ICorrection A story in Vvcdnesdays Champion about an upcomning summer barbecue with Halton MP Lisa Raitt contained an incorrect date. The barbecue, wbicb is being held from noon to 4 p.m. at Willis Famnily Fruit Farm on Fiftb Line, will take place tomnorrow lItIi feature food and enter- tainment, with proceeds going to the Oakville and District Humane Society. The Champion regrets the error and any inconvenience fit may bave caused. OR' 4DR Gus navet 4 cyli auto, air. pw, M pdl, tilt, CD, balance ut Kia -df warraniy. Stk#513977 2005 DODGE SX 2.0 Only 57 tOOtkm 4cyl. antn anr p, ndil CD, alnys, ear spnler Stk#273050__________ CARS & SMUNI VANS W LX 2008 NUA MAGENTIS LX Luxury ai its besti Poserul 4cyl, auto, air, pw, pdl, tit, cruise, cd, alsys, power sunruot, bal- ance ni Kia warraniy. 1àý\Stk#1804l i 11133849' 2007 CUIR SEDRING T 1 x ro ssd nV >a t i, w pl it 2007 DODGE MRVWu»m 11111qm1ff 4cyl, auto, air, pw pdl tilt, CD, balance ut tacinry wurran- iy. Stk#551420 _ Ï 2004 DODGE SX 2.0 Black eanty4 cvyl ant ai CD. bal nf tny sarranv Stk#614429 2008 KCIA SPECTRA *19am -2 pm, 103 WodwardiAve., Ken Healey Keller Williams Real Estate, 905-812-8123 95 lrilwood, Missssuia, $188,88, Debnmh Vui 688 Syer DL, Mary Maglio Remax Real Estate Centre, 905-878-7777 *12-4pm 111,1 Oe r, $ W1,00, MeM Mq 204 Mill &., Actoi, Mar Maglia 405 BaIus Cd., $R14,88, BbKhMn 235 Dint St. 161, $20888, BasbKin 1RUGWi6qTir., Noan & Tum Hison Remax Real Estate Centre, 905-878-7777 Cail Diane today ai - ~ 905-878-2341 x212 for your whîch inciudes :$ 95J fi, 8W,,ki, dî Ail ot your adverisiffnmnts wIII bu CesD publismmd on the wmbsite toai ,OUSl Sy addir4 tour wmmpmmmtt 1wk rouy. wli 6ON direct cusimmurs rigbt te yeu. 50r CUCKS MOANS MAXIMUM EXPOSJURE! 2007 HONDA E 'inn naicmnack 4cyl air rw pUt tit CD 2006 DODGE CARAVAN cd blanc of ra m tor wafantysik#009Snnomy van V6 autn air ns pOi fil Stk#5 5729 oit rack Bal ni iactnry warianty Stk#547523 $103849' ý12 849 *1O 849y sqZ1_ff M * s4 7s 1 M ý Fun vn nUOD V6 autn ai pwpott d , daity Cb, balance o atruy warraniy d $135849' 2002 PONTIAC GR GT Black beauiy w Ch chrnme wheels, psun unif pteciner V6, autou ai, & p.group Stk 189575. 2009S DE CALBE: Stk#173 î3ý AM1 205 HUDAÏ, ÉcEnnncal sedn 4cy auo ai pw tlcd, balanc en fctr IM-, warantn Slk#579759 WD)E R SXT 2007 MMAIffl Rnnmy wagnn V6 antn ai ow, pdl, p heated saa tilt crn ne cd, allny. ing i nhts, rani rack, balance nt factait warrann Stk#707538 IDO EXV6 2003 JEEP LID W t#08 LIMITED ns, loir uit, Graine cd> allnys, 1 balance ni acnY warran #1~7 Cày& hWt**l Cal Mr' Cusstmae gmatcawn 81 ONTARIO STREET NORTH, MILTON Mn t65 ONTARIO STREET .NORTH, M ILTO -N 7ZELE. . i' - tcauh ptice plus admin tee and applicable taxs.veanriable fitance tate ru anariabie fi 2004 to 2009 models Ai panmeniu shuwn renv e PST & GST due ai uigting. Termo naiy based un veut ni vebîcie. Minimum amouni finance is $12.500. OAS. Viuîi Milot Chrysler for detaris. z 2 ge open HY9251 Ââo- ýý ýM ý,î