Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Jul 2009, p. 20

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BiIIy Talent set to tee off Iocally Soinc laient-cd gollers arc hicacld to town next month. Billy Talent - two-time juno winner for group of the year - is set to bold its third annual charity golf toumament at Pipers Heath on Friday, Aug. 21. The event will raise money for a fond that provides post-second- ary scholarships for Canadian teens and young adults afflicted by multiple sclerosis (MS). The bands drummer, Aaron Solowonju k, is (me of 75,000 Canadians witb MS, a dis- case that attacks the central nervous systemn CCCP 13 9 2 2 20 Repears 12 6 5 1 13 Madmen 13 6 6 1 13 Shamnrocks 12 I 9 2 4 and can cause fatigue, loss of balance and short-termn memory, and in severe cases par- tial or complete paralysis. Diagnosed with the disease 10 years ago, Solowoniuk bas worked with the MS Society of Canada to develop the educational pro- gram. Registration for the tournament costs $200 per golfer, or $600 for a foursome, with ail proceeds going to the fond. The fee includes green fees, a cart, a buffet dinner, gift bags, door prizes and participation in closest-to- the-bole and longest-drive contests - plus a chance tu win two cars or a boat for a bole-in- one. There will also be a silent auction and a chance to win a trip for two to the British Open in Scotland. To sign up or sponsor a hole, contact Trevor or Renee Solowoniuk at (647) 887- 8738. Halifax $49 .$» Orlando $79 S-23 Vancouver $229 .Û1 W143 ý1 #e 3'm;. Munich '$439.$11ff Unit 2-00 Mal Avne Mito e'0i 8516 Mo-.i 8a -idih :. Sa u a - S . - l F ee -7 Self U1T' S BACK! Prime Rib 1 & Shrimp Buffet \'p Available ail season at Mohawk Racetrack during live racing every Sunday, Monday and Thursday TO MAKE A RESERVATION CALL 1-888/416-75-RACE and ask fer the RESERVATIONS DESK. GROUP RATES AVAILABLE. p o MOHAWK wo

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