COMMUNITY Searching Geocaching an adventuristý hobby By Ryan Bolton SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION They can be found under rocks, beneath tbe sprawling brancbes of a maple tree and even under bridges. People traverse across the globe to search for tbem. using only tbeir global posi- îioning systems (GPS) and the co-ordinates of tbe listed treasure. Tbey sift, bike and explore until they [mnd their coveted booty: a geocache. Its a hobby that has rcous îlîtsnic Milton resident Peter Ncar and bis family, and many more like bim in Halton. "You find a lot of new tbings that you did- n't know existed," bie said. 'In Milton, for example, there are ail kinds of trails out there tbat aren't a part of tbe Bruce Trail, nec- essarily, just trails put out there by Conservation Halton that I didn't even know existed before." Geocacbing is the adventurists hobby of eboice as a giant outdoor treasure bunt. Across 100 countries and alI seven conti- nents, entbusiasts bide geocaches - usually consisting of a waterproof box witb a pencil and log book and sometimes dollar store trinkets, like stickers - and post uts co-ordi- nates on websités like geocacbing.comn for other enthusiasts to discover using a GPS. Witb more tban 691,000 active geocaches around the world, about 1,500 can be lound in Halton. Using bis BlackBerrys built-in GPS unit, Near started small by finding a couple of neigbbourbood caches in Milton. He was booked. He then decided to take bis two daughters, Jaimee, 3, and Katîyn, 5, to go wbat tbey like to caîl -treasure bunting." "Tbey got a real kick out of it and tben started asking me on the weekends, 'Cao we go treasure bunting again?"' said Near. PHOIO COURTESY 0F THE ONTARIO GEOCACHING ASSOCIATION OUT AND ABOUT Local geocache enthusiasts, from Ieft, Paul Bruch, Joshua Becker and Morgan Becker enjoy a successful search near Hwy. 7 and Trafalgar Road. "Geocacbîng gives you an opportunity bo get out of the bouse and do somcthing wutb your kids, and its amazingjust how much of this is going on around you for years and you don't even know about il." lFor Anne Hogan, informiation officer for tbe Ontario Gcocacbing Association, gco- caching is about the advcnture. Starting in 2003, Hogan bas traveled hy car down to Florida twice stopping at every state to bunt for a geocache. Ever since tbe GPS becamec available to tbe public in 2000, tbe new pastime of [mnd- ing bidden treasure exploded around the world. It bas been only recently, in tbe last couple of years, bowever, tbat geocacbing bas grown exponentially, said Hogan. Anotber local geocache entbusiast, Paul Brucb cnjoys exploring tbe outdoors, espe- cially wben bes not in tbe arca. By ustng tbe GPS units, Brucb bas also pîcked up somne biandy traveling skills. 'Ibe GPS skills IJvc lcarned tbrougb usîng it in tbe field bave given me a confidence so tbat wbcen usîng îny GPS to travel on non-geocacbing trips, I arn able to confidcntly use it to navigatc to my destination," bie saîd. As work calîs for some traveling, Near enjoys bunting for cacbes in far off places like Gerinany. Hc even bas a programi on bis BlackBerry callcd Geocacbc Navigator, wbicb sbows bim tbe closest 10 cacbes rela- tive to bis location. 'Tbere is usually some- tbing within a kilometre that you can go and find," bie said of traveling overseas. "Ifs an interesting way to go out and discover somne of tbe arcas you are traveling in for work. and iî bcats going frorn office to botel." Near lound a travcl bug in Milton - a toy wîîh a p~in code on a dog tag, wbicb are bîdl den in sonme geocachecs - and took it with huaii to Municb, (Cerimaniý wberc be biid ii. Because it bas a pin code, the travel bug can bc îrackced on-line. 'iince then, Near lias watched îî travel to C'olognc, Paris and esen jumip continents to Darwin, Australia. Itfs advised by tbe Ontario Gcocacbîng Association not to use objccîs thai look likc bornbs for tbe caches and to refrain fromi putting alcobol, food or illegal substances witbîn one. Geocacbe aficionados sbould also inake sure tbat a bidulen gcocacbe docs- nit negatively impact tbe environmient, or is placed on private property witbout consent.