ee-,- Corne See The SPI RIT o New Detached Homes From What do we mean by new thinking? VVe mean homes thajt mc-i,<1rnizc' the ci'- rcea. VVke mran dlean interlor Iines witlh box-outs ancd ELJbhtOj rtufy eliminated, WVe mean simple things like abgrng Ioad beairing wcAs to simphfy the structurol elemcents. 36' WideLot", Plan 1, EIev. WÀ 1,638 Sq. Ft., $302,990 SPIR! new tnrt inj New Thinking. $259/990 rrvv~~ý u' timpie, ' ~j -effic iency c n iý 'Oa oýeDm aesthe v û. »(- 1DUCI Il, , F rct ù i ode un < 'ýiriý fo-) i r' i qe'r. Thiri vou. 36' Wiiel-ot-, Plan 6, EIev. 'C' 2,301 Sq. Ft., $353,990