble fror yor aleCnultarrnhe CECK dYU AD poTHao Fin Bo TAPER tesifs accunray The anxd ihan apon l ed cresppcaonilabe f r y r Saligae is t C onspubliaon. CIfC VOR anH t crror appeors in your adi, contact your Sales Consultant wvithix 24 boucs of publicotion -Fridoy publication errors musx ha reporxed hefore 5:30 p.m. ~ OhSIIS4 on thse fotfoming Monda. 1~~~1v ~t ,i'.- ao- e ,i $100 gift certificarte news.ti & innin; aE ose or Sale_ RETIREMENT HOME oni 27 haies of golf, 2-bed- ceoms, eat-rn kitchen, 12x24ft son room, 6 appi ances, wîndore ireolments incioded. Ta book an alr porntmeni cali Pat 519-338-3950 Colant Secial 2 SHOPS/STORAGE, varim s us oses, 1000 sq.ft S800/mtr nis onrirîres and 4800. sq.ft. S1950/mih piusnuoties, yard sepecale $550/mtr. Avaiabie Aag It. 519-501-6688 416-575-1909 MONDAY AT 5PM tor Frlday WEDNESDAY AT 5PM Filease, cali 905-878-234, or 905-632-4440 tax: 905-876-2364 Flate Fo Ret 1-BEDROOM APART- MENT duwntuwn George- town. $$600/month plus heor/hydro. Avoîlabie Au- gunr 1sf. Referanc es, fîir st /i1a st. R ob 905-877-4967. ACTON / Ruckwuod luxa- cf aroarfmenxn and com- mercial space ouaiiobie, 1 and 2-bedruom anits, from -875/muni1. GO ru: www.gienrockproperfîen.ca foc information or colt Mîke af 416-888-9164 ACTON 1-BEDROOM. uaiahie îmmedîafeiy. $840/month idililien onclud- ed. 200 Chrîrchîin Road, South. No pers. Cati 519-853-0087. ACTO N 2-BEDROOM aporfmenrt Avalatrie vu- g--- lot $980/monxh utîlîtren îociuded. Quiet Boildirg. No-pers. 192 Churchill Road Souh, cari 519-853-1281. BEAUTIFUL 1-OEDROOM apartmeot 5-minutes xo toco. Wooid sud single or exec utîve coupile. 905-877-7494 Leaue mes- sage. floigigu7 $$$ FREJE $$$ YOURSIELIF FROM DEBT $$$ MONEY $$$ F OH ANY 1 r 111 N V illlri 1 f-Aý 1 yr r CALL 1-888-307-7799 vvwvv.ontario-widetinancial.com I WORK foc Tout Resîdeniai or Commercial Motgages. Porchasen, Renecain, Reinances. t cii come fo ysu. Richard Cor- xatbo, FSCO M090006157 Tel: 289-838-6280/ 647 284-175.7. $$11M11N11111! CONSOLI- DATE oeis Mortgages f0 95% No encome, 8ad credit OK! Better Option Morf- g age Il1 0 969 1 -8 00 -2 82 -1 1 69 www.mortgageontario.com SAVE UP f0 $400 on youn cor innuronce. Clean dirîu_ îng record? Colt Grey Pow- enr t odca y ait 1-877-603-5050 tor a no- obligation Oulte Open reeekends. MILTON SPACIOUS/ ATTRACTIVE 1-badnoom oporfmarf cenicatty local- au. Stone tîcepiaca. appli- onces, cabla. oorkîng mate prafacred. Rainnancas $900/mfh att inclusive. 905-878-6069 abter 5xim. 1 -BEDROOM APART- MENT, ideai foc mature Avoabl Augut1f $0/_..th Plus hydr. In cide heat Nere frîdge an sic . Ncarpet rnd paint. 905-455-4766. ACTON 2-BEDROOM wfth privote yard, $925/month plus oftîties. 1 and 2-bed- ruser onîfs avoulable in fis- torîr building in Rochreoa, starîîng af $600/monfh pius utifites. Col Elizabeth PueR, Sales tep. Johnson Associates failon Ltd. 905-877-5165. ACTON APARTMENTS. 1, 2 and 3 hadenuer Oparf- ments avoulable. Cleon, quief building cîtb uftîfiien încluded. 