Vour tools: Safe and soun4l (NC)-One of the major elements in the success- fui performance of work around the home, both inside and outside, is the proper choice and use of tools. In this respect, the seal of the Canadian Standards Association is a reference, because it indicates that the tools bearing the seal respect the Canadian Standards of manufacturing and safety, and are equipped with a ground wire or double insulation. This is very practical. Here are a few tips from Hydro-Québec to help you use your tools safely: a The Power cord: Do mot handie the tool by its cord. This tends to damage the cord (and the dam- age is not always visible). e The plug and the handle: Grip the plug (flot the cord) to disconnect the tool and use the handle to move it about. - Damaged Tools: Neyer use a tool if the electric i cord has been damaged or if the ground wire is oq twisted or cut. Likewise, neyer use a damaged 2 extension cord. X *Three-pronged plug: Neyer cut or fold the rounded ground prong of this part of the tool. 0 z *Power cord: When using an electric saw or drili,, keep the electric cord behind you to be certain that: you do flot accidentally cut into it. iin{oIVERu: [e1 0 rv4p9 9Y I WI p 25 Louis Dr 1603 Ramshaw Cres Middle RdCs 00 R pecacrarvrîoeec ir &lux~os hme Beautiful Pilodm model in most desirable 4iMLS LISTING DEDI ATEDA NT 11 lcntre lrafAsag'.Bettkn 2 Village. Finished bsmt Jack & Jili suite *OPEN HOUSES *VIVIPHOTORAPHY stoeyhig cilig r wpaàdin inHw, W/eathe g.m um lyrofc & miae. ORTAGIN ADVICE .APPOINTMENT BOOKINOS 6o~~.iu 'I Tm i n m axx.com r~~~ZeY te ra m mi uymoc ~rg. *SPAPER ADS 41COLOURFUL FAUESET OE l i m x .'C ) M !Bsdon MinMMr Broker of Record's hiaireo nume aifua odJo20 ue20.SasrsSuc.Idooet Sorc.Ba on TýREB Sraroic. FEAlR Iioied &o sodh ifo sn xerc MOl R E, Immaco late H om e Situaied On A Corner Loi Close To Downiown Milton. Completely Renovated Kitchen Will Amaze You With Top 0f The Line Cabinets & Hotch And St Moch More. rammiy Samuels ROCWOO Soles Bop. Absolutely stunning 3 bedroomi + etin -effoîfn 800-263-343 sought afler Rockwood Ridge. Walkout basement ta oversized 40' x 125' lot. MODEL HOME DECOR Sincludes modem chocolats hardwood!! Privais main floor dsnioffice wiih double sided firepiace snjoyed iRemly Spcodes by greai room as wsll. Upgradsd kitchen inci. granits eBrMoeo counisrs, island, breakfast bar & corner pantry. SPECTACULAR SCHOOL HOUSE MANOR IN CALEDON Evory single dot Il he been lovlngly reetared & con- etructod in this incrediblo homo. A personal tour of thlo homo wlll toke your bresth away. Tho origmnal echool houe hea Che originel echool bell et Che sntry Oh. main room je a hugo gathorlnglgreat reom with atone, 17 foot ceilinge &e original wood floors. Tho lower levai cf thie raisod bungalow hua 2 gueste mrne, 2 bath., a llbrery & wlne coller. Truly a rare gem wlth an exclusive address. MLSOW185e78 Allan MSalen 2 ACRE BROOKVILLE ESTATE SoloflopMINUTES TO 401 905-703-4530 Custom 3 bdrm bungalow on exqumarte lsndsced lot. Great rm has cathedrel caîlînge, firoplace & over- 519-853-2086 look- gardon and lly coverad pond. Centre island kitchon and breakfast room have skylights. Wrep a round elevated dock with walkout from family rm end stairs Co patio and waterfall. Lower levai hes 2 cor garage + 2nd high ceiling, 42 ft garage for cors, boat or woreshop. Unique must ses property. CHARMING EXECUTIVE SIZE HOME I1T'S ALL ABOUT THE HORSES $ 1,375,000 SOLID BRICK CUSTOM-BUILT HOME ON ESTATE LOT Near Guelph University - LARGE INGROUND POOL, 97.98 acres, 2 bann (1 bdrm apartmrrent inl pols barr). 4 bedroomns, 3 baths, 1 acre corner lot with 4 bedroomn, 2.5 bath; gas fireplace in family room. lst class riding arena, 2 sand rings, 3 bedroomns, view, separate dining, famnilly room with wood Eat-in kitchen with centre island. Separate dining large country kitchen, upgraded plumbing & elec- fieacinsebse nt2crgrg. roorn; Main floor laundry. trncal. frpae iihdbsret a aae Your VHO IrE j4C ROYAL LaPAGE Jacqueline ENTERTAIN WITH Guagliardi STYLE AND EASE Salos flop In your 2.5 year young, open concept, 4 bdrm 3600 sq. lit. 519-833-0569 luxury home fuaturing s 905-50-355 mgnificent kitchen with gos Rý ý er isand/breokfast bar, Walk-mn pantry and seporate AL LRME breakfast ares Chat flows through to the enormous Great Room with gas fireplaco. Rekindia romance in RCR Realty, steam shower for twoI Hordwood floors ai quality fin- ________ished throughout on 1.2 ocres with hot tub. 799,900. ci Allan Ails sales Rop. 519-833-9911 1-800-&4-5516 wwwýallanalls.com 4 AZZL