o Plc An Ad :al 90 :7824 e -mil clsiid hos. * ea -.c e Fax 90 3286 classit lods AD SUDMISSIONt Bp mail ce je person at Burfingoon PosO. 5040 Mainway, UmA #i Burhington ON L71, iON. DEADUNES Mcnday Sp m for Wednesday pobkation, cNednesdap S p.m. fao Fridap publicacion. Speciat Feature deadjines map oarp. I~.YMEM10 We mil i accept cash, choque. tn0erac. 5-sa, MasterCard, American Eapress. Business accounts map 8e opeoed wioh an approoed ceedit application anaitabte feom pour Sales Consuttant. CIlECIg VOUR AD 114E FIRST DAY T API7EARS Oc ensuoe ns accuraep The Canadian Champion miii 0008e responsible for any 00cm appeaning aftee tho tino day cf pubticanion If an ereor appears je pour ad contact pour Sales Consufrant within 24 houes cf publication Feiday publication onces masO 8e repoened bofore 530 p.m on Une folloming Monday CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday 8:30 am. - 5:30 p.m. CLASSIFIED AD INDEX: Reaf Estate 100-135 * Business 140-169 RentaIs 170-196 - Leisure 200-239 *Community 240-299 * Merchandise 300-385 *Automoqive 400-470 - Help Wanted 500-570 -Services 700-795 For Circufation inqoiries, please caîl 905-878-5947 $10 gftcetiicate news., *0 hose orsle hsfor sale APariments & I7 Apartments & I Houses 701 . Flatsor~ For Roc! ForaR n For Rent suple pol upis Acin utosAcios C 3-BEOROOM brick bunga- OREYU PODO DISTRESS Sale.- Bank Foreclosures lowhoen , 6844 Immediat DeERYURP ler Free litf uBank owned properties from 200k & op Mlin -4-44 i m daeD lie Receive a Free Computerized printout. ER' MMEROMhoe Pre-ecoredmesagev ~2,800 square foot. 1-888412-9651 ext 1042.ut 1 Brn e ho efriueaddc ,pitsgf tm , OR O - 519-8332467T . sports memnorabilia, and mach more... www. GTADisressSalelist.com HonLd Manc Bebafrc r o kee I denîfy GLEN EDEN COURT APARTIMENTS WHY RENT? Rent to own.MloSprsCne-60SatMriMA-itn ooered aid operated. F2 neS.SMlo raie downpayment, Mi-Mlo prsCnr 0 at ai Id-Mlo 122 13rone rit. S. ?Aîlton chaei Wao Realty Broher- audy uy1,20 90 »101vria.a ae90-,-1.800.668.7564 905.955.4624 Auction Time: 1 pmr Preview: 12 noon Spacous1 or2 bdrom suteslocaed n awww.kayakpois.ca OpnNue U eeenihorodFor Rent _________ For Informnation l REI Auctlon 416-564-1275 * , . AVAILABLE IN Acton '3 Mj~ Fori Sale Articles Wanted Ioî î î/ REDUED asyaccss a mjor ighays GOTrasit Ilbedroom townhouse UC«rtjfN uf$ 11 mo - 1i MOVING SALE. Mald h A EST OPEN HOUSE. àiy 1 M & 19h - 2 -4m 263 Forbs Terrace, Milton Bangalow wîtb loft, 4-bedrooms, 4-bathrooms, 3,386 sq. fi. 49.21 frontage o 98.43 fi. depthn. Double garage. Walk-oat basement, whirlpool tub tn master batbroorn, 2 tireplaces wdb speed fans. Inutra MM! aoirent 2 SHOPS/STORAGE, vari MILTON ESCARPMENT Oas uses, 1000 sq.fi. HOME for rent to nature S800/mth pius otlilties and eoibusiasis/ hîkers. Pref et 4800. sq.ft. S1950/mib oio animais! smokers, i plus ublitiies, yard seperate yeat lease, acailabie im S550/mih. Acaîlabie Aug mediately, i bdtm plus ist. 519-501-6688 den, loft, fireplace, 416-575-1909 screened porch. Si 300/mih includes ail MILTON, FIRST Lioe, uti, îties and internet. fio0bby shoy for rnr. 905-691.0217 Approx. 