Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Jul 2009, p. 36

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tdt4< oa 4ten. Seweeù,e 1 '"~ PAINT âA/iVwde 905-693-8964 INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Specializing in Stairwells and 2-Storey Foyers CAIL GLENN FOR A FREE ESTIMATE 1 PFT' GRIII ppT Wi4 Pro jeaàicnaL Dvg Groomîng CertLjried Grvvmera jror ail Breecft 905-875-Tai! 25 197 MARY SE. tC, MLTN Maintenance a Repair Carpentry a Odd jobs INSUREO, DONOED & WRSID COVEREO 905-875-0555 mrhandymanhaadwatars@ballnot.ca *Nails a Ears e Glands @ Damatting aDe-Skunking e Aromacherapy *Water Massage # Medicatied/Fea, BathJ We Carry Fine Pet Acceosaries & Healthy Foods We Make Dogs Look & Feel Fabulous 50/o DISCOUNT ON NAIL CLIPPING WITH AD Ail Major Cradit Carda Acopted 111111111811111lmnoe wwwjiulmnlfll. Z DIAMOND FINISH PAINTING A Part of MItton Cino. 1985 INTERIOR & ( o EXTERIOR FSMS WALLPAPERING I mo878-SM9 OUALITY WOIIKMANSNIP \ Residmntial CLAN RM SINERIORS ATARENE TIAE 4, Conta 905e ron6915-98217 ainteings &mu ae Toý Adverîîwe in ti evnue direetoii, pleO.e tUiUlutaf IË1 905-878-2341 ext. 214 cscholtz@miltoncanadianchampion.com M-1 Your guide ta the Professianals in Home Renovatian, Interiar Decarating, General Cantractars & Landscapung. Té be Included in aur Fail 2009 Digest. Please Contact CUem Scholtz at 905-878-2314 or cscholItz@mil1toncanad!an champu!on. com êProfessional Interioran Exterior Painting Specializing in Venetian Plaster and Stucco For a Free Estimate, cali Sal at 647-220-9686 Y Commercial a Industriel SENIORiS KITCHEN AND AIHROM j DISCOURT 'i ~ '~ CABINET REFINISHING T0011 I nterior &Exterior 10HNSTONE PAINTING S 905-693-6413 johnsonepair g(gai com à KELLY'S TRUCK 16 FOOTr CUBE VAN 4 HIRE NO JOB TOO SMALL CALL KELLY (905) 878-1393 SMilton rmport GAS PRICES ARE SOAffRIN Drive A Diesel 'iY SpecialJgin ai mpoa veies Volkswagens * Euel injetion & Diesels Just CaI RUDY (905) 878-5330 BHave YouCleaned Vour Windows Vet? Realdental & Commercial E-..h.. Wi.d-.. & Sidi.g F.dl4 I,..m.d Mor, thAn 22 Ye.so f Mti,hible tn,, end QuaAty So1i inoYooArea For A Free Estimate Cali: (50)853-5456 0.- W. are Ready When You Ane! - "Oum"ý - - -

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