Belvedere nai ';Wayý's VoluntE SFor more than a decade, Town of Milton SCAO Mario Belvedere bas been working to uadvance the cause of the United Way of 2 Recently, Belvedere was chosen to receive the organizations 2008 Volunteer of tbe Year ~award. ' Mario bas been a great asset to United SWay of Milton over the pasi decade, and bas t ruly made a difference tbrougb bis bard work, enîbusiasm and dedication to the organization," said Lesley Mansfield, presi- dent of tbe board of directors. Mayor Gord Krantz, whos tbe organiza- tion's bonorary chair, said Belvedere is known for bis communiîy involvement and sbould be congraîulated for this award. "The award is a fiîting reflection of Mario's outstanding contributions to tbe Milton community," be said. Belvedere became involved as a volunteer with the local United Way in the late 19Q0s. Hc actecl as camnpaign chair twn ycars ni a row (2006 and 2007), bas participated on the planning committee for the Mayors Golf rned United ~er of Year Marlo Rseiveaere Tourniament and bas been involved in vari- nuLs fundraising ex cuis nc luding the linier auction i 2007 and tbe curling bonspiel, scbeduled [or later this year. inotepirT ohe 20operatio n capta budets ApeTtown oil bemdetth Date:8725 Monday 9uy 05,8095 lime: 7:30 p.m. Pulcin ilton Sport Centrent Rom Mte frmsdt cane iked p att the Burkst Offieti(Townl15 Mnary tret Mton L9Td 6Z5)t or on the Trownie fo Mt20onebsite, w&camitna bumpgeted orseto must be sumid ttet th Cer'sOfic oDaed to nay 90-86-02 y 0,n nJ 20. Commentinowrtion Masow loan Spayt beree Buto RlHiMangriac and Accounting at Town Hall, 150 Mary Street, Milton, L9T 6Z5, or at GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION Halton MP Lisa Raitt (right) and Oakville MPP Kevin Flynn were joined by Acting Mayor Jan Mowbray for the recreation infrastructure upgrades announcement totalling more than $3.9 million (provincial and federal share of the total $5.9 million> for John Tonelli Sports Centre and the Nassagawveya Tennis Club upgrades. Here, the trio is joined by a few of the sports groups that wîll use the two facilities. Funding report stili to corne from TOWN on page A8 staff sct a price tag oi SI. 3 mnillion for the repairs, but revtsed it to $2.4 million i May after reasscssing thc cosîs. It now stands ai about $3 million as the Town included pedestrian linkages to Bronte Meadows Park and Milton District High School along with landscaping in uts final application. Milton staff haven't vet submitted a report tn I1511 n tîntil On liosi thc uiipli inîcnds to Icinc its one third share of the cosîs for the two projecis, v hicb will be part of the 2010 and 2011 capital budgets. Halton Conser-vative MP Lisa Raitt and Oakville Liberal MPP Kevîn Flynn announced the funding ai the John Tonelli Sports Centre Wcdnesday Titn Toiem ca/i bc i-cached ai t/i1anCpnil- t<)ncanadian(/tainpion. coin. K ~for great icsavings inI the MAYI'A®store. Flyer delivered to your door TODAY!MJ Quolitgj Iioenâed Ohild Cote Driop ini foi a touor onylime. no oppofrlment ne.octioy.0 ý- ý ý M~or more information on any of w 1our 24 Great Locations W Vi.-lt: 0011: 1 -866-607-PEEK Toddlert. Pteircoo Kinclergorten 8611 Esccirpmerit Way miLToN 905-875-2255 ou,