SAPPLEI Aejia Acceasories ~bns ni~a taîî b P ~ .Upholstery Repaira bt Cînabin zim tion Windshield Repairs MitnsCmuiyNesar Since 1860 c eknd Edition . 781 MAIN ST. #1 &82, 'jýiA Named Canada's Top Communty Newspaper www.miltancanadianchampian.carn MILTON 876-4785 with o kIWd. road rage case to go to trial A & E And the winners are... A~~~ ~ ~ ~ Merln MdaGoppbiainjVl,10N. 37 Frdy uy17 .'4 ags $.0 ini '.. TEED UP: The l4th annual Ladies Drive 4 Cancer fundraîsing tournamnent took ta the links of Granite Ridge Golf Club Tuesday afternaon. A total of 32 faursamnes teed up, with proceeds gaîng ta breast can- cer research. Here, Sandra Taylor celebrates sinkîng her putt an the i 8th hale. Development charge solution seems to satisf councillors, Mattamy By Tim Foran CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Regional council agrced unanimously Wednesday to approve an extra $8,000 chargc on rcsidential developers in north Oakville and new Milton. But the resolution passed also gave those developers 30 days to corne up with a way to convince residential developers in other parts of Hialion and non-residential huilders to share the costs, the majority of which cover roads and water and sewer pipes for non-residential devclopmnents. The compromise solution ihat united a fairly split council came alter a foul day of delegations and debate in front ut hun- dreds of housing industry workers bused in to watch the proceedings. A spokesper- son for Oakville-hased Mattamy, C anada's largesi homebuilder, said about 650 Mattamy employees, sub-contractors and builders attended regional headquarters. "l'm really pleased Halton council decided ta direct staff to take the time to get it right and with public consultation," said Mattamy president Peter Gîlgan fol- lowing the late afiernoon vote. "There seems to me, 1 really hope, to be an inten- tion to have some real dialogue." Halton Regional Chair Gary Carr said he was satisfied that council didn't vote to defer implementing the extra charges, but also allowed for developers to corne hack to the Region with their own suggested solution - one that won't have an impact on the property tax base. However, he said he would be surprised if the developmcnt community could achieve a consensus on splitting up the LIESA KORTMANN / METROLAND WEST MEDIA GOUP Waldemar Molendla was one of hundreds of spectators prntesting a develnpment charge recammrrendlatian at Haltan Regianal head- quarters in Oakville WVednesday. costs, as Regional staff have already Iooked for such a solution over the past six months. Two local environmental groups, OakvilleGreen and BurlingtonGreen, voiccd that same opinion and urged coun- cil to push through the charges and flot postpone a decision. Gilgan wouldn't speculate on the likeli- hood that the developers would reach an agreement. Immediate history would suggest, bow- ever, getting developers to split up the costs in what could be seen as a [airer man- ner will he difficuht to achieve. Hahtons two school boards recently passed their asee DEVELOPERS on page A3 FOR ALL AàUTO SERVICEji OUR SUM E VEH SERVICEà-% & cCOfaINN ..ol FOR MO E INOMTO CL 87 -92 0 DRO IN ATe 18CERCA For the air we breathe Il j