Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Jul 2009, p. 3

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FI L LIESA KORTMANN / METROLAND WEST MEDIA GROUP Spectators watch the meeting on big screens in the auditorium of the Halton Regional Centre. Developers have 30 days e from COMPROMISE an page Al own development charges bylaws, upping the charge to homebuilders to $2,600 per unit - the highest in Ontario. Recognizing that it might flot be fair for a small 400- square-foot seniors apart.ment unit to be charged the same rate as a four-bedroom home that could house multiple children, the development industry had been asked if they would prefer to he charged hased on estimai- cd pupils per household. They couldn't rcach consensus sto thse standard pcr-unîs pi ce \N ds kept in place, said Cynthia Clarke of consult- ant C.N. Watson, which prepared the devel- Todlay's Champion SPOIRTS A18 CLASSIFIED A21 ARTS Bi 1 REAJL ESTATE B4 w wmiltoncarradianchampion.com *ZEILERS - METRO - 2001 AUDIO.- WAIMART - SHOPPERS ORUG -CANUOIAN TIRE *F000 BASICS - NO FRILLS -FORTINOS - PRICE CHOPPER.- SOBEY'S ACTION SOBEY'S -MITCHELLO MAYOHO ROS. U ANAIK FURNITURE * SuR TEOR AUTOMUTIVE - VIOlEK . W5IMART - FUTURE SHOF HOME OUTFITOERS - OEUFS - WALMHRO opment charges background studies for the school boards. Milton cleveloper York Gruehl, whose company is eager 10 start building some high density development in the town, said follow- ing the council vote he isn't as concerned about the $8,000 charge as he is the timing of when the Region wants some of that moncy to be paid. The council-approved linancial plan demands developers pay up front an interest frcc boan of $1,.061 for c\'crv sc\wcr t oTiTctioni htU\ îctîtic.st. soiotýiiiig (,rotlil said is diffituli for condominium tlcvelopcrs to finance. Banks don't generally lend money to apartment developers until thcy have received approval for the developments and have sold at least 75 per cent of the units. Gruehl said fies hopeful Regional staff will be more open over the next 30 days te0 explor- ing the possibility of debt financing on behaîf of the condo developers, with the money 10 be paid back with interest after they get their bank financing. However, councils decision Wednesday didn't provide an allowance for staff 10 go above the Regional standard debt ratio of 14 per cent. And Halton Treasurer Jane MacCaskill told council that waiving the boan request for high rise builders would double the boan required from the single-family homebuilders, something she didn't believe would be accepted by those developers. TOtn Foian cati be reached ai tJoianCùini1ton- canadianchampion. cont. te AUTO EBODY mal, (ROYAL ATLANTIC) INC. Complote collision re<oair andPeiihùn services 155 ~ , Npsig d. Mlo 588271 Once established, these wiII bloomn for 3-4 weeks& rebloomn later in the seasan e Easy-to-Grow - Problem Free e 15 Varieties ta choase tram$ BuyQ2B/ y 01 uy 43OO1 a99 v - r Sllist DaB e flCky-" Great as a cut flower - keep 9 cutting ht and it keeps blooming! 1'eac Easy-to-grow e 1 Gallon pot R 999each Mulch 2CU. FT. $~2 ýBLACK, BROWN, RED Bags For2 L.& - î.Mi

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