40 Mario Sfreet, 519-853-4374. wcw.nnat- star. ca ACTON BRIGHT, spaciovo 2-bedroom aportmeni. Fîcsf/iasf. $950/monfh in- civans hea/pockineflrydro. Close io shopping and GO bus. Avaîlabta Augusi list Cali 519-853-3156. ACTON FURNISHED cana- uafed, bright 1-badroom oponfmarf. Non-smokar. Firnf/iast. 5720/montS in- dadaes heaf/porkng. Close le shopping and O0 Bus. vailabie Au gunr loi. Colt 519-853-3156. BALLINAFAD. CLEAN 1- bedcoom wîfh enctoned porcS, otîîfien and safelinte dinh nnctuded. $820/mnnlth inclusive. No smok- cng / pets Cat 905-873-7299. DOWNTOWN GEORGE- TOWeN, 1-bedcoom maiîr fl1o or oponimanO. $850/monfh inclusive. f cor parking. Avoîtoble A ugaus t lot. No dogs/moking, refecences. 905-77-7461 OOWNTOWN GEORGE- TOWN 2-pedroom renovai- ed cilS parking. Axaîtabte i m m e d ia t el $1,000/month pion hydr. Mafthec Hi, Johnson As- sociales 416-892-4723. DOWNTOWN GEORGE- TOWN,' large 1-bedroum. $850/month plus hydro in- ciodes applîaxces/parkng. No smoking/pets credit check fientuasVreferences. Avoulable immedîatey. Cati 905-877-4427. DOWNTOWN MILTON, 1- bdcm basement apt. Sep- araxe entrance, utîtîties, taundcy, parking înctuded. gont 1sf. 416-670-6887 ERINLEA APARTMENTS, cei mainîoîned dlean build- ing in Eon. Avoulable Auguni 1Sft. 1 -b edcr oo m $750/month and 2-bed- room $850/monfh. BotS o-, ciade hydro onid parking Colt 519-766-3834 or 416-666-0667. GEORGETOWN 1-BED- ROO M o poriment. Avoulable immedioteif. Ficsî/iosf, ceterences. No pers/smoking preierrei S980/monih inclusive. Colt 905-873-3063 alter 6:OOpm. GEORGETOWN 1-BEDl ROON aparttnenf near GO. No smoking/ pets. $700/month pion hydro ard catie. foot nciuded. Retecence/ lst! tant. Auciabte îmmedîately. Colt 905-702-3798. GEORGETOWN I-BED- ROOM walik n bosemeni opartmenf for mature aduit, neor O. Traiun. No smoking/pets. Kîtchen, bathcoom, toundcy noom, parking.- Furni shed $165/werk. Fîrni/onst. Colt 905-877 145Ï8. GEORGETOWN 2-BED- ROOM. Above shoo on 98 Main Street. $900/month plus hydre. 905-565-0033 or 905-873-5616. MILTON,' ONE foedroom, yard. parking, fidga, stove, free taunduy ta- cituties, prîvair anironce. Includes heat & oydno, Noc ovaîtoble $850. indlu- sive. 905-876-5581. 2-PLUS BEDROOM bouse near Mîltori foco boit. No garage non b asement. Cal Mach 905-815-3312 3-BEDROON brick bunga- low for cent, 84 Bronte, Miltor. 416-648-5414. DOWNTOWN MILTON MîiîeTouer: 82 Millide Drive. Attractive quiet buitding. Spacious bright clean 1&2 bedroom units retth tauxdty tacitity axd social rxom xn ste. Regular resident events Open 7 days & leveningal Caîl 905-876-1249 www.realstar.ca For Reot 4-BEDROOM BUNGA- LOWe, iewiy renovoted. f uge bockford, 2-parking. 8vaîtable SeTtember Ont. $1 350/monih. shacad utiîiîies, pers. Cati 416-738-4230. ACTON, 3-BEDROOM, nemi. Tco siony, corner ra- vine lot. Finisbed base- ment, 51.200/me o ulilites appliances. garage. Fîcst/ losi, ceferences ne- qvîced, 905-854-3228, teave message. Avaîloble Aogonf 15 or Sepil Flexible BALLINAFAD, 3-BED- ROOM Century home on 1-acre, banks untx park. 2- cor garage, luit bedrouer, 20* sIenne tîreptace. $1,350/mnnth. No smok- cng/pers. Referencen ptease. 416-888-5721. TERRA COTTA 2-bedcoom cottage style bungalow, 1/2 ocre oni Credîr River. Counfry. Frîvofe. Large c ouvere d d ec k . $0,375/mortS ail inclusive vvaitoble Augvsr Ont. 905-873-2640. ACTON 3-BEDROOM, 2- tati baihroomsr înse bonemeni. 