1000 su. fi. Please caîl 905-876-2609 for more info Moiilage, e $$$NYS CONSOLI $$& uAT I8 Conga SOLAIO g 2 8 2 i ai6 9 MENT.idencal.fo nir DATwwrn ortgageoo do is, n eo, uIet Georgetowai building. Business Available Augosi Ist. S801 month plus bydrohoIn and stove. New carpet and SAVE UIP to $400 on yoicr parant. 905-455-4766. car inscrance. Clean driv- i0e record? CatI Grey Pou- 2-BDRM IN 4 pieu, Aug e r t odIlay ait lot. S850/no. plus heat 1877-603-5050 tor a no- & bydro. ($80-S100t obliuaion quote. Opèn Benovaied, near dontoon weekends. Milton. 4162 254 5 710 atter Spm. ACTON 2-BEDROOM wîth EMI~Ib1LLJd~U priuate yard, $925/month plus otilîties. 1 and 2 brd- roomn unîts acaîlable in Hîs- trcbidni ockwood, pu utîlîties. Caîl Elizabeth Doel, Sales Rep. Johnson I..I1.11Associates atnLd 905S877 5165. DOWNTOWN MILTON Miliside Towers 82 NMliide Drive. Affracbove quiet building. Spacios brigbi cleao 1&2 bedroom unitu wîtti lauindry tacility and social toom on site. Regulat resîdent eventu Open 7 days & eveninga Cail 905-876-1249 www.realstar.ca ABSOLUTELY STUNNING central Georgetown 2-bed room apartment availaole l ot rent îmmedîlateiy. Uppen lecel. totaiiy renia v at ed . A skî1ng 51 .OOOp/month plus ily- dro. iea onîne: esea reni tershotlîne.ca Propenty Soc 5459. Quiet personi or couple preferred. No pets. Eîrst/iast, relerences and leffen oh empioyment. Coul 905-873,9582. ACTON / Oockwood lucu- ry apartmenis antd com- mercial space acaîlabie, i and 2-bedroom unîts, from $875/month. Go 10- uwwA georockpnropertîes.ca tnt Uinomation or cail Mîke at 416-888-9164 ACTON 1-8EDROOM. Acaîlable îmmedîateiy 5840/mont h utîlîties Iiclua- ed. 200 Churchll Roati, South. No pets. Cali 519-853,0087. ACTON 2-DEDROOM aparimeni. Acaîlabie Au gust 1 st. $980/month uilities ineluded Quiet Building. No-pets. 192 Churchill tioad South. Cail 519-853-1281, ACTON APARIMENTS. 1, 2 ana 3 bedroom aparti monts acaîlable .Clean, quiet building euth utîlîties încluded. 40 Maria Street, 519-853-4374. ame.real- stan.ca ACTON BRIGT, spacîous 2-bedroom apartment. PîrstAlast. $950/month in- cludes heaVparkinu2iîydro. Close 10 shopping and GO bus. Acaîlable Augcst Iti Cail 519-853-3156. DOWNTOWN GEORGE- TOWN, large i bedroomn S850/month plus hydro on dodoes appliaoces/parkng. No smoking/pets c redit check firsitasi/refenenceýs Auaiabie immediateiy. Cai 905-877-4427. MILTON, ONE bedroomo yard, parking, trîdge, stoue, free lacndny la- cîlîties, prîcate enirance. Inciodes heat & hydro, Nom acaîlabie 5850. icdu sive. 905-876-5581. EBtNLEA APARIMENTS, an Il iOaiiiiained Cepai baid ing In crin. Acaîlabie August lS t 1 bedînonil $750/month and 2 bed nnom $850/month. Both ol clude hydro and parking Cali 519 766 3834 or 