troin thc approximiatel' il the Town by the Ontario Lc Corporation each year -r from slot machines at Mob The Halton County (HCRR) on Guelph Line received $35.000 to assist its Sir Adam Beck Centre used to store vintage electri and operated by the non- organization. the Ontario Historical Association, the ously received $20.000 int t.lto pensesit asunde leln/um o t0he R e an to dA hw h St.8.88. 1.T , ,ans 8848 r o .ar 81tfl f w1 FTc48 &£zziing18ý f 8.118 95.300ds t89181111f c'118418 f18186, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hW end809 amista119 for88 coach« I.818811 4,118818.819 ý48,.9 811888 85111811L899C6.6~T t.ydo.tonbýan .452911151 518,8,8119r,1 114101 f or .188414 Io ses ath o r....811d808cIIl n oyqI,,.104 ost an f4888, 15.1111 H899îI1814l ~o18y 9.800 58.4 18111819.19 F88 08 '.18188 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T C88f 88 9868185, 81 tac 04. .810 .,. S81188 k.11. sh,888511891181 P 811106881. 8f 8 1,Op84, goa191 491814 88811 .1,~ 8.8881, 7.56 881118. 89588 511118199889881811118069141911 .4198856,11851.1180814Io C8»SmIe in. tr2.500 r8ttcrln 881118ng8 deeom t 89 88,11080188 8 -i. 81819 d 8 f8ea G.t 811 11110 9 1 8y84 888 , 8041158810811919. 4 181180181. *418, 181 Ss~ 561 1,21 89j111, ________________ 888151 t11158 8,1f111f1 981118 888141181 1111 09958 18191 18188 01111114A85014140 95.01 81085111à 541118,51.1.10 fer481.11414411401111611001 081o95888&412:3-1108119811918 m 610 M.:1 Te they 998,8,,00s8,5181 8881,f848 &o Rya fift-40.d. 91888an 886k1b81 Tfflid 187f 59 91411 41818perer taping 958 889 988 988818l day!18189 8911 4 199,.8. S8811f8 5 , 1888581888818 58,811 .888 958,,,,,,,,905Il888811 or 1888-3737 518111884,1 8282 54www.countryheritagepark.com1111 11 Milton Community Fu Weve neyer gearecti t ttunding) to U15,,IU). C income level," said Del Oxford, the outgoing Tim Foran can be reached at tJoranC4â.ni/- 0 citizen chair of the Towns community serv- nd cash awarded to local groups~ 5million givcn to iromn the lown last tati. 1 hc opcîation runs iccs advisory committcc, which rcvicwýAs tond O Z îttery and Gaming histonic railcars over 2 km of track. applications. -1 think that would be a night- ~ evenues generated Among other beneficiaries, the Milton mare to even assess." .awk Racetrack. Marlins Swim Team received about $8.000 Other big recipients of the spning/summer Radial Railway for new equipment. The Town also gave 13 round of MCF grants included the: o in Nassagaweya youths about $7.500 in total to compete in a Lorne Scots Milton Army Cadet Corps Z in construction of swimming championships in Montreal and ($8,989) a new car barn London, Ont. *Milton & District Horticultural Scoiety ic railcars. Owned Individual grants are given to Milton resi- ($7,800) . profit educational dents who need to travel to compete in a Milton Youth Soccer Club ($16,251) 'l Electric Railway provincial, national or international amateur - Stags Basketball Club ($7,598) HCRR had previ- sports or leisure events. Tbe funding isn't a Milton Speed Skating ($7.974) 1 nunicipal funding given to individuals based on family income. a Nortb Halton Girls Hockey Association Y' By Tim Foran CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF A vintage railway and museum and comn- petitive swimmers were two of the big win- ners among recipients of a total of $ 150,000 in municipal grants approved by town coun- cil recently The grants were given tbrough the Milton Community Fund, wbicb disperses about $350.000 annually to community groups and individuals. Money for the fond comes 1 ý