6-opînliances. Freshy ioainied, niec car- pet. No pets/smoking. Ref- erenc es/c redîr check rnnoîrnd. $1,300/monfh plus utîlîfies. Avoulable Au- evor 1sf. TinS Oodge af Re/Max 905-877_2630. AVAILABLE IN Acton 3- bedroom torenhoose $1,1 79/month plus heaf/uydro. Central loca- lion, parking, yard, neîgh- bourhood community. Cobbterîfl Homes Co-op 519-853-1226. spaciolis 1 or 2 liedrocriri sLtiteý located in a sereile FîPnovaleil fitriess rocrin social rociii & lohby Stplns iviriv froin heautif[il [lüvýrit 0 vi ri 10 1 lon E,1ýy acces s 10 111ajor hiqhv,,3ýs c'O Transit slioi)1)ifi(j anil more suites based 011 availability For Sale Maving: - Maplo double pedesta dixixg set w/6 chairs $500.00 *3 seat leather cooch broren $450.00 e Bank beds w/ mattresses $300.00 *Walnot china cabinet $300.00 *Pine dinixg tabte $100.00 *Round wooden cottee table $35.00 G aa Lares moreer lesa thon 1 yr otd $1 50.00 *Bacr yard Swing $25.00 *Barftable - pine/biack $25.00 90115-876-9394j AIL NEW Beds! Plus/ Oit loctops, O_015' reick, nec an plasric, Double S250., Quren $275., King $500. husco Memnory-foam mar- treso cire couer, Queen 0750., King $950. Con De- luner. 905-730-5849 CARPET t haove neveu aI 1,000 yards of niec Sfaîn Monrer & 100% nylon cor- pti Wîii do lioîngreom & hall foc $389. Includes cor- yet, ioad & installation (30 905-633-892 HOT TUB (Spot Covers bent prîce, Besi quolity. At stuapes & cotours. Cati 1 -8 66 -5 85 -0 05 6 ww.tuecovecguy.ca NOT TUB/ Spa-Brand nec 2009 modet w/at opnions, and couac. Srti nr crapprar Cool $8995.. Sacrifice $4750. Colt 905-971-1777 KITCHEN CABINET Crown mouldîng's and Vatanice s trom nv tA on sole. Cati 905.462 2278 MOVING: PIANO c/bench, qveen bed trame c/brans headboacd, Enrer taunmenr unir c/u. afesk, anad more. 905-878-6306 SUPER SALE! Custom up- hointrine. Dînicegroom sears tuomn $19.95 PAccenr chaics luomn $195 Loua- sears from $595 Orai navînes on maoy ilcoraier tobrins. Seniors idiscount. F iet1d s 9 amo 8 pm 905-632-9090 TREADMILL. Electrie, relIs rime, speed, disrance, colories, heortrote, incline. Nec condition. bskîcg $295. bina, eliifcat/ ce- combent & uprîght bîke, tra oline ith enclosure I I Ace ted &-î. lin cOol Puppien fr saie. Tain cropped, dew clown ce- moued, lerst siiots, hearr- worm prit. 905-286-0118. r o orSle 1999 NISSAN Oltîma S. Situer, auromatic, p/c, p/d, arr. S2,500 obo. Cai 416-98e9885. 1999 TOYOTA Avalon, 1 39,.OOOkms. S4,995. 1999 chrynler Sebrîng Convertible $5895. 2001 Ford Explorer 00$ S5995. 40 cars/ vans/ rruchs undfer $5000, cai for defaits. Wiii taxour emnal înuentory ui. Siennor Motors, Mi11tron., 905-878-1797, alter hours colt 647-444-5083 2001 HONDA Ciono, 2-donc, AC Cerrîfred. New rires, pocer package, ne- morte keyle ns enfcy. 185,0OOkms. $6,500. Colt 905-873-0587. M nrace CLEAN DRIVING Record? Gcey Power could saur 90v up ro $400 on your cor in s u ranoc e . C ati 1-866-473-9817 toi no-nb- lination corte. Oper wrrk- ends o Pc , Ad. w .l 1r 5~rmnn 03r gj3veO or Rent 0 ltFr Rent Supplies SPle ORDER YOUR POOL NOW - Immediate Delivery VERTIC/o GLEN EDEN COURT APARIMENTSi 122 Branle St. S., Milton 905 299 1001 vertica.ca 1 I MILTON- ONE coom availabie in brord new 4 bedronm house, Deruf! Onitro arna. S500/mo aih- inclusive. 