89. AM -12PM 14 013 WOODWAR Y z 2 a. z 'J z 2 ~ if ~ This custom bujit bungalow/loft has a nice cozy teel with an open concept design. Just minutes from Milton/Campbellville it sits on just under 2 acres of landscaped property. Features include Great Roomn with 22ft soaring ceilings open to the kitchen with a gas tireplace. Master bedroomn with lavish ensuite. Second bedroomn could be used as an office and two bedrooms C* upstaîrs with a shared 4pc bathroom. Main floor laundry with access toi a triple car garage and separate stairs to the basement. Ail the conveniences ot living in Town but with that country teeling. Listed at $799,900. Cail Dehra today to set up your appointment. 905-878-8101 MARY MAGLIG Get the Edge o Ile sasuniis upun un -- tbat tine of yea niben pipe bas nutduors te cixate the exquinite gantens tbey divanied about ail nvinter Thuxughut the culd season peuple contemplte nibat tu plant «ext spring --perbaps urine fragrant fluners, uminnental grass or a bied uf une sbrubs. Lauvely lnidscape divamos can quickls tuni intu iîigbtaaris if unwanted grass <nid weedso creep mn tionerbeds aîîd gardeis. Tbe easiest solutionî te ibis cuîîînîuî dîlenîiîa is a suiid, fnciuii<i edge. t5dging fernis a barricade <îgaiîîst spreadiîîg turf grasses <nid îîîigraîiîîg neiis, lt aise ciivate-, cle<n, neat hies beiseeis plw<ng ais <nid hld. inuicli i place, nuîiclî iedoces surface evapuraîiiii anîd ieli coniserve nater iîeni ised piperti, edgiiig reduces tbe bine <nid effort ieeuled for anidscape miainitennce, Teular's ganiciier cas ciauuse trîîîî a \vide sciectiouio e dging pvadncts. Pnîîî cuîîcivte te pîlastic te nuexi, tbeie is a bordier for every tassem<id budget. Sule edgîîîg styles have notîable drawbacks. Wood edgiiig c<n be buiky te tranisport <nd ruts over Uinie. Tue sharp edges un «exil edgiîig c<n be eoseci<dts' bazaidous Mnî rnsted. tiitr<i Fdge' is a suppie, liglitieiglit, earth-trieiidlv edging option. 'lite border ~n Curb Appeal looks lîke woud but is atuaile mnade fruie iv. vcle piastic, lober Edge' s anotber uni:que iightweight border made froni flexible fiberg auss Tbe piuaduct veceioed die U.S. National toule 6ardeniiig Club's covetedrd ol<f Approval, Club testers gave the uulging a 95 perceot approval ratiiig for use, perfoirnace durabilit and appearaiice. Visit %wmv.eaiîgailnercolii for nmoie infonnation oin tiies border Practicalityi s not tbe onul ivasoni to pilace a fiinctioiial border aroond landscape bed. Edgiiig alxo adds aestlietic value by givng lans a tidy, îianicured look. Curi appeal is important, u4lliîsr oui aic, pnîtiig a lionse on Ilue miarket or sinipli keepiiog it lueikiiigflieili. Great vau4s iliîove f1v<d Lestati valle, nid sprocing 111 dises" ili liaie ta Coit a fortnne. A neceit stiid iiidicsues,, liîusc nitli tidy gaivleis. liestiti iiiuivoe laseiis veIll stocked Hunier beds anid onie or nore ovues seil quicker anid foîr i better price thas a comiparablle bouiise witliost the lîorticnltural additions. Tbis is mni ide<it tinie tii isake i aIs morue apipeatiig. Darop lis a local niursery: pick uîî nie llanLs and edgiiig; tieu gel bosv boesîiiîg vomir property value. incieased wuirtb is onte a flowerbed awav, o o ('j aïe,