Fouir St George's Anglican Q Anglican Church of Canada 7051 Guelph Lise, Just North of Derry Road 905-878-1112 We invite you to worship with as: Sunday Family Worship 8:30 arn (refreshments before the service) Wodnesday 2:30 pin - "Exploring our Faith" Children ainsys welcome The Bey Susan Wells (905) 878-1112 KNOX~ Knox Preslbyterian Unified by Christ's love, we share Hîmn wîth the world" Joint Worship Services with St. Paul's United Church for July and August foin us Sundays in JuIy at St. PauI's: 10:3Oam WorshipService, Blending tradîtional & contemporary styes Pastor Howard Sullivan 170 Main St. E., Milton 905.878-6066f Mlary "Stftreet ÇRACEWAY CBAPTIST CHRCMH 1 103 Martin Street 905-878-1629 fPastor Walter H. Isaak Sunday, juIy l9th 9:50 arn: Family Bible Hour 11:00 arn: "What does it mean to be Born Again?" 6:00 pm "An Effective Witness" "Yau'll always tind a friend ai Graceway" FamiIy Bulidor HÎChristian Church A farnily-.ntegratied church OPEN HOUSE JUNE 191h FR1! LUNCHI Sunday Worship: 10:00 arn Nassagaweya Community Centre, 11264 Guelph Line Q Canemon St, Milton. (North of 15 00dm Road. 8 km le Hwy 401.) Tel: 519456-9201; 416-910485 Rev. Albrt Lee sunday worship: 4:OOprn service at 170 Main St. E. (Knox Ptesbytetîan Chutch) dîet talloiamg the service - eeyone îneicotvv! CURRENT SERIES. ORIGINS To KNOW WHERE YOU ARE GOING IT HELPS TO KNOW WHERE YOUVE COME FROM itation T i CHURCH 0F CHRIST 9850 Bnitannia Rd., Milton, On L9T 7E8, 905-875-2939 Worship & Communion 11:00 arn Sunday School Classes 10:00Oam Watch for "Key to Kingdom" Friday 8:30 arn, Vision TV I 4- nqtlican 317 Main SI. E 905-878-2411 www. gracechurchm iIton. Corm Sunday 8am Said Eucharist + quiet, traditional rite Sunday 10 arn Sung Eucharist __ + children's proarams ý Narslco e y cli t iesavibl Vaca Bibl 9 Camp Au at 10morins St George's Anglican Church <Anglican \etu'ork ini Canada) Rector: Rev. Ray D)avid Glenn Invites you to worship with us this Sunday et The Crossroads Centre in Burlington at 1295 North Service Rd. Nursery and Children's School Pro vided office( (905) 335-6222 MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3813 10:00 arn. - The Lord's Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday Sohool 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study Christ was once offered to bear the sin of nmany. - Hebrews 9.28 i itton BiNe Cf)t4veb[ t -2 Levinq Goa. Lovioq pople.' Sundays at 200 Main Street Summer Meeting limes Sundays ai 10:00 arn Coffee & Conversations ai 11:00 arn (we serve Tim Horions!) Ail are Welcome! 905-876-3586 Ine 1i0Ssaine of ALLA-H, the Compassigje, he Merci1u com *s yog tise narration of the ov-erwhelming(i.e. thse da y to,;Somefaces t/uit day, wîll be isamiliated,(. e. tse faces - Labouring(hard tai this tefe), weary(in the isereafter) spig oood wil there be/or them but a poisonous pLat Wisici wil neitiser nourisis nor avaitlagainst hnger IQura,, chaptera8 verses. 1-SI Read tise Qiur'an - tise Last Testament ,e te lolamlmfo@90riltonrnasjid.ea / www.WHYISLAM.Org / Caîl: 1-877- WHY ISLAM Thsmsaebogtt o VteMsi soito fMlo Sanciùary # MILTON SEVENTH-DAY ÀML CHURCH Invites y001 ao ur weekiy Sabbat services at Hugh Foster Hall, 43 Brown St. Milton Sot. 9:30 a. mo. -SabbatS Schaai Sat. 11:00 ar.. Divine Service BIBLE SCHOOL Discover the amazing Bible answers ta le's perpiexing questions, and thte secret ta a happy hie. P.0. Box 230t2, 55 Ontarno St., Milton, Ont., L9T 5B4. On te INTER NET, and www.ainazingfacts.aeglbbleschool/schootmainasp PASTOR: AI DaCesta 5t9-835-MI0 Far macre mfamnatian about ave service and prageave, ptease cal). TO Advertise in thie Church Di rectory please caîl COLLEEN GORMAN at 905-878-2341 ext. 211 cgorman@miltoncanadiancharnpioncom NEW LIFE CHURCH FOR GENERATIONS TO COME Su NDATS All Services in lthe Oidren & Youth Centre 9:00 AM -Evpress Wvnsls Service - Sunday Sebvol i enns nreruy 10:W AM - Fui! Worsitp Setvice - civand catiovers an sommiet ttoielays 6:30 PM - Evetote Wnstt.p Smeie - KOSe Ptuse & ee Praise Childrens'Ministri.sAveliebfrîin a#l Servk. WEDNEsDAYS Faily Nigh, 17.00 im b. 1 vxrrne Lffe i'outh 8124 Thompson Road South, Miltoin, ON L9T 2X5 Visit Us Online or coul Pastor Dan Rogge at 905 878 3358 16 -- i i l IM770