647-220-4609 ~Acmodon PRIVATE BEDROOM, tamiy roam ith irtiepiace, gameroom, pool, utirties and interner rncioded. FirsV last, references. Cali 289-878-7911. Lo ound 105T: MINIATURE Sno- zne, maie. Disappeared on Jane 30. Wears a blook coliar wirh black sronnes. Bowser, needs medicaion for diabetes. Record. Cari 905 854-2589 or 416- 895.2589, inor ovng dis- tance) DERRV/ TRUDEAU, enTe- rienced, references, CPR/ Fîrsr Aid, masic, crafrs, edocationa, liîmred spoce. ar ages. 905-864-8334. NEW HOME daycare avoulable, ceicomes ony e grovui of chidren with a qooiified ECE mom. Pr1eoas e co or 1 a 905-876-2066 MMe Daycare? We Watdrh a ticeesed ageer wlxch has tolt and part time spaces availabe in a homte ix fOOt area. We offer a smaîl ratia of chitde pet home, scxeeoed and txained Providees, axoclxedoled maotry inspectons, exclosive edocatiaxal 'Wee Leam Program', incame tax-receipto. F8r info in MiltonlOeorgetown pleose colt 1277.823.2621 989898,-' '0 * * tfi Il boo ys r Apartmeols& Aparlmeots & -s -i Are you inleresled in an taciliT3 and challenging role a 1h an award wi00 ng Home Be ilder2 Ranked Il by JD Poweer aod Associates for custamer satisfaction 3 years Tn a 0ow Mattamy Homes Ltd, Canadas largest home ha lder wi1h operai ans in the GIA, Oawa aTd Calgary is seeking a dedicated aTd oeilf motivale prafessioTal for the folowing positon.. *Warranty Service Manager I A leam player euth proaet maTagement and caslomer seroice skills, yoo wîll manago the day-to-day operations of warîanly seroîce and honmeowiTor service roguests. Il yoo have seoniol yearo of exeOriOTCo Tn constructioo or re'ooaltoos, wilh knowledge and Idemonsiraled proficiency Tn moltple tradoes friOTiorTS, Ihîs position is loi yoo1 jTo boarn more ahout Ihis oocilîog caroon oppoduniy please visil S www.mattamyhomes.com loi more iTformatior or seti your rosome qaolîng the approprialo position fille, 1o0 obs eItawa@mattamycorp.com j) Elton Manufacturirng is iookîng for roured immedîately Fo Kerr Cadilac, j) Production Staff for all shifts rOakvile. 'j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ti Pleaso Fax orEalrsmspjîersojJ Pleae Fa or mailresunes Attention: Jack r'Fax: 905-878-9211 905-845-1681 Email: 410 South Service pepger@eltonmanulacturlna coM Road. North. Thinhing 01 Cls B Drivers Wantod becoming a Teaciver. 7 New!y arcquired school bus routes 7 Train today toi borne nBurtington & Oakville ac r of English as * a n«nd Langage. h lafiendl, respectlul proteasiona T ah English to neconners woIh 8flviiO,5flent -Oppoetunties tor extra worh and ainancement to Canada or go abnnad *Many adoarriages inclade enhanced, xclusive and naval the worud' Emplopee Discount pirogramt fdow occeptng - Il pou have a G lictenoe1 we wOvl provide tree training applications for and lcencie upgradias te qualifiai applicants TESL Diplonra otartirr rvr helun eIu FT & pTin septDie R lm Exelen tahe taiin! 1-877-91 4-KIDS Recognized by TESL Ontrio E-il adloshpu.m & TESL Ca".adaudibs*Wm.o Fl~equs an application f naay wwcollffoleduators. a FELLLaw.Çjirk reqaired for basy Barlington law firm. Quaified candidates miii thave a .ï ,Wo recognizei lare clerk/Iegal assistant diploma, ~ ~ oU 3 yrs famrly lare expenience, atrong computer ri skills rncluding Microsoft Office applications, * Divorce Mate, Word Perfect, and be proficient le rerth dictafron. Eaceptronal organizatronal, inferperoona and commanication skilla. ability t0 mulittask, work rndependenfity and bedtl oriented ie alan reqaired. Please send resumes to: M Careers

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