%0 C) Ù: -D z o 0 Bread, toast, cereal, baked goods & pizza Soiled paper towels, facial tissues, paper towel rolîs and toilet paper rolîs v~. Coffee groun & filters, teabags Cake, cookies, pie, muffins& candies Vegetables, corn cobs & husks, Fruit nuts & shelis, pumpkins& salads -i ds Dairy products, cheese & yogurt (no containers> Sauces, mayonnaise, salad dressing, syrups, peanut butter, jams & jellies (no containers) Houseplants Meat, fish Pasta, couscous, & shellfish potatoes, (including bones) rice, oatmeal, flour &grains Fats & ojis, lard, Hair, pet hair, Soiled gravy, butter f feathers, nail popcoî margarine clippings and cartoi (no containers) dryer tint paper p tak< Eggs & egg shelis paper food packaging, rn bags, cardboard egg ns, greasy pizza liners, lates & cups, cardboard e-out food trays and containers oeGreenCart Acceptable Liners lt's up to you whether you line your GreenCart or not. If you choose to line your GreenCart, here are the acceptable liers: " newspaper/flyers " paper towels " cardboard " paper bags " paper food waste bags *certified compostable bags with the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) logo: COMPOSTABLE Bags that display the BPI logo are designed to compost quickly and safely when composted in a commercial composting facility. Tefllowing bags are not accepted and will flot be collected: *plastic shopping bags, including ones that say oxo-degradable" *green plastic "recycling" bags o plastic garbage bags o clear plastic fruit & vegetable baggies By excluding these plastic bags, we supply the composting facility with a dlean material, resulting in a higher quality final compost product. For a complete list of GreenCart acceptable liers and where they can be purchased, visit www.halton.ca/waste. Cleaning out your f ridge? Ensure the following items do flot go in the GreenCart as they wiII flot compost: Glass botties and jars (food goes in GreenCart; botties/jars go in Blue Box) Plastic shopping bags, including ones that say "oxo-degradable"' (take back to the grocery store for recycling; "oxo-degradable" go in the garbage) Clear plastic "clamshell" containers (food goes in GreenCart; plastic containers go in garbage) Clear plastic fruit & vegetable baggies (food goes in GreenCart; plastic baggies go in garbage> ..~ ~~~~ ~~ --- -. -------------s * ~ ii z ' z ' D)o your part Use your GreenCartr / GreenCart Acceptable Materials :1 -a