416-666-0667. GEORGETOWN i-BEO- BOOM basement apart ment Neciy Aennuatedi Prîuafe entiance, parking./, iaundry. No smohing/pets. $850monro îscîudes utîltîrs. Auailabl- îmmrdi ateiy. Cal1 G ar y 905-873 1291 GEORGETOWN I-BED- ROOM, newiy nenouated aparfiment. Wouid suit nia t u re pler so0ni(si) $695/nînnthi inclusive. Acaîlable immediateiy. Cail 905-702-9261. GEORGETOWN 1 -BEO- ROOM wîtb 4en,wahasement apartment. Newiy con structel, larg;e ooms, $850 month inclusuve. Auailabie îmmedîateiy, 905-877-9438 GEORGETOWN 2-BED- BOOM brîglît and dlean basemaent, $825/month plus latîlîties Parking/aun dry. Immedîateiy Cai Mîke 905 840-2367 or John 416-809-4670. GEORGETOWN 2 -BED - ROOM. Clean n' o pets. Pîrsf/iast/refeene $900/month IInclusion. September lost. Cai 9 05 877 4194 alter 4OO0pm GEORGETOWN BRIGHT, spacîoos 2-bedroom. Park îng, heat/hydîo, yard, quiet . 4 applîaoces. Private enffance. Must Seei Now acaîiable. $975/month. 905-877-1451. GEORGETOWN CLEAN, quiet bachetor, 1 anrd 2- bedroom alparimenis acaîtable. No smo.-rgwpei please. Eîrsf/iast. 1-year lease. Cail 905-702-3301. GERGETOWN LARGE i- bedroom, brîght and dlean. No pets/smoking. Refer- eoces. Au g st i st. Cali 905-877-1209. MILTON, NEW 1 tidrm basement apt. Separafe enlirance, utlîies, parkin îniciuded. $900O/mf h Acaîlabie Augiist Itf 416-670--6887 MTON brand new detacbna, 3-bdim, 2.5- baths, 5-api., excellent Io cation Avaîi.Aug loth. S1650/mo. plus utîlîties. 905-878-9926. tion, parkiong yard. rnieigh MILTON BRAND Ncw Tnwnhnme 3 bedînoni 2.h uatiîîoumn h a001 nces CAC $1.375 plus utîlîties, 4 16 5 62 1 07 7 /905 997 5634. MILTON- MATTAMY buiti townhose in Hawthorne Village 2 Ondooms 6 apoliances. naicny great neighbourh iii S 1250mco plits utîîiîný Availaoli i mmcdiaieý 905-849 8730ý BENT M Et! Georgetown spotieso, bright 2-belroom townhouse con4o. August 1 51h/September 1Isi $1,100/month, No smok înig/pets 905 299 6002 wwwireewehs com /gton condo Rent & afed MILTON FURNISHED onm for rient, Auailabie mmedîate y. Derry ara Armstronîg E rst and last $500. Cai 905-87827068. MILTON- ONE om acaîlable in brunnu new 4 bedrnoom bouse, Peu5! Ontario iea. S5OO mn ai inclusiue. 647 220-4609 Shaedafs MILTON, DERRY/TRU- DEAU, Awesome bachelor suite foi rent, A must seni Fot more inf rail Stan 5 647-300-7826. PRIVATE BEDBOOM, lamîiy notom wîth lirepiace gameroom, pool, utîlîties andI internet înciuded. Eîtst/ last, references, Cai 289-878-7911. Lo& Found FOUND LONG baîred biacki beautîtul cat. King siey Cri, 905-78-2703 LOST: GREY back broan omal maie indoor cat, near Deery ana Thomp son a rea on Wednesday Ji No, coi, named Chapeau. Reward 905878-3962. LOST: MINIATURE Scbnauzer, maie. Dîsap peared on Jure 30. Wears a black cohuer wîth black siones. Bouser, nerds medîcation for diabetes Reard. Cali 905-854 2589 or 416-895-2589 (ot long distanice) piece dinetn set wîlo bal, Os ra,,qy0 cofen tahle $00 27 incli older TV wniks lîke new $ 50 Pie a Se ou ai 90h 699 1696 or emal la crnoc 5 1 5-roger s coci loi ALL NEW 8eds! Plspi iowtops, 10 15' ti ck. Oew ,ri olasi, DO LI l tri r Qin.en S275- nîîg $0,1 o -c Mec oiy Isr mat tins Sti nover oýeen hver, 90730 5849 CARPET i have nuverai i,000 yards oi n Staîn Master & 100% nylon car pet. Wîi do ho ngroom & hall foi $389 Includes cai pet, part & installation (30 y ar dsi) S te v e 905-633 8192 DINETTE/ KITCHEN set dhîn. Round beceird glas s tnP, decorative metai1 frame, 4 ulpholstered chairs. As cew, st11 unuer warranty, from thn McCiary Dînîng Collection. $275 mIiag 123@hotrnaii, comn loi phot 905876-8988 HT Tue (Spa) Couers best price, Best qualîty. Ail shayes & coc ais. Cali 1 8 66 5 85 0 05 6 www.thecnuerguy.ou HOT1 TUB/ Spa-Brand nea 2009 mortel w/ail nintIcris, and couer Stîlli n wrapper. Cost $8995., Sacrifice $470 Calil905h971-1777 MOVING/DOWNSIZING, HOUSEHOLD items loi sale Sectînnal sofa, tables, bookcase, lumps, ianyboy eather reclnni, computer workstatîon, bnass nueen headboail. twin bed/bed- dîog, dehumîdîfier & more 905 8 76 -8 98 8 mii4g123@hotmaii.com fot pbotos & price OAK DINING îoom set, table. e.ght chairs, china cabinet. Pour couches trom Loue seat 3 seat_ e S. 416,605-2387 SUPER SALE! Custom oup hoisterîng. Dînîngroom sts flrim $19.95 Accent chairs from $195 Loue- seats from $595 Great sauîngs on many decorator labrîcs. Seniors discount. Eîi el1d s 9 amn 8 pm 905-632-9090 TREADMILL. Eteclnic, tells tîme, speed, distance, calories, beatiate, incline. New condition, Askîng $295. Aiso, ellîptîcai/ re cumbent bîke, uancus sined trampolines, 905-814-1415 EII ar fr sale 2002 JEEP Grando finrîken larco Exellcnt coditi,r iginal anri 0il, t,IadOO, lealhni ni o . CE i nerü, ai-r,- 000cr Windows acd seats, 5iiOkeyin s ente, as ntdce aiiOag, situer colorý lCitified and etestedý $0,500 Fiii Cati 9058770O39ý Molyces 2000 KAWASAKI 250 778 Ltd. I ,h00kms. Mînt, $3.89h certifEd. 1996 Honda Shadow 500 VLX. 69,OOOkcsý $3,000 Cen.i hied.C1905699it5i CLEAN ORIVINO Recorde Grey Power couid save Y0.i up tu $400 on y00e car in suIîra nc e L Ca 1 1866 473 9817 loi no Ob îgatîn quote. Oper wnek o aeerrining EIIII]e ter Tnne 10 rerTmtini Centre Educat 45ynngo ldr FREE job Search workshop for Experienced Workers IhAaîîîn9îoîî t.ai,gCn Burl!r-tîni, ON L7N 3N4 * itcoîner of ni ur 2mpioiabicî skils * Unulopt a reourmel bat colos * lparro tu murket flursAif nu employers * Understand ond deunino intorce uwl-l1 FRU _urONTARIOP Thinkiog of becemiog a Teacber? Tain today lu become a teacher of Englîsh as a Second Lunguage touch English 10 neucimeîs Io Canada oi go0ab[044 and liauni the wolin' Nue acceplîog applicaionsy for TESL Diploma siartiog P T & P' i n Sept. Excellent leacher training, Recognized by 110 Ontaion & TESL Canua Regnes un applicaion local1 905-896-000t wwcolegeofducators cu Ask Us About. e«t a work oeil905-878-2341. ut es ase on avai a - j E-mail classified@haltonsearch.com